= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 29-09-2015 18:00 − Mittwoch 30-09-2015 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Analyzing Black Hat URL Shorteners ***
Hackers are known to use URL shortening services to obfuscate their real landing pages. It's very effective in clickbait scams on social networks. Some hackers think that using URL shorteners in site injections makes it less likely to be ..
*** Updated PClock Ransomware Still Comes Up Short ***
In recent years, ransomware families are often glamorized as being some of the most dangerous types of malware. They've certainly caused a wealth of damage to end users with some of the ..
*** New Tactic Finds RAT Operators Fast ***
Low tolerance for latency makes RAT operators less likely to use proxies, easier to track back home.
*** Tricks for DLL analysis ***
Very often I get questions on how to perform analysis on DLL files. The reason being that it is easier to perform behavioral analysis on executables, either using external sandboxes or a vmware with tools like the ones from the Sysinternals ..
*** Honeywell Experion PKS Directory Traversal Vulnerability ***
*** Mitsubishi Electric MELSEC FX-Series Controllers Denial of Service ***
*** Baxter SIGMA Spectrum Infusion System Vulnerabilities ***
*** RSA Web Threat Detection Bugs Let Remote Authenticated Users Obtain the AnnoDB Password and Local Users Gain Root Privileges ***
Two vulnerabilities were reported in RSA Web Threat Detection. A local user can obtain root privileges on the target system. A remote authenticated user can obtain passwords on the target system.
*** RSA Certificate Manager and Registration Manager Input Validation Flaw in OneStep Component Lets Remote Users Traverse the Directory to View Files on the Target System ***
A vulnerability was reported in RSA Certificate Manager and RSA Registration Manager. A remote user can view files on the target system.
*** freeswitch Heap Overflow ***
A carefully crafted json string supplied to cJSON_Parse will trigger a
heap overflow with user controlled data. The underlying vulnerability occurs in the parse_string function.
*** Kontodaten via App ergaunert: Salzburgerin geschädigt ***
*** WordPress Malware - VisitorTracker Campaign Update ***
For the last 3 weeks we have been tracking a malware campaign that has been compromising thousands of WordPress sites with the VisitorTracker malware code. We initially ..
*** Companies leave vulnerabilities unpatched for up to 120 days ***
Kenna studied the proliferation of non-targeted attacks and companies' ability to mitigate these threats through the timely remediation of security vulnerabilities ..
*** Security Advisory - Multiple Vulnerabilities in Huawei FusionServer Products ***
*** Multiple vulnerabilities in Typo3 extensions ***
*** Pwn The Docs: Vulnerability in readthedocs.org ***
If youre not familiar with readthedocs.org its a really popular place for developers to post documentation on their open source code. Its a really great platform and we in fact use it regularly. Honestly, Ive struggled with whether I want to release this vulnerability because its maintained by a few dudes ..
*** The Cost of a Data Breach: How Harmful Can a Data Breach Be? ***
There is this belief that businesses that have suffered a data security breach very often do not recover. But is that really so? What does it take to actually destroy a company with a data breach? Before we go to the analysis, ..
*** That Big Security Fix for Credit Cards Won't Stop Fraud ***
The new chip cards and readers wont stop card fraud but will simply shift it to a different area.
*** User Education, Carrot vs. Stick ***
It's a perennial problem, after hours of presentations, online training, reminder emails, poster campaigns and memos, the phone rings, and a senior member of staff has opened a malicious email attachment, ..
*** Sicherheitslücken gestopft: SAP macht HANA sicherer ***
SAP hat im Mai und April dieses Jahres zwölf Sicherheitslücken in der In-Memory-Plattform HANA geschlossen. Onapsis hat die Lücken erst jetzt gebündelt offengeleg, geht aus einer am gestrigen Dienstag veröffentlichten Sicherheitswarnung von Onapsis hervor.
*** Europol: Cyber-Kriminelle werden immer aggressiver ***
In Den Haag beraten 300 Experten von Europol und Interpol über wirksame Strategien gegen die Internet-Kriminalität.
*** Russian hacker, nabbed in Spain, cops 4+ years for Citadel botnet ***
Should have stayed under the skirt of Mother Russia. Just a thought Dimitry Belorossov - a Russian cyber-criminal who used the Citadel banking trojan - has been ..
*** New 'Ghost Push' Variants Sport Guard Code; Malware Creator Published Over 600 Bad Android Apps ***
Halloween is still a month from now and yet Android users are already being haunted by the previously reported 'Ghost Push' malware, which roots ..
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Montag 28-09-2015 18:00 − Dienstag 29-09-2015 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Hacker nutzen Imgur-Lücke beim Angriff auf Reddit und 8chan ***
Eine Lücke in einem beliebten Bilder-Hoster wie Imgur kann fatale Folgen haben. Wie im vorliegenden Fall, als Hacker über Bande die Nutzer von Reddit und 8chan ins Visier nahmen.
*** Revisiting Apple IPC: (1) Distributed Objects ***
Earlier this year I gave a talk at the inaugural Jailbreak Security Summit entitled Auditing and Exploiting Apple IPC [ slides | video ]. As part of my research for that talk I wanted to find at least one bug involving each of the available IPC mechanisms on OS X/iOS; many of which remain unexplored and poorly-documented from ..
*** Regaining Control Over Edge ***
Getting stuck in a loop is no fun especially when it makes your browser unusable. Microsoft Edge has a bigger chance of that happening due to its default settings.
*** CryptoWall's 'Customer Journey' Sounds Like A Real Nightmare ***
The latest episode of Radiolab has what is without a doubt the best malware victim interview I've ever heard. Inna Simone's computer was infected by CryptoWall late last year and based on her telling of it, the worst part of the experience was trying to buy the Bitcoin she needed to pay off the extortionists.
*** ZDI-15-451: InduSoft Web Studio Remote Agent Remote Code Execution Vulnerability ***
*** VeraCrypt Patched Against Two Critical TrueCrypt Flaws ***
Two privilege escalation vulnerabilities in the last TrueCrypt build were discovered by James Forshaw of Google Project Zero, and patched in VeraCrypt.
*** Oysters tablet comes preinstalled with Trojanized Android firmware ***
Keeping your mobile device free of malware requires intentional care, but sometimes even that is not enough. As Dr. Web researchers recently pointed out, a device you buy from ..
*** NodeBB v0.8.2 - Client Side Cross Site Web Vulnerability ***
*** Lebenswichtige medizinische Geräte ungeschützt im Internet ***
Herzschrittmacher, Infusionsgeräte, Magnetresonanztomographen: Sicherheitsforscher haben Zehntausende medizinische Geräte entdeckt, die über das Internet leicht angegriffen werden können - weil sie meist noch mit Windows XP laufen. Die Forscher setzten Defibrillatoren und MRTs als Honeypots ein.
*** Abusing GDI for ring0 exploit primitives ***
Not long ago I came across a certain font related vulnerability, it was a 0day being exploited in the wild. The vulnerability was in a driver I was somewhat familiar with ATFMD.SYS.
*** Botnet preying on Linux computers delivers potent DDoS attacks ***
XOR DDoS bombards as many as 20 targets per day, sometimes with 150 GBpS of traffic.
*** There is an app commandlet for that ***
Allegedly dubbed as Microsoft's post-exploitation language powershell is Microsoft attempt to provide good command-line interface for administrators, developers and power users. Despite being 8 years old it only recently started getting widespread adoption with enterprises moving on to Windows 7 and 2008 environments.
*** Reverse Engineering Virtual Machine Protected Binaries ***
In code obfuscation, a virtual machine is a mechanism used to execute a different instruction set than the one used by machine that runs the program. For example, a virtual machine can support executing the ARM instruction set on a 32-bit x86 architecture. Virtual machines used in code obfuscation are completely ..
*** Disclosing Vulnerabilities, Using Data Dumps & Sharing Threat Intelligence ***
In recent years, there has been an explosion in the number of information security conferences held around the world. Despite this, the weeks leading up to Black Hat in Las Vegas are still reserved for some of the most significant security announcements, advancements and hacks of ..
*** ATM Skimmer Gang Firebombed Antivirus Firm ***
Its notable whenever cybercime spills over into real-world, physical attacks. This is the story of a Russian security firm whose operations were pelted with Molotov cocktail attacks after exposing an organized crime gang that developed and sold malicious software to steal cash from ATMs.
*** Warning: Malicious emails claiming to be from Doctor Web ***
Virus makers often use names of well-known anti-virus companies to gain their victims trust and make them install some malicious program on their computers. At the end of September, cybercriminals employed this method to distribute a dangerous Trojan designed ..
*** Security Advisory 2015-01: Vulnerability in OTRS iPhoneHandle interface allows user with valid session privilege escalation ***
September 29, 2015 - Please read carefully and check if the version of your OTRS system is affected by this vulnerability. Please send information regarding vulnerabilities in OTRS to: security(a)otrs.org PGP Key pub 2048R/9C227C6B 2011-03-21 [expires at: 2016-03-02] uid OTRS Security Team GPG Fingerprint E330 4608 DA6E 34B7 1551 C244 7F9E 44E9 9C22
*** Security Advisory 2015-02: Scheduler Process ID File Access ***
September 29, 2015 - Please read carefully and check if the version of your OTRS system is affected by this vulnerability. Please send information regarding vulnerabilities in OTRS to: security(a)otrs.org PGP Key pub 2048R/9C227C6B 2011-03-21 [expires at: 2016-03-02] uid OTRS Security Team GPG Fingerprint E330 4608 DA6E 34B7 1551 C244 7F9E 44E9 9C22
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Freitag 25-09-2015 18:00 − Montag 28-09-2015 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Fake online Avast scanner ***
Thanks to a tip from a friend, we came across a fake online scanner that abuses the good name of Avast. The idea to get you to visit this site is by waiting for someone to make a typo and end up at facebooksecuryti(dot)com. The site shows a ..
*** Compromised WordPress Campaign - Spyware Edition ***
The Zscaler security research team started investigating multiple WordPress related security events earlier this month and came across a new widespread compromised WordPress campaign leading to the download of unwanted applications. This has been briefly covered by dynamoo and has been reported by some users on official WordPress forums.
*** Cisco TelePresence Server Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerability ***
A vulnerability in the web interface of Cisco TelePresence Server could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to conduct a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack against the user of the web interface.
*** Banks: Card Breach at Hilton Hotel Properties ***
Multiple sources in the banking industry say they have traced a pattern of credit card fraud that suggests hackers have compromised point-of-sale registers in gift shops and restaurants at a large number of Hilton Hotel and franchise properties across the United States. Hilton says it is investigating the claims.
*** Splunk Input Validation Flaw in Splunk Web Lets Remote Conduct Cross-Site Scripting Attacks ***
*** McAfee Enterprise Security Manager Filename Processing Flaw Lets Remote Authenticated Users Execute Arbitrary Commands on the Target System ***
*** Android Security Symposium - Videos online ***
The Android Security Symposium was a huge success and we are happy that the Videos are available online now. Thank you to Usmile for making this possible!
*** Yahoo! Launches Free Web Application Security Scanner ***
Yahoo! has open-sourced Gryffin - a Web Application Security Scanner - in an aim to improve the safety of the Web for everyone. Currently in its beta, Project Gryffin has made available on Github under the BSD-style license that Yahoo! has been using for a ..
*** Android 6.0: Wie Google den Nutzern die Kontrolle zurückgeben will ***
Das neue Berechtigungsmodell von "Marshmallow" bringt signifikante Verbesserungen
*** Git-1.9.5 ssh-agent.exe Buffer Overflow ***
*** Kim Jong Un: Ein Mobilfunknetz nur für mich ***
Ein eigenes Mobilfunknetz für die nordkoreanische Führung: Was nach einem merkwürdigen Statussymbol klingt, soll die Sicherheit der Regierungskommunikation in dem abgeschotteten Land erhöhen.
*** How I hacked my IP camera, and found this backdoor account ***
The time has come. I bought my second IoT device - in the form of a cheap IP camera. As it was the cheapest among all others, my expectations regarding security was low. But this camera was still able to surprise me. Maybe I will disclose the camera model used in my hack in this blog later, but first ..
*** 332M Kick Ass pirates get asses kicked by scareware ass-kickers ***
Welcome to internet technical support. Please give us your computer The worlds most popular pirate torrent site KickAss Torrents is serving scareware advertising, helping dodgy call centre operators con users into handing over remote access to their machines.
*** HTTP Evasions Explained - Part 3 - Chunked Transfer ***
This is the third article in a series which will explain the evasions done by HTTP Evader. It covers the failure of several firewalls (and some browsers) to support the Transfer-Encoding chunked in the correct way. For example it is possible to bypass ..
*** Mobile Ad Networks as DDoS Vectors: A Case Study ***
CloudFlare servers are constantly being targeted by DDoSes. We see everything from attempted DNS reflection attacks to L7 HTTP floods involving large botnets.
*** Android-Sicherheit: Fehlende Updates als Achillesferse ***
Hersteller nehmen ihre Verantwortung nicht wahr - Zeit für die Politik zu handeln
*** Microsoft: Weniger als 1 Prozent aller Windows-PCs mit Malware infiziert ***
Dem Leiter von Microsofts Antiviren-Abteilung zufolge finden sich lediglich auf 0,6 Prozent aller vom ihm untersuchten ..
*** Saudi Arabia: They liked Hacking Team so much they tried to buy the company ***
Might be nice to avoid new spy tech export laws The Saudi Arabian government came close to buying a majority stake in Italian surveillance software firm Hacking Team last year.
*** Cybercrime-Bekämpfung: "Kooperation ist der Schlüssel" ***
Interpol-Direktor Noboru Nakatani sprach sich am Montag in Wien für eine bessere Zusammenarbeit zwischen Behörden und Wirtschaft bei der Bekämpfung von Cyberkriminalität aus.
*** (Angebliche) Sicherheitslücke: Remote Code Execution durch infizierte Winrar-Archive ***
Selbst entpackende Archive können mit einfachen Mitteln mit Schadcode infiziert werden, der dann auf dem Rechner der Nutzer ausgeführt wird. Die Winrar-Entwickler geben jedoch Entwarnung und kritisieren die Veröffentlichung.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 24-09-2015 18:00 − Freitag 25-09-2015 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Google's Three Tips for Sabotaging the Cybercrime Economy ***
In a broad study, a team of Googlers and academic researchers suggest attacking the cybercrime supply chain.The post Google's Three Tips for Sabotaging the Cybercrime Economy appeared first on WIRED.
*** Facebook-Betrüger locken mit Dislike-Button ***
Klicken Sie hier, wenn Sie als Erster den neuen Dislike-Knopf testen wollen: So funktioniert eine neue Betrugsmasche auf Facebook. Auf den Link sollten Sie aber nicht klicken.
*** Multiple XSS vulnerabilities in FortiManager GUI ***
*** Microsoft puts a bullet in blundering D-Links leaked key that made malware VIPs on PCs ***
Private code-signing cert revoked at last Microsoft has finally revoked D-Links leaked code-signing key, which gave malware the red carpet treatment on millions of Windows PCs.
*** SSL Malvertising Campaign Targets Top Adult Sites ***
A long running malvertising campaign hits major adult sites with a carefully crafted advert.
*** Cryptowar: Hintertür für verschlüsselte Smartphone-Daten gesucht ***
Experten haben im Auftrag der US-Regierung darüber nachgedacht, wie Behörden Zugang zu verschlüsselten Daten auf Smartphones bekommen können - und vier Optionen entwickelt. Doch alle bringen große technische Probleme mit sich.
*** Security: Cookies können Sicherheitslücke sein ***
Alle gängigen Browser sind über manipulierte Cookies angreifbar. Angreifer können mit einem Man-in-the-Middle-Angriff vertrauliche Nutzerdaten auslesen.
*** Windows 10 IoT: Verschlüsselung für das Internet der Dinge ***
Nutzer von IoT-Core können ihre Daten künftig mit Bitlocker verschlüsseln und Elektromotoren steuern. Ausserdem kann das Betriebssystem jetzt im Paket mit dem Raspberry-Pi 2 bestellt werden.
*** Aktuelle Masche: Spam über Bande ***
Durch den Missbrauch von Beschwerde-Formularen oder Bug-Tracking-Systemen umgehen Spammer die Spam-Filter - auch die mühsam antrainierten der Anwender.
*** Endress+Hauser Fieldcare/CodeWrights HART Comm DTM XML Injection Vulnerability ***
This advisory provides mitigation details for two vulnerabilities within the Endress+Hauser HART DTM software libraries.
*** Belkin vergisst PGP-Schlüssel in Lichtschalter-Firmware ***
Ein Lichtschalter mit Linux-Firmware. Praktisch, dachte sich Linux-Kernelentwickler Matthew Garrett und warf einen Blick auf die Software. Was er fand, überraschte ihn allerdings sehr: Den PGP-Key, mit dem Belkin seine Firmware unterschreibt.
*** l+f: Ormandy auf Killing Spree ***
Nach NOD32 und Kaspersky ist nun Avast an der Reihe.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 23-09-2015 18:00 − Donnerstag 24-09-2015 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software SSH Version 2 RSA-Based User Authentication Bypass Vulnerability ***
A vulnerability in the SSH version 2 (SSHv2) protocol implementation of Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to bypass user authentication.
*** Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for Linux and Mac OS X Privilege Escalation Vulnerability ***
A vulnerability in the code responsible for the self-updating feature of Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for Linux and the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for Mac OS X could allow an authenticated, local ..
*** Bidding for Breaches, Redefining Targeted Attacks ***
A growing community of private and highly-vetted cybercrime forums is redefining the very meaning of "targeted attacks." These bid-and-ask forums match crooks who are looking for access to specific data, resources or systems within major corporations with hired muscle who are up to the task or who already have access to those resources.
*** Custom Sidebars - XSS ***
*** Multiple vulnerabilities in Kaseya Virtual System Administrator ***
*** Healthcare Organizations Twice As Likely To Experience Data Theft ***
Bad guys very willing to invest in attacking medical data, but healthcare not very willing to invest in defending it.
*** Chinese Actors Use '3102' Malware in Attacks on US Government and EU Media ***
On May 6 and May 11, 2015, Unit 42 observed two targeted attacks, the first against the U.S. government and the second on a European media company. Threat actors delivered the same document via ..
*** An Update on Nuclear (Reverse) Engineering ***
Although Angler continues to be the leading exploit kit, Nuclear is a significant threat to web surfers and seems to have been very active lately. ThreatLabZ recently encountered a Nuclear campaign originating from a variety of compromised ..
*** Quaverse RAT: Remote-Access-as-a-Service ***
Quaverse RAT or QRAT is a fairly new Remote Access Tool (RAT) introduced in May 2015. This RAT is marketed as an undetectable Java RAT. As you might expect from a RAT, the tool is capable of grabbing passwords, ..
*** UltraEdit 22.20 Buffer Overflow ***
*** Fingerabdrücke von Millionen US-Bediensteten gestohlen ***
Eine China zugeschriebene Hacker-Attacke auf die US-Bundespersonalbehörde OPM war noch schwerer als ohnehin schon gedacht. Demnach verschafften sich die Cyber-Angreifer neben ..
*** Tracking Administrator Sessions in Windows Environments ***
Tracking users with privileged access is a critical task in your security policy (SANS Critical Security Control #12). If the key point is to restrict the number of 'power users' to the lowest, it's not always easy. Most of them ..
*** Exploiting Corporate Printers ***
Printer exploitation and vulnerability in printers are serious problems, similar to those faced with computers and other hard drive devices, since they are connected to the network like other devices. Nowadays, most corporate offices or organizations ..
*** General HTML5 Security ***
HTML5 is a living standard and new features are being added as we speak. New features will continue to arrive and browsers will keep becoming better and better at supporting them. However, those new features also bring with them new opportunities for ..
*** XcodeGhost: Apple veröffentlicht "Top 25" der infizierten Apps ***
Apple hat die 25 populärsten unter den kompromittierten Apps genannt, für manche ist bereits ein Update erhältlich. Die Einschätzungen zur Gesamtzahl der durch XcodeGhost betroffenen iOS-Programme variieren weiterhin deutlich.
*** Kovter malware learns from Poweliks with persistent fileless registry update ***
A variant of the Kovter malware is the first to use Trojan.Poweliks' pioneering tricks by residing only in the registry to evade detection.
*** One Year After Shellshock, Are Your Servers and Devices Safer? ***
Security researchers were the first to respond during the Shellshock attacks of 2014. After news of the fatal flaw in the prevalent Bash (Bourne Again Shell)- found in most versions of the Unix and Linux operating systems as well as in Mac OSX - was released, ..
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 22-09-2015 18:00 − Mittwoch 23-09-2015 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Alexander Riepl
*** Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for Windows Privilege Escalation Vulnerability ***
*** Bypass Developed for Microsoft Memory Protection, Control Flow Guard ***
A researcher at Bromium is expected at DerbyCon to disclose a memory corruption mitigation bypass of Microsoft Control Flow Guard.
*** Hack Brief: Mobile Manager's Security Hole Would Let Hackers Wipe Phones ***
The vulnerability in the SAP Afaria mobile management system affected all mobile phones used by 6,300 companies.
*** Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerability ***
*** Making our users unlearn what we taught them, (Wed, Sep 23rd) ***
Remember back in the ancient days, when macro viruses were rampant, and we security geeks instructed our flock of virus scared users to never click on a .DOC attachment in an email, but that a .PDF was perfectly fine? Fast forward a couple ..
*** Hackers upload bot code to Imgur in 8Chan attack ***
A nasty vulnerability in Imgur was used by attackers to hide malicious code in images, commandeer visitors browsers, and hose the 4Chan and 8Chan image ..
*** New security features in HPs printers can detect rogue BIOS and firmware modifications ***
HP refers to this capability as "self-healing security," but its actually a set of code integrity checking mechanisms that security researchers have asked embedded ..
*** Kaspersky: Mo Unpackers, Mo Problems. ***
As well as fuzzing, I've been auditing and reviewing the design, resulting in identifying multiple major flaws that Kaspersky are actively working on resolving. These issues affect everything from network intrusion detection, ssl interception ..
*** PHP Malware Finder ***
PHP-malware-finder does its very best to detect obfuscated/dodgy code as well as files using PHP functions often used in malwares/webshells. ... Detection is performed by crawling the filesystem and testing files against a set of YARA rules. Yes, its that simple!
*** .htaccess Tricks in Global.asa Files ***
As you might know a lot of hacks use Apache configuration .htaccess files to override default web site behavior: add conditional redirects, create virtual paths (e.g mod_rewrite), auto-append code to PHP scripts, etc. In the world of IIS/ASP there is also an equivalent - Global.asa ..
*** XCodeGhost iOS app infection toll rises to FOUR THOUSAND ***
The number of XCodeGhost-infected iOS apps, initially pegged at 39, has exploded to more than 4,000. ... The Register has asked FireEye for the names of some of the prominent affected ..
*** iOS 9: Erneut Umgehung der Gerätesperre möglich ***
Neues Betriebssystem, neuer Trick: Erneut wurde ein Lockscreen-Bug entdeckt, mit dem der Zugriff auf Daten von iPhone & Co. auch ohne Eingabe von PIN-Code oder Fingerabdruckfreigabe möglich ist.
*** Security: Lenovo sammelt seit fast einem Jahr Nutzerdaten ***
Ein dritter Fall von fraglichem Umgang mit Nutzerdaten ist bei Lenovo bekanntgeworden. Auf Geräten der Thinkpad-, Thinkcentre- und Thinkstation-Modellreihen kann sich Lenovo-Software befinden, die seit fast einem Jahr das Nutzerverhalten beobachtet.
*** Firefox 41 ist da: Mehr Sicherheit und Instant Messaging ***
*** Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in iTop ***
High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab discovered vulnerability in iTop, which can be exploited to perform Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks against web application users. iTop is a critical application, which is used to cover the entire set of ITIL processes. Successful attack on this web ..
*** ENISA Cyber Europe 2014 - After Action Report ***
ENISAs After Action Report of the pan-European cybersecurity exercise Cyber Europe 2014 (CE2014) was approved by the EU Member States and gives a high-level overview of the complex cybersecurity exercise that was carried out in 2014. The full after action report includes an engaging action plan which ENISA and Member States are committed to implement.
*** Open-Xchange Security Advisory 2015-09-23 ***
Vulnerability Details: Dialogs for printing content were vulnerable to execute injected script code at object properties that get printed. Risk: Malicious script code can be executed within a users context. This can lead to session hijacking ..
*** Apple will betroffene Nutzer über XcodeGhost-Apps informieren ***
Der iPhone-Hersteller hat eine 'Top 25'-Liste der infizierten Apps angekündigt und will Angriffen in XcodeGhost-Manier die Grundlage entziehen. Nutzer sollen zudem in Kenntnis gesetzt werden, wenn sie kompromittierte Apps heruntergeladen haben.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Montag 21-09-2015 18:00 − Dienstag 22-09-2015 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Alexander Riepl
*** Leaked D-Link security key allows hackers to disguise malware as legit ***
A leak of a major technology companys security key has been discovered, allowing hackers to convince Windows that their malware is legit.
While the key expired in early September, that still means that potential cyber-criminals had six months with which to sign their malware with D-Link's leaked key and bypass Microsoft Windows security measures by masquerading as a trusted piece of software.
*** Apple watchOS2 Includes Host of Code-Execution Patches ***
Apple watchOS2 arrived with a host of security patches, including fixes for more than a dozen code-execution bugs.
*** How Exploit Kit Operators are Misusing Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange ***
Feedback from the Trend Micro Smart Protection Network has allowed us to discover that the notorious Angler and Nuclear exploit kits have included the latest Flash vulnerability (CVE-2015-5560) in their regular update. This means that systems with Adobe Flash Player and earlier are vulnerable; however users running the latest version of Flash ( are not affected.
*** Swiss Advertising network compromised and distributing a Trojan ***
On September 11, 2015, MELANI / GovCERT.ch got informed by security researcher Kafeine about a popular advertising network in Switzerland that obviously got compromised by cybercriminals, leading to an exploit kit called Niteris. ... While investigating the incident, we noticed that the Exploit Kit that was injected into the Ad network was only serving malware when the visitor had a German or French User-Agent (HTTP Header Accept-Language).
*** Xen Security Advisory 142 - libxl fails to honour readonly flag on disks with qemu-xen ***
Callers of libxl can specify that a disk should be read-only to the guest. However, there is no code in libxl to pass this information to qemu-xen (the upstream-based qemu); and indeed there is no way in qemu to make a disk read-only. ... Malicious guest administrators or (in some situations) users may be able to write to supposedly read-only disk images.
*** NCSC publishes revised ICT security guidelines for web applications ***
In February 2012 the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) published the ICT security guidelines for web applications, a guide to developing, administering and providing web applications and the associated infrastructure more securely. The guidelines are broadly applicable to ICT solutions based on web applications.
*** Cisco Spark Mobile Application Man-in-the-Middle Vulnerability ***
A vulnerability in the Cisco Spark mobile application could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to perform a man-in-the-middle attack against the affected device.
*** HOW TO: Setting up Encrypted Communications Channels in Oracle Database ***
In this article, I will explain how to set up an encrypted communications channel in Oracle Database. This is the third in a series of blog posts Ive published about encryption as it relates to databases.
*** IBM Security Bulletins ***
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java SDK affect Tivoli Workload Scheduler (CVE-2015-0478 and others) ***
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in RC4 stream cipher affects IBM Algorithmics One Core, Algo Risk Application, and Counterparty Credit Risk (CVE-2015-2808) ***
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in NTP, Hivex, glibc, libuser, BIND affect IBM SmartCloud Provisioning for IBM Software Virtual Appliance ***
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities affect IBM Emptoris Strategic Supply Management Platform, Emptoris ***
*** IBM Security Bulletin: OpenSSH vulnerability affects IBM WebSphere Cast Iron ***
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerability with Diffie-Hellman ciphers may affect IBM Algorithmics One Core, Algo Risk Application, and Counterparty Credit Risk (CVE-2015-4000) ***
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in Apache Struts affects SAN Volume Controller and Storwize Family (CVE-2015-1831) ***
*** Security Bulletin: Venom vulnerability affects IBM Flex System Manager (FSM) (CVE-2015-3456) ***
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in IBM Java SDK affects IBM SAN Volume Controller and Storwize Family (CVE-2015-0488, CVE-2015-2808, CVE-2015-1916, CVE-2015-0204) ***
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Freitag 18-09-2015 18:00 − Montag 21-09-2015 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: Robert Waldner
*** Unconventional Malvertising Attack Uses New Tricks ***
Cyber criminals are creative when using their creative, as seen in this malvertising campaign experimenting with new obfuscation tricks.
*** Cisco Unity Connection Web Interface SQL Injection Vulnerability ***
A vulnerability in the web interface of Cisco Unity Connection (UC) could allow an authenticated, remote attacker to impact the confidentiality of the system by executing arbitrary SQL queries.
*** Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Denial of Service Vulnerability ***
A vulnerability in the DHCP version 6 (DHCPv6) server implementation of Cisco IOS Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to cause a denial of service (DoS) condition.
*** DSA-3361 qemu - security update ***
Several vulnerabilities were discovered in qemu, a fast processoremulator.
*** Insistent router botnet ***
Not so long ago, monitoring attackers in our telnet honeypots helped reveal an interesting botnet composed of ASUS brand home routers. A botnet trying to log into our SSH honeypot running on Turris routers most frequently in the last two weeks is a botnet whose IP addresses, according to Shodan, often have one common characteristic: they respond with cookie AIROS_SESSIONID on port 80. This cookie points at AirOS running on Ubiquiti airRouter.
*** Harman-Kardon Uconnect Vulnerability ***
This advisory is a follow-up to the ICS-ALERT titled ICS-ALERT-15-203-01 FCA Uconnect Vulnerability that was published July 22, 2015, on the NCCIC/ICS-CERT web site. This advisory provides mitigation details for an unauthorized remote access to Fiat-Chrysler Automobile US (FCA US) LLC Uconnect telematics infotainment system.
*** Deutsche Cyber-Sicherheitsorganisation DCSO gegründet ***
Vier deutsche DAX-Konzerne wollen sich in Deutschland um die Cyber-Sicherheit kümmern. Volkswagen, Allianz, BASF und Bayer gründen einen eigenen Sicherheits-Dienstleister.
*** AVG Antivirus Plans to Collect & Sell Your Personal Data to Advertisers ***
We at The Hacker News are big fans of Security Software - The first thing we install while setting our Computers and Devices. Thanks to Free Security Software that protects Internet users without paying for their security. But, Remember: Nothing comes for FREE "Free" is just a relative term, as one of the worlds most popular anti-virus companies is now admitting.
*** Certificate Transparency: Symantec stellt falsches Google-Zertifikat aus ***
Offenbar zu Testzwecken ist von Symantec unberechtigterweise ein gültiges TLS-Zertifikat für Google.com ausgestellt worden. Entdeckt hat Google das über die Logs des Certificate-Transparency-Systems.
*** Brief survey on methods for attacking Tor hidden service ***
cently, MIT published an article for their recent work of identifying the hidden service of Tor by circuit fingerprinting with website fingerprinting to eventually trace down the hidden service users. This paper has been discussed on reddit and many other forums, and the question that whether Tor can be compromised becomes hot again. Here I want to have a brief overview of recent research on the methods and attempts for attacking Tor hidden services over the past years.
*** SYNful Knock ***
Introduction On 15 September 2015, FireEye published information about potentially compromised Cisco routers under the name SYNful Knock. As soon as Shadowserver became aware of these potential compromises, Shadowserver and Cisco worked together and cooperated to scan the internet to detect this affected routers to allow a more accurate notification of the affected end-users.
*** Inside Target Corp., Days After 2013 Breach ***
In December 2013, just days after a data breach exposed 40 million customer debit and credit card accounts, Target Corp. hired security experts at Verizon to probe its networks for weaknesses. The results of that confidential investigation -- until now never publicly revealed -- confirm what pundits have long suspected: Once inside Targets network, there was nothing stop attackers from gaining direct and complete access to every single cash register in every Target store.
*** BitPay Hacked, 5 000 Bitcoins Stolen ***
Bitcoin payments processor BitPay Inc. is the latest victim in a series of massive hacking scandals that have rocked the cryptocurrency community. The Atlanta-based Bitpay was hacked on three separate occasions in December of 2014. More than 5 000 bitcoins were stolen. Subsequent to this, BitPay sent a claim to its insurer Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company, and the latter declined to pay. The matter is now in court.
*** App Store: Apple bestätigt "XcodeGhost"-Infektionen ***
Der Konzern hat laut eigenen Angaben infizierte Apps aus einem Onlineladen entfernt. Ob es alle sind, weiß niemand.
*** Risiko Firmware ***
Firmware ist nur was für Profis? Von wegen: Heute hängen alltägliche Dinge im Internet und lassen sich darüber fernsteuern. Wenn die Heizungsanlage durchdreht und der DSL-Router für Angreifer offen steht, ist nicht selten veraltete Firmware schuld.
*** Typo3 über XSS-Lücke verwundbar ***
In Typo3 klafft eine Schwachstelle, über die Angreifer JavaScript in das Content Management System schmuggeln können.
*** Cisco Wireless LAN Controller RADIUS Packet of Disconnect Vulnerability ***
A vulnerability in the RADIUS implementation of the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to cause a partial denial of service (DoS) condition by disconnecting user sessions.
*** Security Updates Available for Adobe Flash Player (APSB15-23) ***
A security bulletin (APSB15-23) has been published regarding security updates for Adobe Flash Player. These updates address critical vulnerabilities that could potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 17-09-2015 18:00 − Freitag 18-09-2015 17:55
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Important security notice regarding signing key and distribution of Red Hat Ceph Storage on Ubuntu and CentOS ***
Last week, Red Hat investigated an intrusion on the sites of both the Ceph community project (ceph.com) and Inktank (download.inktank.com), which were hosted on a computer system outside of Red Hat infrastructure. download.inktank.com provided ..
*** Analyzing Proxy Based Spam Networks ***
We are no strangers to Blackhat SEO techniques, we've actually spent a great deal of time working and sharing various bits of information related to Blackhat SEO techniques over the years. What we haven't shared, however, is the idea of Proxy-based Spam Networks (PSN). It's not because it wasn't interesting, it's ..
*** Cisco Prime Network Registrar Privilege Escalation Vulnerability ***
A vulnerability in the default configuration of the Cisco Prime Network Registrar (CPNR) virtual appliance (OVA) which could allow an authenticated, local attacker to gain root privileges.
*** WordPress Malware - Active VisitorTracker Campaign ***
We are seeing a large number of WordPress sites compromised with the 'visitorTracker_isMob' malware code. This campaign started 15 days ago, but only in the last few days have we started to see it gain traction; really affecting a large number of ..
*** WP Shop <= - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) & CSRF ***
*** Researchers seek ransomware samples for their generic solution ***
VB2015 presentation to include demonstration of technique against recent samples.The scary hack thats on the rise is how Wireds Kim Zetter described ransomware in an overview article posted yesterday. Indeed, encrypting your files and demanding a ransom to decrypt them has become a very lucrative cybercriminal ..
*** Router Security / SYNful Knock ***
Wir bekamen Anfragen zum Thema SYNful Knock. Uns war das keine Warnung wert, daher fasst dieser Blogpost unseren Standpunkt zusammen:Management Summary Der SYNful Knock Angriff ist keine neue Kategorie von Bedrohungen. Es gibt ..
*** Sicherheitslücke: D-Link vergisst private Code-Signing-Schlüssel im Quellcode ***
Dem Hardwarehersteller D-Link ist ein peinlicher Fehler unterlaufen. Im Quellcode der Firmware für eine Überwachungskamera vergaßen die Entwickler private Code-Signing-Schlüssel. Der Hersteller hat bereits reagiert.
*** Pwnage Per Port - 22/open/tcp//ssh ***
Hello and welcome to the first installment of Pwnage Per Port! Today we will be discussing the oh-so-important SSH service which runs (most commonly) on TCP port 22. Not sure what Pwnage Per Port is? Head on over here for a quick rundown on what you can expect!
*** Triaging PowerShell Exploitation with Rekall ***
David recently published his article Spotting the Adversary so I figured Id continue the trend and focus on Blue Team tactics in this post.
*** Cisco ASA Software Version Information Disclosure Vulnerability ***
A vulnerability in the SSL VPN code of Cisco ASA Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to obtain information about the Cisco ASA Software version. This information could be used for reconnaissance attacks.
*** Kritische Sicherheitslücke: Bug in Bugzilla ***
Die Bugverwaltung von Firefox gibt schon zum zweiten Mal im September vertrauliche Daten preis - doch diesmal sind auch andere Projekte betroffen. Ein Patch steht bereit.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 16-09-2015 18:00 − Donnerstag 17-09-2015 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** A Brief Introduction to #totalhash ***
#totalhash is Team Cymru's malware analysis database, providing static and dynamic analysis of malware samples free for non-commercial use. Haven't tried #totalhash yet? Here's a brief video with a few highlights on how to upload samples, search our database, and go down the rabbit hole ..
*** Bugtraq: [security bulletin] HPSBGN03393 rev.2 - HP Operations Manager i, Remote Code Execution ***
*** Stagefrightened? ***
There's been a lot of attention recently around a number of vulnerabilities in Android's libstagefright. There's been a lot of confusion about the remote exploitability of the issues, especially on modern devices. In this blog post we will demonstrate an exploit for one of the libstagefright vulnerabilities ..
*** ZDI-15-444: Symantec Web Gateway Remote Code Execution Vulnerability ***
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable installations of Symantec Web Gateway. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability.
*** ZDI-15-443: Symantec Web Gateway Arbitrary PHP File Upload Remote Code Execution Vulnerability ***
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable installations of Symantec Web Gateway. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability, however it can be bypassed via reflected cross-site scripting.
*** ZDI-15-445: (0Day) Avira Management Console Update Manager Service HTTP Header Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability ***
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable installations of Avira Management Console. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability.
*** CMS Updater - Moderately Critical - Multiple vulnerabilities - SA-CONTRIB-2015-150 ***
The module does not sufficiently protect the settings page allowing any user with the permission "access administration pages" to change settings.
*** Drupal 7 driver for SQL Server and SQL Azure - Moderately Critical - SQL Injection - SA-CONTRIB-2015-148 ***
Certain characters aren't properly escaped by the Drupal database API. A malicious user may be able to access restricted information by performing a specially-crafted search.
*** Who's Behind Bluetooth Skimming in Mexico? ***
In the previous two stories, I documented the damage wrought by an organized crime gang in Mexico that has been systematically bribing ATM technicians to install Bluetooth skimming components that allow thieves to steal card and PIN data wirelessly. What follows is a look at a mysterious new ATM company in Mexico that sources say may be tied to the skimming activity.
*** iTunes 12.3: Mehr Sicherheit, weniger Fehler und ein grosser Download ***
Zusammen mit iOS 9 hat Apple auch eine neue Version von iTunes freigegeben. Apple beseitigte insbesondere unter Windows Sicherheitslücken, die sogar das Abgreifen von verschlüsselten Zugangsdaten im Netzwerk erlaubten. Zudem erhöht Apple die Sicherheit bei der Verwendung von Apple IDs.
*** Behind the scenes at BruCON, a European hacker conference ***
Setting up a local conference seems to be a popular way for infosec pros that havent got the time or means to travel to bring the people they want to meet and the knowledge they want to attain ..
*** Seven years of malware linked to Russian state-backed cyber espionage ***
F-Secure report details "The Dukes" malware family and its Russian connections. For the past seven years, a cyber-espionage group operating out of Russia ..
*** Throwback Thursday: Virus Writer and Distributors Attributable Viruses ***
This Throwback Thursday, we turn the clock back to July 1990, when VB looked at virus origins and some of the rare cases of attributable viruses.This week saw the confession of a former teenage virus writer: the author of the Leprosy ..
*** Studie: In den USA droht ein Wahlmaschinen-Debakel ***
on den 50 US-Staaten werden 43 im kommenden Jahr besonders fehleranfällige Wahlcomputer einsetzen, die mindestens zehn Jahre alt sind, heißt es in einer Analyse der New York University. Dies berge große Risiken.
*** MMD-0042-2015 - Polymorphic in ELF malware: Linux/Xor.DDOS ***
The threat of Linux/XOR.DDoS, a China-made ELF backdoor ddoser malware, its still on going. I received a good question from (I assumed from a victim of infection) asked about why the found malware is not the same as what was firstly executed ELF malware binary. This writing is short and covering ..
*** HTTP Evasions Explained - Part 2 - Deflate Compression ***
This is the second article in a series which will explain the evasions done by HTTP Evader. It covers the failure of several firewalls to support content some compressions supported by all or most browsers, notable the deflate compression. In short, it is possible to bypass the malware inspection of several firewalls by simply sending a response compressed by deflate: