= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 13-04-2023 18:00 − Freitag 14-04-2023 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
= News =
∗∗∗ VoIP-Software von 3CX: Erste Analyse-Ergebnisse ∗∗∗
3CX hat erste Ergebnisse der IT-Sicherheitsspezialisten von Mandiant bezüglich des Einbruchs und Lieferkettenangriffs auf die VoIP-Software herausgegeben.
∗∗∗ Netzwerkausrüster Juniper verteilt viele Sicherheits-Aktualisierungen ∗∗∗
In diversen Produkten des Netzwerkausrüsters Juniper klaffen Sicherheitslücken, die der Hersteller mit Updates schließt. Sie sollten zügig installiert werden.
∗∗∗ Jetzt patchen! QueueJumper-Lücke gefährdet hunderttausende Windows-Systeme ∗∗∗
Sicherheitsforscher haben nach weltweiten Scans über 400.000 potenziell angreifbare Windows-Systeme entdeckt. Sicherheitspatches sind verfügbar.
∗∗∗ Passwortschutz umgehbar: Drupal-Modul Protected Pages verwundbar ∗∗∗
Angreifer könnten auf eigentlich durch Passwörter abgeschottete Drupal-Websites zugreifen. Ein Sicherheitsupdate ist verfügbar.
∗∗∗ Cloudflare: Botnetzwerke setzen auf gehackte VPS statt auf IoT ∗∗∗
Laut Cloudflare setzen Botnetze auf gehackte Virtual Private Server (VPS), beispielsweise von Start-ups, die deutlich mehr Leistung für DDoS-Angriffe bieten.
∗∗∗ HTTP: Whats Left of it and the OCSP Problem, (Thu, Apr 13th) ∗∗∗
It has been well documented that most "web" traffic these days uses TLS, either as traditional HTTPS or the more modern QUIC protocol. So it is always interesting to see what traffic remains as HTTP.
∗∗∗ How to Set Up a Content Security Policy (CSP) in 3 Steps ∗∗∗
What is a Content Security Policy (CSP)? A Content Security Policy (CSP) is a security feature used to help protect websites and web apps from clickjacking, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other malicious code injection attacks. At the most basic level, a CSP is a set of rules that restricts or green lights what content loads onto your website. It is a widely-supported security standard recommended to anyone who operates a website.
∗∗∗ RTM Locker: Emerging Cybercrime Group Targeting Businesses with Ransomware ∗∗∗
Cybersecurity researchers have detailed the tactics of a "rising" cybercriminal gang called "Read The Manual" (RTM) Locker that functions as a private ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) provider and carries out opportunistic attacks to generate illicit profit.
∗∗∗ Google, CISA Warn of Android Flaw After Reports of Chinese App Zero-Day Exploitation ∗∗∗
The Android vulnerability CVE-2023-20963, reportedly exploited as a zero-day by a Chinese app against millions of devices, was added to CISA’s KEV catalog.
∗∗∗ Automating Qakbot decode at scale ∗∗∗
This is a technical post covering methodology to extract configuration data from recent Qakbot samples. I will provide background on Qakbot, walk through decode themes in an easy to visualize manner. I will then share a Velociraptor artifact to detect and automate the decode process at scale.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ CISA Releases Sixteen Industrial Control Systems Advisories ∗∗∗
CISA released sixteen Industrial Control Systems (ICS) advisories on April 13, 2023. * B. Braun Battery Pack SP with Wi-Fi * 13x Siemens * Datakit CrossCAD-WARE * Mitsubishi Electric GOC35 Series
∗∗∗ Advisory SA23P002: Several Issues in B&R VC4 Visualization ∗∗∗
An unauthenticated network-based attacker who successfully exploits these vulnerabilities could bypass the authentication mechanism of the VC4 visualization, read stack memory or execute code on an affected device.
∗∗∗ Security updates for Friday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Debian (haproxy and openvswitch), Fedora (bzip3, libyang, mingw-glib2, thunderbird, xorg-x11-server, and xorg-x11-server-Xwayland), and Ubuntu (apport, ghostscript, linux-bluefield, node-thenify, and python-flask-cors).
∗∗∗ Cross-Site Scripting in Timesheet Tracking for Jira (SYSS-2022-050) ∗∗∗
Über Cross-Site Scripting-Schwachstellen im Plug-in "Timesheet Tracking for Jira" kann Schadcode eingebaut werden, der von allen Besuchern ausgeführt wird.
∗∗∗ CPE2023-001 – Regarding vulnerabilities for Office/Small Office Multifunction Printers, Laser Printers and Inkjet Printers – 14 April 2023 ∗∗∗
Several vulnerabilities have been identified for certain Office/Small Office Multifunction Printers, Laser Printers and Inkjet Printers.
∗∗∗ IBM Security Bulletins ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 12-04-2023 18:00 − Donnerstag 13-04-2023 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: Michael Schlagenhaufer
= News =
∗∗∗ (Gepatchte aber dennoch) üble Sicherheitslücke in (einer optionalen Komponente von) Microsoft Windows ∗∗∗
Es entbehrt nicht einer gewissen Ironie, dass die meisten Blogeinträge, welche sich in den letzten Monaten mit Sicherheitslücken in Produkten von Microsoft beschäftigt haben, von dem Mitarbeiter des CERT stammen, dessen Kenntnisse rund um Windows, Office und den ganzen Rest wohl mit Abstand am schwächsten sind - und damit herzlich willkommen zu einem weiteren Beitrag, welcher diese Kriterien vollständig erfüllt.
∗∗∗ NTP-Schwachstelle: Offenbar weniger bedrohlich als zunächst vermutet ∗∗∗
Entwarnung: Nach der BSI-Warnung vor einer kritischen Lücke in NTP kommen IT-Experten bei der Analyse auf eine geringere Bedrohung. NTP will Patches liefern.
∗∗∗ Uncommon infection methods—part 2 ∗∗∗
Kaspersky researchers discuss infection methods used by Mirai-based RapperBot, Rhadamantys stealer, and CUEMiner: smart brute forcing, malvertising, and distribution through BitTorrent and OneDrive.
∗∗∗ New Python-Based "Legion" Hacking Tool Emerges on Telegram ∗∗∗
An emerging Python-based credential harvester and a hacking tool named Legion is being marketed via Telegram as a way for threat actors to break into various online services for further exploitation.
∗∗∗ Indirect Prompt Injection Threats ∗∗∗
If allowed by the user, Bing Chat can see currently open websites. We show that an attacker can plant an injection in a website the user is visiting, which silently turns Bing Chat into a Social Engineer who seeks out and exfiltrates personal information. The user doesnt have to ask about the website or do anything except interact with Bing Chat while the website is opened in the browser.
∗∗∗ Malware Disguised as Document from Ukraines Energoatom Delivers Havoc Demon Backdoor ∗∗∗
[...] FortiGuard Labs has encountered a malicious spoofed document pretending to be from the Ukrainian company, Energoatom, a state-owned enterprise that operates Ukraine’s nuclear power plants. [...] Aside from highlighting the technical details of this latest multi-staged attack [...] this article also discusses some strange artifacts that make us think this could be a work-in-progress or part of a red-team exercise.
∗∗∗ BSI-Studie: Gängige Mikrocontroller sind für Hardware-Angriffe anfällig ∗∗∗
Bei Hardware-Sicherheitstoken und Krypto-Wallets, smarten Schlössern und Kassensystemen haben Hacker leichtes Spiel, warnen Fraunhofer-Forscher im BSI-Auftrag.
∗∗∗ Vorsicht vor Fake Urlaubsangeboten! ∗∗∗
Die Urlaubszeit rückt langsam aber sicher näher, das treibt auch Kriminelle auf den Plan. Betrügerische Anbieter wie Kofi Vermittlung (kofireisen.com) versuchen Sie mit angeblich günstigen Angeboten abzuzocken! Achten Sie bei der Urlaubsbuchung auf folgende Warnsignale für entspannte Ferien statt einer Kostenfalle!
∗∗∗ Vice Society: A Tale of Victim Data Exfiltration via PowerShell, aka Stealing off the Land ∗∗∗
The Vice Society ransomware gang exfiltrated victim network data using a custom Microsoft PowerShell script. We dissect how each function of it works.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ Softwareentwicklung: Jenkins-Plug-ins verwundbar, viele Updates stehen noch aus ∗∗∗
Software-Entwicklungsumgebungen mit Jenkins sind attackierbar. Bislang sind nur wenige betroffene Plug-ins abgesichert.
∗∗∗ Sicherheitsupdates: Netzwerkanalysetool Wireshark anfällig für DoS-Attacken ∗∗∗
Die Wireshark-Entwickler haben zwei neue Versionen des Tools veröffentlicht. Darin haben sie unter anderem drei Sicherheitslücken geschlossen.
∗∗∗ Security updates for Thursday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Debian (chromium, firefox-esr, lldpd, and zabbix), Fedora (ffmpeg, firefox, pdns-recursor, polkit, and thunderbird), Oracle (kernel and nodejs:14), Red Hat (nodejs:14, openvswitch2.17, openvswitch3.1, and pki-core:10.6), Slackware (mozilla), SUSE (nextcloud-desktop), and Ubuntu (exo, linux, linux-kvm, linux-lts-xenial, linux-aws, smarty3, and thunderbird).
∗∗∗ Windows 7/Server 2008 R2; Server 2012 R2: Updates (11. April 2023) ∗∗∗
Zum 11. April 2023 wurden diverse Sicherheitsupdates für Windows Server 2008 R2 (im 4. ESU Jahr) sowie für Windows Server 2012/R2 veröffentlicht (die Updates lassen sich ggf. auch noch unter Windows 7 SP1).
∗∗∗ Patchday: Microsoft Office Updates (11. April 2023) ∗∗∗
Am 11. April 2023 (zweiter Dienstag im Monat, Microsoft Patchday) hat Microsoft mehrere sicherheitsrelevante Updates für noch unterstützte Microsoft Office Versionen und andere Produkte veröffentlicht. Mit dem April 2023-Patchday endet der Support für Office 2013.
∗∗∗ Drupal: Protected Pages - Critical - Access bypass - SA-CONTRIB-2023-013 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Critical Vulnerability in Hikvision Storage Solutions Exposes Video Security Data ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Mattermost security updates 7.9.2 / 7.8.3 (ESR) / 7.7.4 / 7.1.8 (ESR) released ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Multiple Vulnerabilities in the Autodesk® AutoCAD® Desktop Software ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ MISP 2.4.170 released with new features, workflow improvements and bugs fixed ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ CVE-2023-0004 PAN-OS: Local File Deletion Vulnerability (Severity: MEDIUM) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ CVE-2023-0005 PAN-OS: Exposure of Sensitive Information Vulnerability (Severity: MEDIUM) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ CVE-2023-0006 GlobalProtect App: Local File Deletion Vulnerability (Severity: MEDIUM) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Spring Framework 6.0.8, 5.3.27 and 5.2.24.RELEASE fix cve-2023-20863 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ B. Braun Battery Pack SP with Wi-Fi ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ DataPower Operations Dashboard vulnerable to multiple CVEs ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ AIX is vulnerable to arbitrary command execution due to invscout (CVE-2023-28528) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ AIX is vulnerable to arbitrary command execution (CVE-2023-26286) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Multiple Security Vulnerabilities may affect IBM Robotic Process Automation for Cloud Pak. ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ A CVE-2021-28165 vulnerability in Eclipse Jetty affects IBM Process Designer 8.5.7 shipped with IBM Business Automation Workflow ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Multiple security vulnerabilities has been identified in IBM WebSphere Application Server shipped with Tivoli Netcool\/OMNIbus WebGUI - January 2023 CPU plus deferred CVE-2022-21426 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ A security vulnerability has been identified in IBM WebSphere Application Server shipped with Tivoli Netcool\/OMNIbus WebGUI (CVE-2023-24998) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Maximo Asset Management is vulnerable to HTML injection (CVE-2023-27864) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Security Verify Governance is vulnerable to remote attacks to execute arbitrary code on the system [CVE-2013-4521, CVE-2013-2165 and CVE-2018-14667] ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Security Verify Governance is vulnerable to a denial of service caused by multiple vulnerabilities. ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM App Connect Enterprise Certified Container DesignerAuthoring operands may be vulnerable to denial of service due to [CVE-2022-37603] ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ A security vulnerability has been identified in IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile shipped with IBM Business Automation Workflow (CVE-2023-24998) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ A vulnerability has been identified in IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile shipped with IBM Business Automation Workflow (CVE-2023-0482) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ A vulnerability has been identified in IBM WebSphere Application Server traditional and Liberty profile shipped with IBM Business Automation Workflow (IBM\u00ae Java SDK CPU January 2023) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ AIX is vulnerable to arbitrary command execution (CVE-2023-26286) ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 11-04-2023 18:00 − Mittwoch 12-04-2023 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
= News =
∗∗∗ Patchday: Angreifer infizieren Windows mit Nokoyawa-Ransomware ∗∗∗
Microsoft hat wichtige Sicherheitsupdates für etwa Azure, Dynamics 365 und Windows veröffentlicht.
∗∗∗ BSI warnt vor kritischen Zero-Day-Lücken im NTP-Server ∗∗∗
Ein IT-Forscher hat fünf Sicherheitslücken im Zeitserver NTP gemeldet. Das BSI stuft die Lücken als kritisch ein. Ein Update steht bislang noch nicht bereit.
∗∗∗ Warten auf Sicherheitspatches: BIOS-Lücken gefährden Lenovo-Laptops ∗∗∗
Angreifer könnten Lenovo-Laptops attackieren und im schlimmsten Fall Schadcode ausführen. Updates sind noch nicht verfügbar.
∗∗∗ Phishing-Alarm: „New Fax Document(s) has been received” ∗∗∗
Derzeit werden willkürlich E-Mails an Unternehmen versendet, in denen behauptet wird, dass die Empfänger:innen ein neues Fax-Dokument erhalten hätten. Um das Dokument anzusehen, muss ein Link angeklickt werden. Achtung: Kriminelle versuchen das Microsoft-Konto der betroffenen Mitarbeiter:innen zu kapern.
∗∗∗ Abo-Falle statt Kaffeemaschinen-Gewinnspiel im Namen von MediaMarkt ∗∗∗
Auf Facebook wird ein betrügerisches Gewinnspiel im Namen von MediaMarkt durch Kriminelle beworben. Versprochen werden Kaffeemaschinen von DeLonghi für nur 1,95 Euro wegen einer angeblichen Vertragsauflösung zwischen dem Hersteller und MediaMarkt. Tatsächlich landen Sie hier aber in einer teuren Abo-Falle. Die Kaffeemaschinen gibt es nicht.
∗∗∗ Remote Code Execution (RCE) in Hashicorp Vault ∗∗∗
Hashicorp's Vault is a secure, open-source secrets management tool that stores and provides access to sensitive information like API keys, passwords, and certificates. This vulnerability, in certain conditions, allows attackers to execute code remotely on the target system through a SQL injection attack.
∗∗∗ Hacked sites caught spreading malware via fake Chrome updates ∗∗∗
Hackers are compromising websites to inject scripts that display fake Google Chrome automatic update errors that distribute malware to unaware visitors.
∗∗∗ Guidance for investigating attacks using CVE-2022-21894: The BlackLotus campaign ∗∗∗
This guide provides steps that organizations can take to assess whether users have been targeted or compromised by threat actors exploiting CVE-2022-21894 via a Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) bootkit called BlackLotus.
∗∗∗ The Service Accounts Challenge: Cant See or Secure Them Until Its Too Late ∗∗∗
Heres a hard question to answer: How many service accounts do you have in your environment?. A harder one is: Do you know what these accounts are doing?. And the hardest is probably: If any of your service account was compromised and used to access resources would you be able to detect and stop that in real-time?
∗∗∗ Another zero-click Apple spyware maker just popped up on the radar again ∗∗∗
Malware reportedly developed by a little-known Israeli commercial spyware maker has been found on devices of journalists, politicians, and an NGO worker in multiple countries, say researchers.
∗∗∗ Recent IcedID (Bokbot) activity ∗∗∗
This week, weve seen IcedID (Bokbot) distributed through thread-hijacked emails with PDF attachments. The PDF files have links that redirect to Google Firebase Storage URLs hosting password-protected zip archives. The password for the downloaded zip archive is shown in the PDF file. The downloaded zip archives contain EXE files that are digitally-signed using a certificate issued by SSL.com.
∗∗∗ BumbleBee hunting with a Velociraptor ∗∗∗
The various detection opportunities described in the report can be useful for organizations to detect an infection in its first stages and, therefore, prevent further malicious activity starting from BumbleBee. The detection opportunities rely on open-source tools (e.g., Velociraptor) and rules (e.g., Yara, Sigma) so they can be used by any company or the wider community.
∗∗∗ Cryptocurrency Stealer Malware Distributed via 13 NuGet Packages ∗∗∗
Cybersecurity researchers have detailed the inner workings of the cryptocurrency stealer malware that was distributed via 13 malicious NuGet packages as part of a supply chain attack targeting .NET developers. The sophisticated typosquatting campaign, which was uncovered by JFrog late last month, impersonated legitimate packages to execute PowerShell code designed to retrieve a follow-on binary from a hard-coded server.
∗∗∗ Update Now! Severe Vulnerability Impacting 600,000 Sites Patched in Limit Login Attempts ∗∗∗
On January 26, 2023, the Wordfence team responsibly disclosed an unauthenticated stored Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in Limit Login Attempts, a WordPress plugin installed on over 600,000 sites that provides site owners with the ability to block IP addresses that have made repeated failed login attempts.
∗∗∗ On self-healing code and the obvious issue ∗∗∗
While browsing the news in the morning Ive found an article on Ars Technica titles "Developer creates “self-healing” programs that fix themselves thanks to AI". Its about Wolverine, which is an automated extension of what was demoed during the GPT-4 reveal, i.e. the perceived ability of GPT-4 to understand error messages and suggest fixes.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ Patchday: Fortinet schließt kritische und hochriskante Lücken ∗∗∗
Am April-Patchday liefert Fortinet für zahlreiche Produkte Sicherheitsupdates aus. Eine der damit geschlossenen Lücken stuft der Hersteller als kritisch ein.
∗∗∗ Patchday: Kritische Schadcode-Lücken in Adobe-Anwendungen geschlossen ∗∗∗
Wer Anwendungen von Adobe nutzt, sollte diese aus Sicherheitsgründen auf den aktuellen Stand bringen.
∗∗∗ Privilege Escalation Vulnerability Patched Promptly in WP Data Access WordPress Plugin ∗∗∗
On April 5, 2023 the Wordfence Threat Intelligence team initiated the responsible disclosure process for a vulnerability we discovered in WP Data Access, a WordPress plugin that is installed on over 10,000 sites. This flaw makes it possible for an authenticated attacker to grant themselves administrative privileges via a profile update, [...]
∗∗∗ Security updates for Wednesday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Fedora (chromium, ghostscript, glusterfs, netatalk, php-Smarty, and skopeo), Mageia (ghostscript, imgagmagick, ipmitool, openssl, sudo, thunderbird, tigervnc/x11-server, and vim), Oracle (curl, haproxy, and postgresql), Red Hat (curl, haproxy, httpd:2.4, kernel, kernel-rt, kpatch-patch, and postgresql), Slackware (mozilla), SUSE (firefox), and Ubuntu (dotnet6, dotnet7, firefox, json-smart, linux-gcp, linux-intel-iotg, and sudo).
∗∗∗ Patchday: Windows 11/Server 2022-Updates (11. April 2023) ∗∗∗
Am 11. April 2023 (zweiter Dienstag im Monat, Patchday bei Microsoft) hat Microsoft auch kumulative Updates für Windows 11 22H1 und 22H2 veröffentlicht. Zudem erhielt Windows Server 2022 ein Update. Hier einige Details zu diesen Updates, die Schwachstellen sowie Probleme [...]
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could allow an attacker to read and/or overwrite files on the system running the affected software.
∗∗∗ NVIDIA Display Driver Advisory - March 2023 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Security Bulletins ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Freitag 07-04-2023 18:00 − Dienstag 11-04-2023 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: n/a
= News =
∗∗∗ YouTube warnt vor täuschend echter Betrugsmasche ∗∗∗
Derzeit werden Phishing-E-Mails im Namen von YouTube versandt, die eine glaubwürdige Mailadresse verwenden.
∗∗∗ Hijacking Arch Linux Packages by Repo Jacking GitHub Repositories ∗∗∗
Repo jacking is an attack on GitHub repositories, where attackers are able to hijack GitHub repositories by reregistering previously used usernames. In this blog post, we discuss how many AUR packages (use GitHub packages that) are vulnerable to repo jacking attacks.
∗∗∗ Stepping Insyde System Management Mode ∗∗∗
In October of 2022, Intel’s Alder Lake BIOS source code was leaked online. [..] I obtained a copy of the leaked code and began to hunt for vulnerabilities. [..] All these vulnerabilities share a common root cause (insufficient input validation) and a common impact (SMRAM corruption). Their details are summarized in the following table [..]
∗∗∗ Jetzt patchen! ALPHV-Ransomware schlüpft durch Veritas-Backup-Lücken ∗∗∗
Angreifer nehmen derzeit drei Sicherheitslücken in Veritas Backup Exec ins Visier. Patches sind verfügbar.
∗∗∗ MSI-Hack: Hardware-Hersteller warnt vor Fake-BIOS-Updates ∗∗∗
Bei MSI ist es zu einem IT-Sicherheitsvorfall gekommen. Die Angreifer sollen Zugriff auf interne Daten gehabt haben.
∗∗∗ Studie: Kriminelle schmuggeln Trojaner-Apps ab 2000 US-Dollar in Google Play ∗∗∗
Für die Abzocke von Android-Nutzern bieten Kriminelle in Untergrundforen All-in-one-Trojaner-Pakete zum Verkauf an.
∗∗∗ Microsoft Azure Users Warned of Potential Shared Key Authorization Abuse ∗∗∗
An exploitation path involving Azure shared key authorization could allow full access to accounts and business data and ultimately lead to remote code execution (RCE), cloud security company Orca warns.
∗∗∗ Webinar: Sicher unterwegs in Sozialen Netzwerken ∗∗∗
Soziale Netzwerke sind längst unsere täglichen Begleiter geworden. Doch worauf muss ich eigentlich achten, wenn ich Plattformen wie Facebook oder Instagram sicher nutzen will? Das Webinar gibt Tipps zum verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Sozialen Netzwerken. Nehmen Sie kostenlos teil: Dienstag 18. April 2023, 18:30 - 20:00 Uhr via zoom
∗∗∗ Amazon ruft an? Legen Sie auf! ∗∗∗
Am Telefon stellen sich Kriminelle als Amazon-Mitarbeiter:innen vor und behaupten, dass Ihr Amazon-Konto gehackt wurde. Sie hätten verdächtige Bestellungen entdeckt. Die „Amazon-Mitarbeiter:innen“ bieten Ihnen an, die Bestellung zu stornieren und Ihr Konto zu schützen. Dabei handelt es sich aber um Betrug! Kriminelle versuchen Ihnen Geld, Ausweiskopien und Amazon-Zugangsdaten zu stehlen!
∗∗∗ AlienFox: Toolkit zur Kompromittierung von E-Mail- und Webhosting-Diensten in der Cloud ∗∗∗
[English]AlienFox ist ein Toolkit zur Kompromittierung von E-Mail- und Webhosting-Diensten. Dieses Toolkit ist hochgradig modular, liegt in mehreren Versionen vor und versucht Fehlkonfigurationen in der Cloud auszunutzen, um die Anmeldedaten für Dienste wie AWS, Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, 1und1 etc. abzugreifen.
∗∗∗ WinVerifyTrust Signature Validation Vulnerability ∗∗∗
Why is Microsoft republishing a CVE from 2013? We are republishing CVE-2013-3900 in the Security Update Guide to update the Security Updates table and to inform customers that the EnableCertPaddingCheck is available in all currently supported versions of Windows 10 and Windows 11. While the format is different from the original CVE published in 2013, the information herein remains unchanged from the original text published on December 10, 2013.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ Security Vulnerabilities fixed in Firefox 112, Firefox for Android 112, Focus for Android 112 ∗∗∗
CVE-2023-29531, CVE-2023-29532, CVE-2023-29533, CVE-2023-29534, CVE-2023-29535, CVE-2023-29536, CVE-2023-29537, CVE-2023-29538, CVE-2023-29539, CVE-2023-29540, CVE-2023-29541, CVE-2023-29542, CVE-2023-29543, CVE-2023-29544, CVE-2023-29545, CVE-2023-29546, CVE-2023-29547, CVE-2023-29548, CVE-2023-29549, CVE-2023-29550, CVE-2023-29551
Davon 11x "Severity: high".
∗∗∗ Exploit-Code: Schadcode könnte aus JavaScript-Sandbox vm2 ausbrechen ∗∗∗
Die populäre vm2-Sandbox hat eine kritische Sicherheitslücke und Exploit-Code ist bereits im Umlauf.
∗∗∗ Patchday: SAP meldet 19 teils kritische Sicherheitslücken ∗∗∗
Im April hat SAP 19 Schwachstellen in den eigenen Produkten mit Sicherheitsmeldungen bedacht. Davon stuft der Hersteller zwei als kritisch ein.
∗∗∗ iOS 15, macOS 11 und 12: Apple schiebt Notfallfix nach ∗∗∗
Nachdem iOS 16 und macOS 13 bereits voll gepatcht worden waren, legt Apple auch einen Fix für eine bereits ausgenutzte Lücke für ältere Betriebssysteme nach.
∗∗∗ Security updates for Monday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Debian (openimageio and udisks2), Fedora (chromium, curl, kernel, mediawiki, and seamonkey), Oracle (httpd:2.4), Red Hat (httpd and mod_http2 and tigervnc), SUSE (ghostscript and kernel), and Ubuntu (irssi).
∗∗∗ Security updates for Tuesday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Debian (keepalived and lldpd), Oracle (kernel), and SUSE (kernel, podman, seamonkey, and upx).
∗∗∗ ICS Patch Tuesday: Siemens, Schneider Electric Address Dozens of Vulnerabilities ∗∗∗
Siemens and Schneider Electric’s Patch Tuesday advisories for April 2023 address a total of 38 vulnerabilities found in their products.
∗∗∗ PHOENIX CONTACT: Directory Traversal Vulnerability in ENERGY AXC PU Web service ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Insyde BIOS Vulnerabilities ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Lenovo XClarity Controller (XCC) Vulnerabilities ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Lenovo Smart Clock Essential Vulnerability ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty, which are bundled with IBM Cloud Pak for Applications, are vulnerable to a denial of service due to Apache Commons FileUpload (CVE-2023-24998) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM i components are affected by CVE-2021-4104 (log4j version 1.x) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Watson Discovery Cartridge for IBM Cloud Pak for Data affected by vulnerability in Apache Lucene ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Watson Explorer affected by vulnerability in Apache Commons. ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ A security vulnerability has been identified in IBM WebSphere Application Server shipped with IBM WebSphere Remote Server (CVE-2023-24998) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Vulnerabilities in OpenSSL affect QLogic 8Gb Intelligent Pass-thru Module and SAN Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter and QLogic Virtual Fabric Extension Module for IBM BladeCenter ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Vulnerabilities in cURL affect QLogic Virtual Fabric Extension Module for IBM BladeCenter ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ A security vulnerability has been identified in IBM WebSphere Application Server shipped with IBM Business Monitor (CVE-2023-24998) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Netcool Operations Insight v1.6.8 addresses multiple security vulnerabilities. ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ The IBM\u00ae Engineering Lifecycle Engineering product using IBM Java - Eclipse OpenJ9 is vulnerable to CVE-2022-3676 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Platform Navigator and Automation Assets in IBM Cloud Pak for Integration are vulnerable to Webpack (CVE-2023-28154) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next is vulnerable to XML external entity (XXE) attacks due to a vulnerability in XML processing in Apache Jena, in versions up to 4.1.0 (CVE-2021-39239) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Operational Decision Manager March 2023 - CVE-2014-0114, CVE-2019-10086, CVE-2023-24998 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty is vulnerable to a privilege escalation due to RESTEasy (CVE-2023-0482) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty, which is bundled with IBM Cloud Pak for Applications, is vulnerable to a privilege escalation due to RESTEasy (CVE-2023-0482) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty, which is bundled with IBM WebSphere Hybrid Edition, is vulnerable to a privilege escalation due to RESTEasy (CVE-2023-0482) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty are vulnerable to a denial of service due to Apache Commons FileUpload (CVE-2023-24998) ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 06-04-2023 18:00 − Freitag 07-04-2023 18:00
Handler: Michael Schlagenhaufer
Co-Handler: Robert Waldner
= News =
∗∗∗ Security baseline for Microsoft Edge v112 ∗∗∗
Microsoft is pleased to announce the release of the security baseline for Microsoft Edge, version 112! We have reviewed the settings in Microsoft Edge version 112 and updated our guidance with the removal of three obsolete settings. A new Microsoft Edge security baseline package was just released to the Download Center.
∗∗∗ Security headers you should add into your application to increase cyber risk protection, (Thu, Apr 6th) ∗∗∗
Web applications are a wide world that is currently the object of numerous cyberattacks, mostly seeking to compromise the information directly in the clients that use them.
∗∗∗ Detecting Suspicious API Usage with YARA Rules, (Fri, Apr 7th) ∗∗∗
YARA is a beautiful tool for malware researchers and incident responders. No need to present it again. It became a standard tool to add to your arsenal. While teaching FOR610 (Malware Analysis & Reverse Engineering), a student asked me how to detect specific API calls with dangerous parameters during the triage phase. This phase will help you quickly assess the malware sample and help you decide how to perform the following steps.
∗∗∗ Balada Injector: Synopsis of a Massive Ongoing WordPress Malware Campaign ∗∗∗
Our team at Sucuri has been tracking a massive WordPress infection campaign since 2017 — but up until recently never bothered to give it a proper name. Typically, we refer to it as an ongoing long lasting massive WordPress infection campaign that leverages all known and recently discovered theme and plugin vulnerabilities.
∗∗∗ With ICMP magic, you can snoop on vulnerable HiSilicon, Qualcomm-powered Wi-Fi ∗∗∗
WPA stands for will-provide-access, if you can successfully exploit a targets setup. A vulnerability identified in at least 55 Wi-Fi router models can be exploited by miscreants to spy on victims data as its sent over a wireless network.
∗∗∗ Pwning Pixel 6 with a leftover patch ∗∗∗
In this post, I’ll look at a security-related change in version r40p0 of the Arm Mali driver that was AWOL in the January update of the Pixel bulletin, where other patches from r40p0 was applied, and how these two lines of changes can be exploited to gain arbitrary kernel code execution and root from a malicious app. This highlights how treacherous it can be when backporting security changes.
∗∗∗ Umfrage: Softwarebedingte Schwachstellen sind das größte Sicherheitsproblem ∗∗∗
Hacker setzen vermehrt auf bekannte Sicherheitslücken. Ransomware ist der Umfrage zufolge nur die viertgrößte Bedrohung. Ein weiteres Problem: viele Unternehmen weisen Mitarbeiter an, meldepflichtige Vorfälle zu verschweigen.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ Release notes for Microsoft Edge Security Updates (CVE-2023-28284, CVE-2023-24935, CVE-2023-28301) ∗∗∗
April 6, 2023: Microsoft has released the latest Microsoft Edge Stable Channel (Version 112.0.1722.34) which incorporates the latest Security Updates of the Chromium project.
∗∗∗ Security updates for Friday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Mageia (ldb/samba, libapreq2, opencontainers-runc, peazip, python-cairosvg, stellarium, and zstd), Oracle (httpd and mod_http2, kernel, and nss), SUSE (conmon, go1.19, go1.20, libgit2, openssl-1_1, and openvswitch), and Ubuntu (emacs24).
∗∗∗ F5: K000133432 : Intel CPU vulnerability CVE-2022-21216 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ CISA Adds Five Known Exploited Vulnerabilities to Catalog ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Informix Dynamic Server is affected when a specific function in the Spatial Datablade is called with an out-of-range parameter ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Watson Speech Services Cartridge for IBM Cloud Pak for Data is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution in GnuPG Libksba [CVE-2022-3515] ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Watson Speech Services Cartridge for IBM Cloud Pak for Data is vulnerable to an arbitrary code execution in libexpat [CVE-2022-40674] ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Watson Speech Services Cartridge for IBM Cloud Pak for Data is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution in SQlite [CVE-2020-35527] ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Watson Speech Services Cartridge for IBM Cloud Pak for Data is vulnerable to an arbitrary commands execution in Python (CVE-2015-20107) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Watson Speech Services Cartridge for IBM Cloud Pak for Data is vulnerable to a security restrictions bypass in GNU Libtasn1 [CVE-2021-46848] ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Watson Speech Services Cartridge for IBM Cloud Pak for Data is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution in Git [CVE-2022-23521] ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Watson Speech Services Cartridge for IBM Cloud Pak for Data is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution in Git [CVE-2022-41903] ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Privilege Escalation vulnerability ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Improper Error Handling ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty are vulnerable to a denial of service due to Apache Commons FileUpload (CVE-2023-24998) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Vulnerabilities in OpenSSL affect IBM InfoSphere Information Server ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty, which are bundled with IBM WebSphere Hybrid Edition, are vulnerable to a denial of service due to Apache Commons FileUpload (CVE-2023-24998) ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 05-04-2023 18:00 − Donnerstag 06-04-2023 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: Michael Schlagenhaufer
= News =
∗∗∗ Telegram now the go-to place for selling phishing tools and services ∗∗∗
Telegram has become the working ground for the creators of phishing bots and kits looking to market their products to a larger audience or to recruit unpaid helpers.
∗∗∗ CAN do attitude: How thieves steal cars using network bus ∗∗∗
It starts with a headlamp and fake smart speaker, and ends in an injection attack and a vanished motor. Automotive security experts say they have uncovered a method of car theft relying on direct access to the vehicles system bus via a smart headlamps wiring.
∗∗∗ Technical analysis of the Genesis Market ∗∗∗
[...] In case you are unfamiliar with this market, it was used to sell stolen login credentials, browser cookies and online fingerprints (in order to prevent ‘risky sign-in’ detections), by some referred to as IMPaas, or Impersonation-as-a-Service. [...] its activities have resulted in approximately two million victims. If you want to know more about this operation, you can read our other blog post. You can also check if your data has been compromised [...]
∗∗∗ CyberGhostVPN - the story of finding MITM, RCE, LPE in the Linux client ∗∗∗
This article discloses the vulnerabilities that were present in the CyberGhostVPN Linux 1.3.5 client (and versions below). The latest version of the CyberGhostVPN Linux client is now free from these vulnerabilities.
∗∗∗ Cisco: Teils hochriskante Lücken in mehreren Produkten abgedichtet ∗∗∗
Cisco-Administratoren bekommen über die Ostertage Arbeit: Der Hersteller hat in diversen Produkten Sicherheitslücken entdeckt. Updates sollen sie schließen.
∗∗∗ Nexx Garagentorsteuerung: Schwachstelle erlaubt Zugriff für Hacker ∗∗∗
Wer eine Home-Automatisierung von Nexx besitzt und diese per Fernsteuerung seiner Garagentore benutzt, hat nun ein fettes Problem. Eine Schwachstelle in der Nexx-Fernsteuerung ermöglicht Hackern den nicht autorisierten Zugriff auf die Garagentore.
∗∗∗ Beware of new YouTube phishing scam using authentic email address ∗∗∗
Watch out for a new YouTube phishing scam and ignore any email from YouTube that claims to provide details about "Changes in YouTube rules and policies | Check the Description.
= Vulnerabilities =
*** Cisco Security Advisories 2023-04-05 ***
Cisco has released 13 security advisories: (3x High, 9x Medium, 1x Informational)
∗∗∗ Trellix-Agent ermöglicht Rechteausweitung am System ∗∗∗
Der Agent von Trellix – dem Zusammenschluss von McAfee und FireEye – ermöglicht Angreifern, ihre Rechte im System auszuweiten. Ein Update schließt die Lücke.
∗∗∗ Datenleck: Mastodon-Lücke erlaubt Informationsabfluss ∗∗∗
Aktualisierte Mastodon-Pakete dichten ein Datenleck in der LDAP-Authentifizierung ab. Administratorinnen und Administratoren sollten die Updates zügig anwenden.
∗∗∗ Security updates for Thursday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Debian (cairosvg, ghostscript, grunt, tomcat9, and trafficserver), Fedora (golang, podman, xen, and zchunk), Red Hat (kpatch-patch), SUSE (systemd), and Ubuntu (apache-log4j1.2, liblouis, linux-aws, and linux-bluefield).
∗∗∗ Celery as used by IBM QRadar Advisor With Watson App is vulnerable to arbitrary command execution (CVE-2021-23727) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Node.js passport is vulnerable to CVE-2022-25896 used in IBM Maximo Application Suite ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform discloses XML external entities injection (CVE-2023-27876) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform discloses Stored Cross Site Scripting (CVE-2022-43914) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ AIX is vulnerable to denial of service due to ISC BIND (CVE-2022-38178, CVE-2022-3080, CVE-2022-38177, CVE-2022-2795) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ decode-uri-component is vulnerable to CVE-2022-38900 used in IBM Maximo Application Suite ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ AIX is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution due to libxml2 (CVE-2022-40303 and CVE-2022-40304) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ AIX is vulnerable to denial of service vulnerabilities ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Vulnerability in Apache Tomcat affects App Connect Professional. ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Security Verify Governance is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper validation of user-supplied input related to the HtmlResponseWriter (CVE-2013-5855) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Watson Explorer affected by vulnerability in OpenSSL. ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Watson Explorer affected by vulnerability in Apache Commons. ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Korenix Jetwave ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ mySCADA myPRO ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ JTEKT ELECTRONICS Kostac PLC Programming Software ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Hitachi Energy MicroSCADA System Data Manager SDM600 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ JTEKT ELECTRONICS Screen Creator Advance 2 ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 04-04-2023 18:00 − Mittwoch 05-04-2023 18:00
Handler: Michael Schlagenhaufer
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
= News =
∗∗∗ Open garage doors anywhere in the world by exploiting this “smart” device ∗∗∗
A universal password. Unencrypted user data and commands. What could go wrong?
A market-leading garage door controller is so riddled with severe security and privacy vulnerabilities that the researcher who discovered them, Sam Sabetan, is advising anyone using one to immediately disconnect it until they are fixed.
Each $80 device, used to open and close garage doors and control home security alarms and smart power plugs, employs the same easy-to-find universal password to communicate with Nexx servers. The controllers also broadcast the unencrypted email address, device ID, first name, and last initial corresponding to each one, along with the message required to open or shut a door or turn on or off a smart plug or schedule such a command for a later time.
Immediately unplug all Nexx devices
∗∗∗ Exploration of DShield Cowrie Data with jq, (Wed, Apr 5th) ∗∗∗
There have been other diaries [1][2] showing how to explore JSON data with jq [3]. We'll review some options to understand unfamiliar JSON data and ways to filter that information. Using tools like Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems can help aggregate data and make it more easily searched and visualized. There are still times where being able to quickly search JSON data can be useful, especially if a SIEM option is not immediately available.
∗∗∗ ALPHV/BlackCat ransomware affiliate targets Veritas Backup solution bugs ∗∗∗
An ALPHV/BlackCat ransomware affiliate was spotted exploiting vulnerabilities in the Veritas Backup solution. An affiliate of the ALPHV/BlackCat ransomware gang, tracked as UNC4466, was observed exploiting three vulnerabilities in the Veritas Backup solution to gain initial access to the target network. Unlike other ALPHV affiliates, UNC4466 doesn’t rely on stolen credentials for initial access to victim environments. Mandiant [...]
∗∗∗ Deobfuscating the Recent Emotet Epoch 4 Macro ∗∗∗
This analysis is intended to help the cybersecurity community better understand the wider obfuscation and padding tricks Emotet is using.
∗∗∗ Cyber-Betrüger: Zahlungsaufforderung für Lösegeld – jedoch ohne Ransomware ∗∗∗
Auf die aktuell häufigen Cyber-Attacken stürzen sich weitere Betrüger. Sie verschicken Mails mit Zahlungsaufforderungen, ohne Ransomware eingeschleust zu haben.
∗∗∗ Pre-ransomware notifications are paying off right from the bat ∗∗∗
CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) has published the first results of its pre-ransomware notifications that were introduced at the start of 2023.
Even though this initiative is relatively young, CISA says it has notified over 60 entities across the energy, healthcare, water/wastewater, education, and other sectors about potential pre-ransomware intrusions, and we’ve confirmed that many of them identified and remediated the intrusion before encryption or data loss occurred.
∗∗∗ Detecting Karakurt – an extortion focused threat actor ∗∗∗
NCC Group’s Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT) have responded to several extortion cases recently involving the threat actor Karakurt. During these investigations NCC Group CIRT have identified some key indicators that the threat actor has breached an environment and want to share this information to assist the cyber security community.
∗∗∗ Markenfälschungen im Online-Handel – So schützen Sie sich! ∗∗∗
Wer im Internet nach Markenkleidung, Uhren, Accessoires oder aber Medikamenten sucht, stößt häufig auf unseriöse Angebote. In einigen Fällen führt eine Bestellung günstiger Markenprodukte zum Erhalt eines gefälschten Produkts, manchmal erhält man gar nichts und insbesondere bei Medikamenten kann das Produkt sogar gefährlich sein. Worauf man in Online-Shops und auf Plattformen wie Amazon achten kann, um sich zu schützen [...]
∗∗∗ How we’re protecting users from government-backed attacks from North Korea ∗∗∗
Googles Threat Analysis Group shares information on ARCHIPELAGO as well as the work to stop government-backed attackers.
∗∗∗ MS OneNote soll künftig 120 gefährliche Filetypen blockieren ∗∗∗
Microsoft reagiert wohl auf den Umstand, dass OneNote inzwischen als Malware-Schleuder für Systeme missbraucht wird. Die Anwendung soll zukünftig 120 gefährliche Filetypen blockieren, so dass diese durch Downloads aus dem Internet nicht mehr für Malware-Angriffe missbraucht werden können.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ Multiple Vulnerabilities in Autodesk® InfoWorks® software ∗∗∗
Autodesk® InfoWorks® WS Pro and InfoWorks® ICM have been affected by multiple vulnerabilities detailed below. Exploitation of these vulnerabilities may lead to remote code execution and/or denial-of-service to the software and user devices. Patch releases are available in Autodesk Access or the Accounts Portal or the Innovyze Web Portal to help resolve these vulnerabilities. The patch versions are listed below.
∗∗∗ Chrome 112: 16 Sicherheitslücken gestopft ∗∗∗
Google hat den Webbrowser Chrome in Version 112 freigegeben. Die Entwickler dichten 16 Schwachstellen ab. Chromium-basierte Browser dürften bald nachziehen.
∗∗∗ Technical Advisory – play-pac4j Authentication rule bypass ∗∗∗
Regular expressions used for path-based authentication by the play-pac4j library are evaluated against the full URI provided in a user’s HTTP request. If a requested URI matches one of these expressions, the associated authentication rule will be applied. These rules are only intended to validate the path and query string section of a URL.
∗∗∗ Security updates for Wednesday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Debian (ghostscript and openimageio), Fedora (kernel, rubygem-actioncable, rubygem-actionmailbox, rubygem-actionmailer, rubygem-actionpack, rubygem-actiontext, rubygem-actionview, rubygem-activejob, rubygem-activemodel, rubygem-activerecord, rubygem-activestorage, rubygem-activesupport, rubygem-rails, and rubygem-railties), Oracle (gnutls, httpd, kernel, nodejs:16, nodejs:18, pesign, postgresql:13, tigervnc, and tigervnc, xorg-x11-server), Red Hat (gnutls, httpd, httpd:2.4, kernel, kpatch-patch, pcs, pesign, postgresql:13, tigervnc, and tigervnc, xorg-x11-server), Scientific Linux (httpd and tigervnc, xorg-x11-server), SUSE (aws-efs-utils.11048, libheif, liblouis, openssl, python-cryptography, python-Werkzeug, skopeo, tomcat, and wireshark), and Ubuntu (imagemagick, ipmitool, and node-trim-newlines).
∗∗∗ Kritische Schwachstelle CVE-2023-1707 in HP-Drucker-Firmware, kein Patch verfügbar ∗∗∗
Die Firmware von verschiedenen Laser-Drucker ist gegenüber der Schwachstelle CVE-2023-1707 anfällig. Bestimmte HP Enterprise LaserJet und HP LaserJet sind in verwalteten Umgebungen potenziell anfällig für die Offenlegung von Informationen, wenn IPsec mit FutureSmart Version 5.6 aktiviert ist.
∗∗∗ IBM Security Bulletins ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Montag 03-04-2023 18:00 − Dienstag 04-04-2023 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: n/a
= News =
∗∗∗ WinRAR SFX archives can run PowerShell without being detected ∗∗∗
Hackers are adding malicious functionality to WinRAR self-extracting archives that contain harmless decoy files, allowing them to plant backdoors without triggering the security agent on the target system.
∗∗∗ Analyzing the efile.com Malware "efail", (Tue, Apr 4th) ∗∗∗
Yesterday, I wrote about efile.com serving malicious ake "Browser Updates" to some of its users. This morning, efile.com finally removed the malicious code from its site. The attacker reacted a bit faster and removed some of the additional malware. But luckily, I was able to retrieve some of the malware last evening before it was removed.
∗∗∗ Rilide: A New Malicious Browser Extension for Stealing Cryptocurrencies ∗∗∗
Trustwave SpiderLabs uncovered a new strain of malware that it dubbed Rilide, which targets Chromium-based browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, and Opera.
∗∗∗ Microsoft Tightens OneNote Security by Auto-Blocking 120 Risky File Extensions ∗∗∗
Microsoft has announced plans to automatically block embedded files with "dangerous extensions" in OneNote following reports that the note-taking service is being increasingly abused for malware delivery. Up until now, users were shown a dialog warning them that opening such attachments could harm their computer and data, but it was possible to dismiss the prompt and open the files That's going to change going forward.
∗∗∗ A fresh look at user enumeration in Microsoft Teams ∗∗∗
The technique to enumerate user details and presence information via Microsoft Teams is not new and was described in a blog post by immunit.ch and their tool "TeamsUserEnum". This blog post adds more information related to user enumeration via Teams and covers different endpoints used by different account types.
∗∗∗ Internationaler Monat zur Betrugsbekämpfung: Vorsicht vor Dark Patterns ∗∗∗
Im März 2023 jährt sich der internationale Monat zur Betrugsbekämpfung („ICPEN Fraud Prevention Month"). Das diesjährige Schwerpunktthema sind Dark Patterns. Dark Patterns sind irreführende Designelemente und Webseiten-Gestaltungen, mit denen versucht wird, User:innen zu Entscheidungen zu verleiten, die nicht in ihrem besten Interesse liegen. Was Dark Patterns genau sind, wie Sie diese erkennen und sich am besten schützen, erfahren Sie hier!
∗∗∗ Lebenslauf-Editor auf zety.de führt in Abo-Falle ∗∗∗
Auf zety.de können Sie angeblich professionelle Lebensläufe und Bewerbungen erstellen. Per Klick wählen Sie eine gewünschte Vorlage und befüllen sie mit Ihren Daten – scheinbar kostenlos. Erst wenn Sie Ihr Dokument herunterladen möchten, erfahren Sie, dass der Dienst doch nicht gratis ist. Wenn Sie überweisen, schließen Sie ein Abo ab!
∗∗∗ Weitere Informationen zu Angriffen gegen 3CX Desktop App ∗∗∗
Seit der Veröffentlichung unserer letzten Meldung zu den Angriffen gegen die bzw. durch Missbrauch der 3CX Desktop App sind inzwischen weitere Details und neue Informationen bekannt geworden. Die wichtigsten Details in dieser Hinsicht sind: [...]
∗∗∗ Typhon Reborn V2: Updated stealer features enhanced anti-analysis and evasion capabilities ∗∗∗
The developer of the Typhon Reborn information stealer released version 2 (V2) in January, which included significant updates to its codebase and improved capabilities.
Most notably, the new version features additional anti-analysis and anti-virtual machine (VM) capabilities to evade detection and make analysis more difficult.
∗∗∗ Rorschach – A New Sophisticated and Fast Ransomware ∗∗∗
Rorschach ransomware appears to be unique, sharing no overlaps that could easily attribute it to any known ransomware strain. In addition, it does not bear any kind of branding which is a common practice among ransomware groups.
The ransomware is partly autonomous, carrying out tasks that are usually manually performed during enterprise-wide ransomware deployment, such as creating a domain group policy (GPO).
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ VU#473698: uClibc, uClibc-ng libraries have monotonically increasing DNS transaction ID ∗∗∗
The uClibc and uClibc-ng libraries, prior to uClibc-ng 1.0.41, are vulnerable to DNS cache poisoning due to the use of predicatble DNS transaction IDs when making DNS requests. This vulnerability can allow an attacker to perform DNS cache poisoning attacks against a vulnerable environment.[..] The uClibc library has not been updated since May of 2012.
∗∗∗ Pentah0wnage: Pre-Auth RCE in Pentaho Business Analytics Server (CVE-2022-43769, CVE-2022-43939, CVE-2022-43773, CVE-2022-43938) ∗∗∗
A few months ago I was working on an engagement where Pentaho was used to collect data and generate reports. [..] I found a total of eight vulnerabilties, three of which enable command execution on the residing host. [..] 31 March 2023: Vendor released patches, but no public CVE disclosure.
∗∗∗ Nexx Smart Home Device ∗∗∗
- Nexx Garage Door Controller (NXG-100B, NXG-200): Version nxg200v-p3-4-1 and prior
- Nexx Smart Plug (NXPG-100W): Version nxpg100cv4-0-0 and prior
- Nexx Smart Alarm (NXAL-100): Version nxal100v-p1-9-1and prior
∗∗∗ Patchday: Android-Lücken mit kritischem Risiko gestopft ∗∗∗
Zum April-Patchday hat Google Sicherheitslücken im Android-Betriebssystem geschlossen, die die Entwickler teils als kritisch einstufen.
∗∗∗ Sophos: Kritische Sicherheitslücke in Web-Appliance ermöglicht Codeschmuggel ∗∗∗
Sophos hat in der Web Appliance (SWA) Sicherheitslücken geschlossen, die Angreifern etwa das Ausführen beliebigen Codes ermöglichen.
∗∗∗ Security updates for Tuesday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Fedora (openbgpd and seamonkey), Red Hat (httpd:2.4, kernel, kernel-rt, and pesign), SUSE (compat-openssl098, dpdk, drbd, ImageMagick, nextcloud, openssl, openssl-1_1, openssl-3, openssl1, oracleasm, pgadmin4, terraform-provider-helm, and yaml-cpp), and Ubuntu (haproxy, ldb, samba, and vim).
∗∗∗ Netty Vulnerabilites 4.0.37 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ A security vulnerability has been identified in IBM WebSphere Application Server shipped with IBM Case Manager (CVE-2023-26283) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Sterling Order Management Golang Go Vulnerability ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Vulnerabilities with kernel, MariaDB, Gnu GnuTLS, OpenJDK, commons-fileupload affect IBM Cloud Object Storage Systems (Mar 2023v1) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Aspera Faspex 5.0.5 has addressed CVE-2022-4304 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Security Verify Access Appliance includes components with known vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-29154, CVE-2022-0391) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ A security vulnerability has been identified in IBM WebSphere Application Server shipped with IBM Case Manager (CVE-2023-23477) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Vulnerability in py library affects IBM Cloud Pak for Data System 1.0(CPDS 1.0) [CVE-2022-42969] ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Vulnerability in cryptography affects IBM Cloud Pak for Data System 1.0(CPDS 1.0) [CVE-2023-0286] ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ A security vulnerability has been identified in WebSphere\u00ae Application Server shipped with IBM\u00ae Intelligent Operations Center (CVE-2023-26283) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Event Streams is affected by vulnerabilities in the jsonwebtoken package (CVE-2022-23529, CVE-2022-23539, CVE-2022-23540, CVE-2022-23541) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Event Streams is affected by vulnerabilities in Node.js (CVE-2022-25927 and CVE-2022-25881) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Event Streams is affected by a vulnerability in Apache Kafka (CVE-2023-25194) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Event Streams is vulnerable to a denial of service due to Redis (CVE-2023-25155) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified in IBM HTTP Server used by IBM Rational ClearQuest ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Security Verify Governance is vulnerable to sensitive information exposure (CVE-2021-31403) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ CVE-2022-41721 may affect IBM CICS TX Standard ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Security Guardium is affected by multiple vulnerabilities ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Security Guardium is affected by an AWS SDK vulnerability (CVE-2022-31159) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM HTTP Server is vulnerable to HTTP request splitting due to the included Apache HTTP Server (CVE-2023-25690) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Security Guardium is affected by a denial of service vulnerability (CVE-2022-3171, CVE-2022-3510, CVE-2022-3509) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Security Guardium is affected by remote code execution and sensitive information vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-31684, CVE-2022-41853) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ There are several vulnerabilities in Bootstrap used by IBM Maximo Asset Management ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Security Guardium is affected by a kernel vulnerability (CVE-2021-3715) ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Freitag 31-03-2023 18:00 − Montag 03-04-2023 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
= News =
∗∗∗ New Money Message ransomware demands million dollar ransoms ∗∗∗
A new ransomware gang named Money Message has appeared, targeting victims worldwide and demanding million-dollar ransoms not to leak data and release a decryptor.
∗∗∗ Hacken ist für alle: Die Austria Cyber Security Challenge startet ∗∗∗
Der Hackerwettbewerb will heuer verstärkt Frauen für die IT-Security begeistern.
∗∗∗ With KEYPLUG, China’s RedGolf Spies On, Steals From Wide Field of Targets ∗∗∗
The group remains highly active within a wide range of geographies and industry verticals, targeting aviation, automotive, education, government, media, information technology, and religious organizations. [..] Insikt Group has identified a wider cluster of KEYPLUG samples and infrastructure used by RedGolf from at least 2021 to 2023. (Anm.: das Paper enthält etliche beobachtenswerte IOCs).
∗∗∗ Angriffe auf hochriskante Sicherheitslücke in Wordpress-Plug-in Elementor Pro ∗∗∗
Angreifer missbrauchen eine Sicherheitslücke im Wordpress-Plug-in Elementor Pro zum Einbrechen in Webseiten. Admins sollten die Updates umgehend installieren.
∗∗∗ IT-Forscher: Mehr als 15 Millionen verwundbare Systeme offen im Netz ∗∗∗
IT-Forscher haben den Known-Exploited-Vulnerabilities-Catalog der CISA mit der Datenbank Sh0dan abgeglichen und Millionen verwundbarer Systeme gefunden.
∗∗∗ Jetzt updaten: Kritische Schwachstelle in Nextcloud ∗∗∗
Eine als kritisch eingestufte Sicherheitslücke in der Kollaborationssoftware Nextcloud könnte Angreifern das Ausführen von Schadcode ermöglichen.
∗∗∗ Microsoft OneNote Starts Blocking Dangerous File Extensions ∗∗∗
Microsoft is boosting the security of OneNote users by blocking embedded files with extensions that are considered dangerous.
∗∗∗ Money Mule: Geldwäsche-Jobs über WhatsApp ∗∗∗
Nehmen Sie sich vor betrügerischen Job-Angeboten auf WhatsApp in Acht. Kriminelle kontaktieren teils wahllos, teils gezielt Menschen auf Job-Suche über die bekannte Chat-Plattform. Ein Tageslohn von 50 bis 300 Euro täglich bei Arbeit aus dem Home-Office mag verlockend klingen. Doch Vorsicht: Sie werden hier zum Money Mule, helfen Kriminellen bei der Geldwäsche und machen sich womöglich selbst strafbar!
∗∗∗ Malicious ISO File Leads to Domain Wide Ransomware ∗∗∗
IcedID continues to deliver malspam emails to facilitate a compromise. This case covers the activity from a campaign in late September of 2022.
∗∗∗ Bi(n)gBang: Microsoft Azure-Schwachstelle ermöglicht Bing Search Hijacking und Office 365-Datenklau ∗∗∗
Unschöne Geschichte, auf die alle gewartet haben, und die die Gefahren der Cloud aufzeigt. Microsoftsd Azure-Cloud-Dienste ermöglichten eine Fehlkonfigurierung, die dann eine Sicherheitslücke schuf. In der Folge konnten Angreifer potentiell Schadcode in die Suchergebnisseiten von Bing einschleusen, um diese zu [...]
∗∗∗ Design-Schwäche im WiFi-Protokoll ermöglicht Angreifern das Abfangen des Netzwerkverkehrs ∗∗∗
Noch ein kleiner Nachtrag von Ende März 2023. Sicherheitsforscher sind auf eine gravierende Design-Schwäche im IEEE 802.11 WiFi-Protokollstandards gestoßen. Diese Schwäche könnte es Angreifern ermöglichen, WLAN-Zugangspunkte abzuhören und Netzwerk-Frames im Klartext zu übermitteln.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ Multiple vulnerabilities in Aten PE8108 power distribution unit (CVE-2023-25413, CVE-2023-25415, CVE-2023-25407, CVE-2023-25409, CVE-2023-25414, CVE-2023-25411) ∗∗∗
Pentagrid identified several vulnerabilities in the PE8108 rack power distribution unit (PDU) manufactured by Aten. [..] At the time of publication, the most recent firmware is version v2.4.232 from 2022-11-22 and there is no new firmware available via Atens website.
∗∗∗ Nvidia schließt Sicherheitslücken in Treibern und Verwaltungssoftware ∗∗∗
Nvidia hat zum Monatswechsel aktualisierte Treiber und Verwaltungssoftware veröffentlicht. Damit schließt der Hersteller teils hochriskante Sicherheitslecks.
∗∗∗ Geräteverwaltung HCL Bigfix dichtet DoS-Lücke ab ∗∗∗
Die Geräteverwaltungssoftware HCL Bigfix enthält eine Schwachstelle, die Angreifern das Lahmlegen der Software auf Endpoints ermöglicht.
∗∗∗ Security updates for Monday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Debian (duktape, firmware-nonfree, intel-microcode, svgpp, and systemd), Fedora (amanda, dino, flatpak, golang, libldb, netconsd, samba, tigervnc, and vim), Red Hat (nodejs:14), Slackware (ruby and seamonkey), SUSE (drbd, flatpak, glibc, grub2, ImageMagick, kernel, runc, thunderbird, and xwayland), and Ubuntu (amanda).
∗∗∗ Multiple Vulnerabilities in the Autodesk® FBX® SDK software ∗∗∗
Applications and services utilizing the Autodesk® FBX® SDK software have been affected by an Out-Of-Bounds Write and Stack Buffer Overflow vulnerabilities. Exploitation of these vulnerabilities may lead to information disclosure, code execution and/or denial-of-service.
∗∗∗ Vulnerabilities for Autodesk® Maya® USD plugin ∗∗∗
USD (Universal Scene Description) plugin for Autodesk® Maya® has been affected by a file uninitialized variable, out-of-bounds read, and out-of-bounds write vulnerabilities.
∗∗∗ Vulnerability Spotlight: Buffer overflow vulnerability in ADMesh library ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ IBM Security Bulletins ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ HAProxy vulnerable to HTTP request/response smuggling ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Multiple vulnerabilities in Seiko Solutions SkyBridge MB-A100/A110/A200/A130 SkySpider MB-R210 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Cisco Identity Services Engine Vulnerabilities ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Cisco Identity Services Engine Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Cisco Secure Web Appliance Content Encoding Filter Bypass Vulnerabilities ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ ZDI-23-348: Bentley View SKP File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Write Remote Code Execution Vulnerability ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ ZDI-23-347: Bentley View SKP File Parsing Use-After-Free Information Disclosure Vulnerability ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ ZDI-23-346: Bentley View SKP File Parsing Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ ZDI-23-345: Bentley View FBX File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ ZDI-23-344: Bentley View FBX File Parsing Heap-based Buffer Overflow Remote Code Execution Vulnerability ∗∗∗
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