= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Freitag 27-12-2013 18:00 − Montag 30-12-2013 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: n/a
*** eBay Vulnerable to Account Hijacking Via XSRF ***
A researcher reported a cross-site request forgery vulnerability to eBay in August, and despite repeated communication from the online auction that the code has been repaired, the site remains vulnerable to exploit.
*** 12 Days of HaXmas: Meterpreter, Reloaded ***
Over the last quarter of 2013, we here in the Democratic Freehold of Metasploit found that we needed to modernize our flagship remote access toolkit (RAT), Meterpreter. That started with cleaving Meterpreter out of the main Metasploit repository and setting it up with its own repository, and then bringing in a dedicated Meterpreter hacker, the indomitable OJ TheColonial Reeves. We couldn't be happier with the results so far.
*** 12 Days of HaXmas: Exploiting (and Fixing) RJS Rails Info Leaks ***
Several weeks ago, Egor Homakov wrote a blog post pointing out a common info leak vulnerability in many Rails apps that utilize Remote JavaScript. The attack vector and implications can be hard to wrap your head around, so in this post I'll explain how the vulnerability occurs and how to exploit it.
*** Major flaw discovered in mobile software used by govt agencies ***
The vulnerability discovered by an Israeli security researcher affects Samsungs Galaxy S4 device, which is currently used by government agencies.
*** Who's Still Robbing ATMs with USB Sticks? ***
Here's one quick way to rob a bank, over and over again. Find an ATM running Windows XP. Skeptical? Don't be, they're still installed all around the world. Next, cut a piece from its chassis to expose its USB port. ...
*** NTP reflection attack, (Fri, Dec 27th) ***
Symantec has notice in the last few weeks that there is a significant NTP reflection attacks. NTP is Network time protocol and it's used to synch the time between client and server, it is a UDP protocol and it's run on port 123. In the NTP reflection attack the attacker send a crafted packet which request a large amount of date send to the host. "In this case, the attackers are taking advantage of the monlist command. Monlist is a remote command in older version of NTP that...
*** DRG online challenge(s), (Sat, Dec 28th) ***
For the last couple of months DRG (the Dragon Research Group) has posted some interesting security challenges. The last one, for December, is currently online so if you want to test your security skills - and post the solutions for the public benefit, do not miss the current challenge available at http://dragonresearchgroup.org/challenges/201312/ Those of you who like playing CTFs will enjoy this. Other (older) challenges are still online too, so if you have some time off here's...
*** 30C3: Keine Hintertüren in Tor ***
Roger Dingledine, Vater des Tor-Netzwerks, hat auf dem Hamburger Hackerkongress erklärt, dass eine Vertreterin des US-Justizministeriums auf eine bessere Überwachbarkeit des Anonymisierungsdienstes gedrängt habe.
*** The story of a Trojan Dropper I ***
Introduction: Recently, Zscaler ThreatlabZ received a suspicious file from one of our customers, which was named "OrderDetails.zip". After extracting the executable file from the archive I have performed a virustotal scan to get some information about the file. At that time, very few antivirus vendors had definitions in place, which flagged the file as malicious. As such, I decided...
*** The story of a Trojan dropper II ***
Analysis: Lets analyze the PE file in detail and see what it's up to. Like most malware, this sample was packed and in order to properly analyze it, we must begin by unpacking the binary. Keeping this in mind, I began by debugging the file, hoping to find the reference to the data section in order to determine precisely where the encrypted portion of data was to be found. Fortunately,...
*** RFID-Begehcard: Mit dem Skipass in Wiens Wohnhäuser ***
"Österreich ist sicher", heißt es vollmundig auf der Webseite des Begehsystems. Doch Häuser, die ihren Eingang mit der Begehcard sichern, sind leicht zu öffnen. Alles, was man dazu braucht, ist ein neu programmierbarer RFID-Skipass. (RFID, Sicherheitslücke)
*** Open-Source Release of MANTIS Cyber-Threat Intelligence Management Framework ***
Today, Siemens CERT is releasing the "MANTIS Cyber-Threat Intelligence Management Framework" as Open Source under GPL2+.
*** The Year in NSA ***
It's that most wonderful time of the year, the time when everyone with access to an email machine puts together a list of the best or worst of whatever happened in the last 12 months. In the computer security world, there is no doubt that such a list would find NSA stories in places one...
*** PIN Skimmer offers a new side channel attack against mobile devices ***
Researchers with the University of Cambridge revealed just how effective PIN Skimmers can be against mobile devices in a recently released study on the new type of side-channel attack.
*** HP Application Information Optimizer Flaw in Archive Query Server Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code ***
*** HP Service Manager Input Validation Hole Permits Cross-Site Scripting Attacks ***
*** HPSBMU02959 rev.1 - HP Service Manager WebTier and Windows Client, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Execution of Arbitrary Code and other Vulnerabilities ***
Potential security vulnerabilities have been identified with HP Service Manager WebTier and Windows Client. The vulnerabilities could be remotely exploited including cross-site scripting (XSS) and execution of arbitrary code.
*** DSA-2828 drupal6 ***
several vulnerabilities
Next End-of-Shift Report on 2014-01-02
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Montag 23-12-2013 18:00 − Freitag 27-12-2013 18:00
Handler: Matthias Fraidl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Hintergrund: Erfolgreicher Angriff auf Linux-Verschlüsselung ***
Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) ist das Standardverfahren für die Komplettverschlüsselung der Festplatte unter Linux; viele Systeme, darunter Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, setzen dabei LUKS im CBC-Modus ein. Jakob Lell demonstriert, dass diese Kombination anfällig für das Einschleusen einer Hinterür ist.
*** Protection metrics - November results ***
In our October results, we talked about a trio of families related to Win32/Sefnit. Our November results showed progress against Sefnit and the installers and downloaders of Sefnit (Win32/Rotbrow and Win32/Brantall). In comparison to September, active Sefnit infections have been reduced by 82 percent. As with prior months, our rate of incorrect detections also remained low and performance stayed consistent.
*** Turkey: Understanding high malware encounter rates in SIRv15 ***
In our most recent version of the Security Intelligence Report, we compared the encounter rates of malware categories for the top 10 countries with computers reporting the most detections in 2Q13. Amongst these countries, Turkey stood out with considerably high encounter rates in multiple categories. Encounter rate is the percentage of computers in a country that reported at least one detection of malware.
*** Popular Registrar Namecheap Fixes DNS Hijack Bug ***
The domain registrar and Web-hosting company Namecheap has fixed a cross site request forgery vulnerability in its DNS setup page.
*** What a successful exploit of a Linux server looks like ***
Like most mainstream operating systems these days, fully patched installations of Linux provide a level of security that requires a fair amount of malicious hacking to overcome. Those assurances can be completely undone by a single unpatched application, as Andre' DiMino has demonstrated when he documented an Ubuntu machine in his lab being converted into a Bitcoin-mining, denial-of-service-spewing, vulnerability-exploiting hostage under the control of attackers.
*** Turkey Tops World in Per Capita Malware Encounters ***
Microsoft claims that Turkish machines encounter more malware than computers in any other country in the world.
*** New Trojan.Mods mines bitcoins ***
Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web is warning users about a new Trojan.Mods modification that has been dubbed Trojan.Mods.10. This Trojans authors followed the major trend of December 2013 and added a bitcoin miner to the set of Trojan.Mods.10's features. You may recall that Trojan.Mods programs were found in large numbers in the wild in spring 2013 and were primarily designed to intercept browsers DNS queries and redirect users to malignant sites.
*** New CryptoLocker Spreads Via Removable Drives ***
We recently came across a CryptoLocker variant that had one notable feature - it has propagation routines.
Analysis of the malware, detected as WORM_CRILOCK.A, shows that this malware can spread via removable drives. This update is considered significant because this routine was unheard of in other CRILOCK variants.
*** OpenSSL mit kaputter Hintertür ***
Die von der NSA als Hintertür entworfene Zufallszahlenfunktion Dual EC findet sich auch in der offenen Krypto-Bibliothek OpenSSL. Allerdings war sie dort funktionsunfähig, ohne dass es jemand bemerkt hätte.
*** Big Data and security analytics collide ***
Big Data will become "The next big thing" - a critical re-evaluation and re-tooling of our analytical abilities. This is not about being able to query more data, but being able to query all data.
*** Infection found on "feedburner.com" ***
Recently we have seen the websites of MySQL and PHP.net being compromised. We have also blogged about Google Code being used as a drop site for holding malicious code. These instances clearly suggest that attackers are targeting popular websites and using them in their attacks as they are less likely to be blocked by URL filters. This time we found that Google acquired "FeedBurner", which provides custom RSS feeds and management tools to users is hosting an infected page.
*** Hackers who breached php.net exposed visitors to highly unusual malware ***
Eight weeks after hackers compromised the official PHP website and laced it with attack code, outside security researchers have uncovered evidence that some visitors were exposed to malware that's highly unusual, if not unique.
*** Python Multiple Vulnerabilities ***
*** Puppet Enterprise Multiple Vulnerabilities ***
*** Novell Client Bug Lets Local Users Crash the System ***
*** Cisco IOS XE VTY Authentication security bypass ***
*** cPanel WHM XML and JSON APIs Arbitrary File Disclosure Vulnerability ***
*** VMware Patches Privilege Vulnerability in ESX, ESXi ***
*** Zimbra 8.0.2 and 7.2.2 Collaboration Server LFI Exploit ***
*** Synology DiskStation Manager SLICEUPLOAD Remote Command Execution ***
*** RT: Request Tracker 4.0.10 SQL Injection ***
*** Bugtraq: Song Exporter v2.1.1 RS iOS - File Include Vulnerabilities ***
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Freitag 20-12-2013 18:00 − Montag 23-12-2013 18:00
Handler: L. Aaron Kaplan
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
*** What to Expect in Surveillance Politics in 2014 (Hint: It's Not Reform) ***
You would think that a federal district judge calling the NSA program almost Orwellian would be a good sign for surveillance and privacy in 2014. If you're holding out hope for an act of political courage to end bulk surveillance ...
*** DHS Turns To Unpaid Interns For Nations Cyber Security ***
theodp writes "A week after President Obama stressed the importance of computer science to America, the Department of Homeland Security put out a call for 100+ of the nations best-and-brightest college students to work for nothing on the nations cyber security. The unpaid internship program, DHS notes, is the realization of recommendations (PDF) from the Homeland Security Advisory Councils Task Force on CyberSkills, which included execs from Facebook, Lockheed Martin, and Sony, and was...
*** Microsoft Security Essentials Misses 39% of Malware ***
Barence writes "The latest tests from Dennis Publishings security labs saw Microsoft Security Essentials fail to detect 39% of the real-world malware thrown at it. Dennis Technology Labs (DTL) tested nine home security products on a Windows 7 PC, including Security Essentials, which is distributed free to Windows users and built into Windows 8 in the form of Windows Defender. While the other eight packages all achieved protection scores of 87% or higher - with five scoring 98% or 99%..
*** Kritische Sicherheitslücken in Write-Blocker entdeckt ***
Gleich mehrere Sicherheitslücken entdeckte ein IT-Forensik-Experte in dem neuen Write-Blocker Ditto. Die Folge: Statt seine eigentliche Arbeit zu verrichten, kann das Gerät selbst als Angriffswerkzeug missbraucht werden und Untersuchungen torpedieren.
*** Strange DNS Queries - Request for Packets, (Sat, Dec 21st) ***
We have received a pcap sample of DNS queries that display a strange behavior. The queries are type ANY for domains ghmn.ru and fkfkfkfa.com. When doing a nslookup, both domains have 100 IPs listed under their domain names with each of them resolving exactly the same last octets (i.e. .1, .10, .100, etc). Queries with the same transaction ID are often repeated several times. The traffic samples we have received indicate the queries are sent by either a host or a server. If anyone else is...
*** evasiOn7: Jailbreak für iOS 7 - mit umstrittenen Funktionen ***
Ein erster Jailbreak für iOS 7, mit dem sich Apps jenseits von Apples App Store installieren lassen, ist verfügbar. Er geriet allerdings wegen Integration eines chinesischen App Stores mit Raubkopien und wegen Verschleierung des Codes gleich in Verruf.
*** Backdoor in Krypto-Software: RSA Security dementiert NSA-Zahlungen ***
Man habe "niemals einen geheimen Vertrag mit der NSA geschlossen, um einen bekannt anfälligen Zufallszahlengenerator in die Verschlüsselungsbibliotheken von BSAFE zu integrieren", betont RSA Security - leugnet aber keineswegs Zusammenarbeit mit der NSA.
*** Anti-Bruteforce-Tool DenyHosts sperrt Admins aus ***
Admins, die ihre Server mit DenyHosts vor Brute-Force-Angriffen schützen, müssen handeln - andernfalls stehen sie möglicherweise bald vor verschlossenen Türen.
*** How I hacked a journalist ***
It started off as a follow-up to a story a journalist had written several years ago. The story was about data protection, and had showed that a simple subject access request could provide you with enough information to steal someone's identity. Now, Claudia Joseph wanted to see if anything had changed and to update the world on the new dangers. What would happen if somebody was able to infiltrate your online life? Claudia contacted us and started the conversation with "Can you hack...
*** Practical malleability attack against CBC-Encrypted LUKS partitions ***
Topic: Practical malleability attack against CBC-Encrypted LUKS partitions Risk: Medium Text:Article location: http://www.jakoblell.com/blog/2013/12/22/practical-malleability-attack-agai…...
*** Alert: Adobe License Key Email Scam ***
Adobe is aware of reports that a phishing campaign is underway involving malicious email purporting to deliver license keys for a variety of Adobe offerings. Customers who receive one of these emails should delete it immediately without downloading attachments or...
*** [webapps] - Jenkins 1.523 - Inject Persistent HTML Code ***
*** Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in current IBM SDK for Java for WebSphere Application Server Community October 2013 CPU (CVE-2013-5802,CVE-2013-5825) ***
Multiple security vulnerabilities exist in the IBM SDK for Java that is shipped with IBM WebSphere Application Server Community CVE(s): CVE-2013-5802, and CVE-2013-5825 Affected product(s) and affected version(s): WebSphere Application Server Community Edition Refer to the following reference URLs for remediation and additional vulnerability details: Source Bulletin: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21660594 X-Force Database:...
*** Security Bulletin: Fix available for Unauthorized Information Retrieval Security Vulnerability in IBM WebSphere Portal (CVE-2013-6735) ***
A fix that blocks unauthorized information retrieval is available for a security vulnerability in IBM WebSphere Portal.
*** Wordpress information leakage and backdoor in writing settings ***
Topic: Wordpress information leakage and backdoor in writing settings Risk: High Text:Hello list! As Ive announced earlier (http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2013/Nov/219), I conducted a Day of bugs in WordPr...
*** Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM) multiple scripts directory traversal ***
*** Avant Browser Rendering Engines Multiple Vulnerabilities ***
*** Nagios "process_cgivars()" Off-By-One Vulnerability ***
Next End-of-Shift Report on 2013-12-27
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 19-12-2013 18:00 − Freitag 20-12-2013 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
*** Do You Hear What I Hear? ***
This article, recently published in the Journal of Communications, adds another log to the BadBIOS fire. It has been stated that devices in the BadBIOS case are communicating across an air-gap with commodity PC audio hardware. This paper clearly spells out one workable way to communicate in this way. Even if this doesn't end up...
*** NSA's broken Dual_EC random number generator has a "fatal bug" in OpenSSL ***
No plans to fix a bug in "toxic" algorithm that no one seems to use.
*** Microsoft warnt vor signierter Malware ***
Immer mehr Schädlinge tragen eine gültige digitale Signatur. Die Unterschriften werden typischerweise mit gestohlenen Entwicklerzertifikaten erstellt.
*** Exploiting Password Recovery Functionalities ***
Password recovery functionalities can result in vulnerabilities in the same application they are intended to protect. Vulnerabilities such as username enumeration (showing different error messages when the user exists or not in the database), sensitive information disclosure (sending the password in clear-text by e-mail to user) and recover password message hijack (involving an attacker receiving a copy of the recover password message) are some common vulnerabilities that may be found in a...
*** Quick Joomla Refresher ***
I havent come into contact with Joomla for a while, but I had the opportunity recently in a penetration test of a web site that was running the popular Content Management System (CMS). In this blog post I mention some of the tools I used to check the security of a particular Joomla installation and comment upon their effectiveness. Depending on your source, Joomla is within the top five contenders for the most popular CMS. Alternatives include WordPress, Drupal and others. CMS frameworks have...
*** Not quite the average exploit kit: Zuponcic ***
This post connects three recent developments in the realm of malware infections: .htaccess server compromise, the Zuponcic exploit kit and the Ponmocup botnet. It seems that the defacto standard of exploit kits is getting competition. Understanding how this exploit kit works will give you a better chance of defending against it and for identifying the .htaccess compromise on your server.
*** Nach BKA-Einsatz: ZeroAccess-Botnetz streicht die Segel ***
Die Drahtzieher hinter dem ZeroAccess-Botnetz schwenken die virtuelle weiße Fahne. Nach weiteren Aktionen der Strafverfolgungsbehörden haben sie das Bot hüten anscheinend vorerst aufgegeben.
*** Digitale Forensik: Ungelöste Probleme bei Beweissicherung digitaler Artefakte ***
Etliche Probleme der Beweissicherung digitaler Artefakte sind noch längst nicht gelöst, zeigte sich auf dem Workshop Forensik und Internetkriminalität. Dazu lieferte das BSI ein Lagebild, das von einem ungebrochenen Anstieg der Netzkriminalität ausgeht.
*** BitTorrent stellt Peer-to-Peer-Chat-System vor ***
Als Antwort auf die flächendeckende NSA-Schnüffelei hat BitTorrent ein Chat-System entwickelt, das ohne zentralen Server auskommt und anonyme, verschlüsselte Kommunikation ermöglicht.
*** Erneute Lücke in OpenX wird aktiv ausgenutzt ***
Kritische Sicherheitslücken in der aktuellen Version der Anzeigen-Server-Software OpenX und in dessen Fork Revive werden genutzt, um Schad-Software zu verteilen. Das CERT-Bund benachrichtigt täglich mehrere betroffene Server-Betreiber.
*** Viren-Statistiken: Rückblick finster, Ausblick noch finsterer ***
Das Jahr 2014 hält für Smartphone-Benutzer besonders viele digitale Angriffe bereit, sagen Antivirenhersteller nach Auswertung ihrer Statistiken.
*** RSA Archer eGRC Input Validation Flaws Permit Cross-Site Scripting Attacks ***
*** WordPress URL Redirector Abuse and XSS vulnerabilities ***
Topic: WordPress URL Redirector Abuse and XSS vulnerabilities Risk: Low Text:Hello list! As Ive announced earlier (http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2013/Nov/219), I conducted a Day of bugs in WordP...
*** Google Picasa RAW Image Parsing Multiple Vulnerabilities ***
*** cPanel Multiple Vulnerabilities ***
*** Hitachi Cosminexus Products XML External Entities Information Disclosure Vulnerability ***
*** IBM Security Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On Security Issue and Two Vulnerabilities ***
*** Revive Adserver "what" SQL Injection Vulnerability ***
*** Apache Santuario DTD Processing Flaw Lets Remote Users Deny Service ***
*** Apple Motion Memory Access Error Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code ***
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 18-12-2013 18:00 − Donnerstag 19-12-2013 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: Robert Waldner
*** IBM HTTP Server GSKit SSLv2 Session Resuming Denial of Service Vulnerability ***
A vulnerability has been reported in IBM HTTP Server, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service).
*** Tor use best practices ***
To date the NSA's and FBI's primary attacks on Tor users have been MITM attacks (NSA) and hidden service web server compromises (FBI) which either sent tracking data to the Tor user's computer, compromised it, or both. Thus you need a reasonably secure system from which you can use Tor and reduce your risk of being tracked or compromised.
*** New DDoS Bot Has a Fancy For Ferrets ***
Researchers at Arbor Networks have discovered a new denial of service botnet called Trojan.Ferret.
*** WordPress S3 Video Plugin "base" Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability ***
Input passed to the "base" GET parameter in wp-content/plugins/s3-video/views/video-management/preview_video.php is not properly sanitised before being returned to the user. This can be exploited to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session in context of an affected site.
The vulnerability is confirmed in version 0.96 and reported in versions prior to 0.983.
*** IrfanView GIF buffer overflow ***
IrfanView is vulnerable to a heap-based buffer overflow, caused by improper bounds checking when processing the LZW code stream within GIF files. By persuading a victim to open a specially-crafted GIF file containing an overly long LZW code stream, a remote attacker could overflow a buffer and execute arbitrary code on the system or cause the application to crash.
*** NovaTech Orion DNP3 Improper Input Validation Vulnerability ***
Adam Crain of Automatak and independent researcher Chris Sistrunk have identified an improper input validation vulnerability in the NovaTech Orion Substation Automation Platform. NovaTech has produced a firmware update that mitigates this vulnerability. The researchers have tested the firmware update to validate that it resolves the vulnerability.This vulnerability could be exploited remotely.
*** IBM iNotes email message active content cross-site scripting ***
IBM iNotes is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper validation of active content within an email message. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a specially-crafted URL to execute script in a victim's Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the URL is clicked. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim's cookie-based authentication credentials or other sensitive information.
*** IBM iNotes ultra-light mode persistent cross-site scripting ***
IBM iNotes is vulnerable to cross-site scripting in the ultra-light mode, caused by improper validation of user-supplied input. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to inject and execute malicious script in a victim's Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the page is viewed. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim's cookie-based authentication credentials or other sensitive information.
*** SSA-742938 (Last Update 2013-12-17): Open Ports in SINAMICS S/G Firmware ***
SSA-742938 (Last Update 2013-12-17): Open Ports in SINAMICS S/G Firmware
*** SA-CONTRIB-2013-098 - Ubercart - Session Fixation Vulnerability ***
Advisory ID: DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2013-098Project: Ubercart (third-party module)Version: 6.x, 7.xDate: 2013-12-18Security risk: Less criticalExploitable from: RemoteVulnerability: Session FixationDescriptionThe Ubercart module for Drupal provides a shopping cart and e-commerce features for Drupal.The module doesnt sufficiently protect against session fixation attacks when a user is automatically logged in to a newly created account during checkout.This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that
*** Researchers propose international vulnerability purchase plan ***
In a bid to cut down on costs and eliminate potential misuse, NSS Labs has put forth an initiative imploring vendors to purchase vulnerabilities.
*** cURL Certificate Validation Flaw Lets Remote Users Spoof SSL Servers ***
A vulnerability was reported in cURL. A remote user that can conduct a man-in-the-middle attack can spoof SSL servers.
The software does not properly verify the certificate CN or SAN name field in certain cases. A remote user that can conduct a man-in-the-middle attack can spoof SSL servers.
Systems that use GnuTLS as the TLS backend are affected.
Systems with digital signature verification (CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER) disabled are affected.
*** OpenJPEG Heap Overflows Let Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code ***
Several vulnerabilities were reported in OpenJPEG. A remote user can cause arbitrary code to be executed on the target user's system. A remote user can cause denial of service conditions.
A remote user can create a specially crafted image file that, when loaded by the target user, will trigger a heap overflow and execute arbitrary code on the target system [CVE-2013-6045, CVE-2013-6054]. The code will run with the privileges of the target user.
A remote user can create a specially crafted image file that, when loaded by the target user, will cause the application that uses openJPEG to crash [CVE-2013-1447, CVE-2013-6052].
*** Splunk Enterprise Data Processing Flaw Lets Remote Users Deny Service ***
A vulnerability was reported in Splunk Enterprise. A remote user can cause denial of service conditions.
A remote user can send specially crafted data to cause the target server to become unavailable.
Systems configured as data 'receivers' on the listening or receiving port(s) are affected, including instances configured as indexers and forwarders configured as intermediate forwarders.
*** Blog: Malware in metadata ***
One of the systems I have been running collects all our web malware detections for .ES domains. I usually check it out every morning, just in case I see something especially interesting or relevant. And when I find something, I like to create some statistics to have a global overview.There are some things that I find every time I check my stats, like URLs that have been infected for more than 200 days, even being notified. That speaks of the lack of security awareness on some companies, and how
*** Factsheet Stop using Windows XP ***
Microsoft will stop issuing Windows XP updates as of 8 April 2014. The operating system will receive the end-of-life status. The NCSC advises, together with DefCERT, Microsoft and Team High Tech Crime, to no longer use Windows XP, but to switch to another operating system.
*** Cisco Unified Communications Manager Sensitive Information Disclosure Vulnerability ***
A vulnerability in the disaster recovery system (DRS) of Cisco Unified Communications Manager (UCM) could allow an authenticated, remote attacker to acquire sensitive information about DRS-related devices.
*** [Announce] [security fix] GnuPG 1.4.16 released ***
Along with the publication of an interesting new side channel attack by Daniel Genkin, Adi Shamir, and Eran Tromer we announce the availability of a new stable GnuPG release to relieve this bug: Version 1.4.16. [...] Whats New =========== * Fixed the RSA Key Extraction via Low-Bandwidth Acoustic Cryptanalysis attack as described by Genkin, Shamir, and Tromer. See . [CVE-2013-4576]
*** Acoustic Cryptanalysis ***
This is neat: Here, we describe a new acoustic cryptanalysis key extraction attack, applicable to GnuPGs current implementation of RSA. The attack can extract full 4096-bit RSA decryption keys from laptop computers (of various models), within an hour, using the sound generated by the computer during the decryption of some chosen ciphertexts. We experimentally demonstrate that such attacks can be...
*** Apache XML Security Transforms Denial of Service Vulnerability ***
A vulnerability has been reported in Apache XML Security, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service) in an application using the library.
The vulnerability is caused due to an error when applying Transforms and can be exploited to exhaust memory resources and cause a crash.
The vulnerability is reported in versions prior to 1.5.6.
*** TRENDnet Multiple Products Telnet Security Bypass Vulnerability ***
A vulnerability has been reported in multiple TRENDnet products, which can be exploited by malicious people to bypass certain security restrictions.
The vulnerability is caused due to a certain undocumented functionality, which can be exploited to enable telnet management and subsequently manipulate device configuration.
*** Icinga Off-By-One and Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities ***
Some vulnerabilities have been reported in Icinga, which can be exploited by malicious users to potentially cause a DoS (Denial of Service) and compromise a vulnerable system.
1) Some boundary errors within the web interface when processing CGI parameters can be exploited to cause stack-based buffer overflows.
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may allow execution of arbitrary code.
2) An off-by-one error within the "process_cgivars()" function can be exploited to cause an out of bounds read memory access.
The vulnerabilities are reported in versions prior to 1.10.2, 1.9.4, and 1.8.5.
*** Icinga Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerability ***
A vulnerability has been reported in Icinga, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct cross-site request forgery attacks.
The application allows users to perform certain actions via HTTP requests without performing any validity checks to verify the requests. This can be exploited to perform certain actions if a logged-in administrator visits a malicious web site.
The vulnerability is reported in version 1.10.2. Other versions may also be affected.
*** A peek inside the booming underground market for stealth Bitcoin/Litecoin mining tools ***
The over-hyped market valuation of the buzzing P2P E-currency, Bitcoin, quickly gained the attention of cybercriminals internationally who promptly adapted to its sky rocketing valuation by releasing commercially available stealth Bitcoin miners, Bitcoin wallet stealing malware, as well as actually starting to offer the source code for their releases in an attempt to monetize their know-how and expertise in this area. Throughout 2013, we profiled several subscription based stealth Bitcoin
*** IBM Domino / iNotes Script Insertion and Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities ***
Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in IBM Domino and IBM iNotes, which can be exploited by malicious users to conduct script insertion attacks and by malicious people to conduct cross-site scripting attacks.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 17-12-2013 18:00 − Mittwoch 18-12-2013 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Cybercriminals offer fellow cybercriminals training in Operational Security (OPSEC) ***
In need of a fresh example that malicious and fraudulent adversaries continue professionalizing, and standardizing demanded cybercrime-friendly products and services, all for the sake of monetizing their experience and expertise in the profitable world of cybercrime? Publicly launched around the middle of 2013, a product/training course targeting novice cybercriminals is offering them a manual, recommendations for open source/free software, as well as access to a private forum set up for...
*** Apple stopft Lücken in WebKit und Safari ***
Mit den Safari-Versionen 6.1.1 und 7.0.1 behebt Apple einige Speicherverwaltungsfehler in WebKit, die zur Ausführung von Schadcode über das Internet missbraucht werden können.
*** DGA Changer Malware Able to Modify Domain-Generation Seed on the Fly ***
Malware authors have been using domain-generation algorithms for a few years now, often in botnet-related malware that needs to stay one step ahead of takedown attempts and law enforcement agencies. Now, researchers have discovered that a strain of malware that may have been part of the attack in October on PHP.net is employing a DGA...
*** The Biggest Skimmers of All: Fake ATMs ***
This blog has spotlighted some incredibly elaborate and minaturized ATM skimmers, fraud devices that thieves attach to ATMs in a bid to steal card data and PINs. But a skimmer discovered in Brazil last month takes this sort of fraud to another level, using a completely fake ATM designed to be stacked directly on top...
*** A quick look at a (new?) cross-platform DDoS botnet ***
At the beginning of December we started to observe a new botnet spreading on both Linux and Windows machines. In case of the Linux operating systems, the bot was installed through an SSH dictionary attack. The attacker logged in to compromised server and simply downloaded and executed a bot file. The malware...
*** [SECURITY] [DSA 2821-1] gnupg security update ***
*** Cisco ONS 15454 Transport Node Controller Denial of Service Vulnerability ***
An issue in the tNetTaskLimit process of the Cisco ONS 15454 Transport Node Controller (TNC) could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to cause the TNC to reload due to a watchdog timeout.
*** Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services ***
Multiple vulnerabilities exist in IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services. See the individual descriptions for details.
*** IBM Scale Out Network Attached Storage (SONAS) Multiple Vulnerabilities ***
Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in IBM Scale Out Network Attached Storage, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct spoofing attacks, disclose potentially sensitive information, bypass certain security restrictions, and compromise a user's system.
*** Security Bulletin: GSKit SSL negotiation vulnerability in Tivoli Access Manager for e-business (CVE-2013-6329) ***
A vulnerability has been identified in the GSKit component utilized by Tivoli Access Manager for e-business (TAM). A specially crafted SSL message can cause the TAM server component using GSKit to crash CVE(s): CVE-2013-6329 Affected product(s) and affected version(s): All supported Tivoli Access Manager for e-business versions are affected.
*** RealOne RMP File Heap Overflow Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code ***
*** Vuln: Juvia Ruby on Rails secret_token.rb Default Secret Key Security Bypass Vulnerability ***
*** Vuln: ownCloud Admin Page Unspecified Security Bypass Vulnerability ***
*** Zimbra Collaboration Server Unspecified Vulnerability ***
*** Python Hash Collision Denial of Service Vulnerability ***
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Montag 16-12-2013 18:00 − Dienstag 17-12-2013 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
*** Rapid7 Webcasts: A Great Week to Learn About Pentesting SAP Infrastructures ***
*** Three Books You Too Should Read This Year (Or Early 2014) ***
For the holiday season, The Grumpy Reader fishes out a selecton of recent books you should read even if you think youre too busy.Im sure youve had that feeling too: There are times when theres too much coming your way when youre already busy, so some things just fall by the wayside for too long. In my case the victims of my unpredictable schedule were books that publishers sent me for review in one form or the other, and those reviews just never got written as I wanted to in between other...
*** How hackers made minced meat of Department of Engergy networks ***
Hint: Some critical security patches not installed for years.
*** Predictions for 2014 and the December 2013 Security Bulletin Webcast, Q&A, and Slide Deck ***
Today we're publishing the December 2013 Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. We answered 17 questions in total, with the majority of questions focusing on the Graphics Component bulletin (MS13-096), Security Advisory 2915720 and Security Advisory 2905247. We also wanted to note a new blog on the Microsoft Security Blog site on the top cyber threat predications for 2014. Topics from ransomware to regulation are covered by seven of Trustworthy Computing's top...
*** Dissection of Zertsecurity - Banking Trojan. ***
Zertsecurity is a well known banking Trojan based on phishing schemes targeting German Android users. Lets see how it works. After installing the application, it prompts the user for account and PIN numbers. The application takes the values of the account and PIN numbers via input boxes and saves them to the cfg.txt file. It then sends this file to a remote command and control (C&C)...
*** The Case for a Compulsory Bug Bounty ***
Security experts have long opined that one way to make software more secure is to hold software makers liable for vulnerabilities in their products. This idea is often dismissed as unrealistic and one that would stifle innovation in an industry that has been a major driver of commercial growth and productivity over the years. But a new study released this week presents perhaps the clearest economic case yet for compelling companies to pay for information about security vulnerabilities in their...
*** Big Data in Security ***
Cisco's TRAC team about Big Data security challenges, tools and methodologies.
*** Hintergrund: iOS-Verschlüsselung durchleuchtet ***
Neben der Hardware-Verschlüsselung bietet iOS noch eine optionale Datei-Verschlüsselung. Bei iOS 7 hat Apple deren Einsatz für Apps automatisiert. Allerdings genehmigt sich Apple selbst großzügige Ausnahmen für eigene Anwendungen.
*** Android anti-virus apps CANT kill nasties on sight like normal AV - and thats Googles fault ***
Bad news if youre not a tech-savvy fandroid Android users expecting Windows levels of performance from Android-specific anti-virus packages are likely to be disappointed because only Google can automatically delete dodgy apps on Android devices, say malware experts.
*** Apple security updates Mac OS X and Safari, (Tue, Dec 17th) ***
Apple have released the following security advisories and updates for Mac OS X and Safari. OS X Mavericks v10.9.1 and APPLE-SA-2013-12-16-1 Safari 6.1.1 and Safari 7.0.1. More information will be available from their web site: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1222
*** Blog: ChewBacca - a new episode of Tor-based Malware ***
We have discovered a new Tor-based malware, named "ChewBacca" and detected as "Trojan.Win32.Fsysna.fej". Adding Tor to malware is not unique to this sample, but it's still a rare feature. Lately Tor has become more attractive as a service to ensure users' anonymity. Also criminals use it for their activities, but they are only slowly adopting this to host their malicious infrastructure.
*** Trojan.Skimer.18 infects ATMs ***
December 16, 2013 Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web is warning users about the Trojan program Trojan.Skimer.18. The criminals behind this malware are targeting ATMs of one of the worlds largest manufacturers. The Trojan can intercept and transmit bank card information processed by ATMs as well as data stored on the card and its PIN code. Trojan.Skimer.18 is by no means the first backdoor to infect ATM software, but it is the first to target devices so common throughout the world. The
*** Cisco EPC3925 cross-site request forgery ***
*** Bugtraq: [security bulletin] HPSBHF02953 rev.1 - HP B-series SAN Network Advisor, Remote Code Execution ***
*** Asterisk Dialplan Functions Let Remote Authenticated Users Gain Elevated Privileges ***
*** Asterisk SMS Message Buffer Overflow Lets Remote Users Deny Service ***
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Freitag 13-12-2013 18:00 − Montag 16-12-2013 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
*** Bitcoin Mining Operation Seen Across Numerous Malware Families ***
The talent over at Malwarebytes broke a story this week regarding Fake Flash Player phishing attempts dropping malicious content onto victim machines for the purpose of mining Bitcoins. The threat tricks users into thinking that they are downloading a new version of Flash Player. In actuality, the threat drops a few malicious executables (stored in "[username]/AppData/Roaming/Data"), called...
*** IETF To Change TLS Implementation In Applications ***
Trailrunner7 writes "The NSA surveillance scandal has created ripples all across the Internet, and the latest one is a new effort from the IETF to change the way that encryption is used in a variety of critical application protocols, including HTTP and SMTP. The new TLS application working group was formed to help developers and the people who deploy their applications incorporate the encryption protocol correctly. TLS is the successor to SSL and is used to encrypt information in a variety...
*** Predictions for 2014 ***
2014 is less than one month away, what better time to ask ourselves about the top security trends to watch for in the coming year. Malware Creation: OK, this won't sound too original but it is a safe bet to say that malware creation will hit a new record high in 2014. Actually, such was...
*** Botnet Enlists Firefox Users to Hack Web Sites ***
An unusual botnet that has ensnared more than 12,500 systems disguises itself as a legitimate add-on for Mozilla Firefox and forces infected PCs to scour Web sites for vulnerabilities that can be used to install malware, an investigation by KrebsOnSecurity has discovered.
*** Cybercriminals Using Targeted Attack Methodologies (Part 1) ***
One of our 2014 security predictions is that cyber criminals will more frequently leverage targeted attack methodologies. Some of these tactics include using spear phishing attacks, as well as well-known vulnerabilities that have been used successfully in targeted attacks. Let's see why cybercriminals are taking a closer look at these techniques, and how this can...
*** Attacking Online Poker Players ***
This story is about how at least two professional online poker players had their hotel rooms broken into and their computers infected with malware. I agree with the conclusion: So, whats the moral of the story? If you have a laptop that is used to move large amounts of money, take good care of it. Lock the keyboard when you...
*** P2P-Botnetz ZeroAccess kaum tot zu kriegen ***
Die gemeinsame Aktion von Microsoft, dem FBI und Europol, die zum Ziel hatte, das Klickbetrug-Botnetz ZeroAccess lahmzulegen schoss wohl größtenteils am Ziel vorbei. Das Botnetz scheint nach wie vor quicklebendig.
*** Bogus Antivirus Program Uses a Dozen Stolen Signing Certificates ***
A fake antivirus program in circulation uses at least a dozen stolen digital code-signing certificates, indicating cybercriminals are increasingly breaching the networks of software developers, Microsoft wrote on Sunday. The application, branded as "Antivirus Security Pro," was first detected in 2009 and has gone by a handful of other names over the years, according to a Microsoft advisory, which calls it by a single name, "Win32/Winwebsec."
*** Old Apple Safaris leave IDs and passwords for scavengers to peck ***
... the problem derives from Safaris retention of browser history as applied in the "Reopen All Windows from Last Session" feature that enables users to quickly revisit the sites they opened during a previous Safari session. Sadly, however, Kaspersky has found that the document Safari creates to allow such restoration is in plaintext and contains user IDs and passwords. The file is hidden, but isnt hard to find once you know what you are looking for.
*** Newly launched 'HTTP-based botnet setup as a service' empowers novice cybercriminals with bulletproof hosting capabilities - part three ***
In a series of blog posts throughout 2013, we emphasized on the lowering of the entry barriers into the world of cybercrime, largely made possible by the rise of managed services, the re-emergence of the DIY (do-it-yourself) trend, and the development of niche market segments, like the practice of setting up and offering bulletproof hosting for a novice cybercriminal's botnet generating platform. The proliferation of these easy to use, once only found in the arsenal of tools of the
*** Siemens COMOS Privilege Escalation ***
Siemens notified NCCIC/ICS-CERT of a privilege escalation vulnerability in the Siemens COMOS database application. An update has been produced by Siemens and is available to resolve the vulnerability.The client application used for accessing the database system might allow authenticated Windows users to elevate their rights in regard to the database access over the COMOS graphical user interface
*** Cisco WebEx Training Center open redirect ***
*** WordPress Broken Link Checker Plugin Two Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities ***
*** IBM Rational Focal Point Webservice Axis Gateway information disclosure 1 ***
*** IBM Rational Focal Point Webservice Axis Gateway information disclosure 2 ***
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 12-12-2013 18:00 − Freitag 13-12-2013 18:00
Handler: Matthias Fraidl
Co-Handler: Robert Waldner
*** Android 4.4.2 Update Fixes Flash SMS DoS Vulnerability ***
Google has patched a previously disclosed issue in its Nexus line of phones that could have opened a user up to a nasty series of SMS-based denial of service attacks.
*** Tumblr under fire from DIY CAPTCHA-solving, proxies-supporting automatic account registration tools ***
Next to the ubiquitous for the cybercrime ecosystem, traffic acquisition tactics such as, blackhat SEO (search engine optimization), malvertising, embedded/injected redirectors/doorways on legitimate Web sites, establishing purely malicious infrastructure, and social engineering driven spam campaigns, cybercriminals are also masters of utilizing social media for the purpose of attracting traffic to their fraudulent/malicious campaigns.
*** Bitcoin-Related Malware Continues to Flourish ***
One good way to measure the popularity of an emerging technology or trend is to see how much attention attackers and malware authors are paying it. Using that as a yardstick, Bitcoin is moving its way up the charts in a hurry. The latest indication is some malware that researchers at Arbor Networks identified that ...
*** WordPress OptimizePress Theme - File Upload Vulnerability ***
We´re a few days short on this, but it´s still worth releasing as the number of attacks against this vulnerability are increasing ten-fold.
The folks at OSIRT were the first to report this in late November, 2013. In our cases we´re seeing mostly defacement attacks, and although not devastating, they can be a big nuisance for an unsuspecting website owner.
*** Weekly Metasploit Update: New Meterpreter Extended API, Learning About HttpServer, HttpClient, and SAP ***
Weekly Metasploit Update: New Meterpreter Extended API, Learning About HttpServer, HttpClient, and SAP
*** VU#586958: SketchUp Viewer buffer overflow vulnerability ***
Vulnerability Note VU#586958 SketchUp Viewer buffer overflow vulnerability Original Release date: 12 Dec 2013 | Last revised: 12 Dec 2013 Overview SketchUp Viewer version 13.0.4124 is vulnerable to a buffer overflow when opening a malformed .SKP file. Description CWE-121: Stack-based Buffer Overflow - CVE-2013-6038SketchUp Viewer version 13.0.4124 is vulnerable to a stack buffer overflow when parsing a specially crafted .SKP file. When executed, it may allow a remote unauthenticated attacker
*** Cooper Power Systems Improper Input Validation Vulnerability ***
Adam Crain of Automatak and independent researcher Chris Sistrunk have identified an improper input validation vulnerability in the Cooper Power Systems SMP Gateway DNP3 protocol components. Cooper Power Systems has produced a new firmware version that mitigates this vulnerability. The researchers have tested the new firmware version to validate that it resolves the vulnerability.This vulnerability could be exploited remotely.
*** Dear Gmailer: I know what you read last summer (and last night and today) ***
How Gmails image tweak is a boon to marketers, stalkers, and debt collectors.
*** Report: Bot traffic is up to 61.5% of all website traffic ***
Last March we published a study that showed the majority of website traffic (51%) was generated by non-human entities, 60% of which were clearly malicious. As we soon learned, these facts came as a surprise to many Internet users, for whom they served as a rare glimpse of 'in between the lines' of Google Analytics.
*** Five Deadly Security Venoms - Youre Still Doing it Wrong ***
With all the hype and hooplah surrounding the US governments tapping of everything under the sun, I have seen an influx of articles related to security. "This is how you encrypt!", "this is how you secure!", "this is how... Youre doing it wrong."
*** Tech Pick of the Week: Log anomaly detection tools ***
An important part of creating successful digital services is the ability to monitor system´s health and to respond to exceptional situations in a timely fashion. Log files contain information that a maintainer needs in figuring out causes for application failures or unexpected behavior.
*** New Gmail image server proxies raise security risks ***
A new Gmail policy that allows e-mailed image attachments to load automatically comes at a price, say two security researchers. Google announced on Thursday that Gmail would once again load attached images by default. The feature had been disabled years ago, as a way of clamping down on malware and phishing attacks.
*** Top 8 breaches in 2013 ***
>From the headline-grabbing Adobe breach to LivingSocials password debacle, here are the top 8 breaches that have occurred this year and created even more security awareness.
*** Hacked Via RDP: Really Dumb Passwords ***
Businesses spend billions of dollars annually on software and hardware to block external cyberattacks, but a shocking number of these same organizations shoot themselves in the foot by poking gaping holes in their digital defenses and then advertising those vulnerabilities to attackers. Todays post examines an underground service which rents access to hacked PCs at organizations that make this all-too-common mistake.
*** Safari Stores Previous Secure Browsing Session Data Unencrypted ***
The Safari browser stores data from previous sessions in an unencrypted format on a hidden folder that leaves users vulnerable to information loss.
*** Debian update for php5 ***
*** Cisco Unified Communications Manager - TFTP Service ***
*** libvirt Bugs Let Remote and Local Users Deny Service and Let Local Users Gain Elevated Privileges ***
*** Ruby Gem Webbynode Command injection ***
*** Vuln: Monitorix HTTP Server handle_request() Remote Command Execution Vulnerability ***
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 11-12-2013 18:00 − Donnerstag 12-12-2013 18:00
Handler: Matthias Fraidl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** How cybercriminals efficiently violate YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SoundCloud and Google+'s ToS ***
With social media, now an inseparable part of the marketing expenditures for every modern organization, cybercriminals quickly adapted to the ongoing buzz, and over the last couple of years, have been persistently supplying the market segment with social media metrics performance boosts, in the the form of bogus likes, dislikes, comments, favorites, subscribers, and video/music plays.
*** Inside the TextSecure, CyanogenMod Integration ***
Moxie Marlinspike explains how Open WhisperSystems plans to bring end-to-end encrypted secure communications to major platforms such as Android, iOS and popular Web browsers.
*** The Kernel is calling a zero(day) pointer - CVE-2013-5065 - Ring Ring ***
SpiderLabs investigates a number of suspicious binary files on a daily basis. A week ago we came across a PDF file which had two different vulnerabilities, a remote-code-execution vulnerability in Adobe Reader and a new escalation-of-privileges vulnerability in Windows Kernel.
*** Software defense: mitigating common exploitation techniques ***
In our previous posts in this series, we described various mitigation improvements that attempt to prevent the exploitation of specific classes of memory safety vulnerabilities such as those that involve stack corruption, heap corruption, and unsafe list management and reference count mismanagement. These mitigations are typically associated with a specific developer mistake such as writing beyond the bounds of a stack or heap buffer, failing to correctly track reference counts, and so on.
*** Operation Ke3chang: Targeted Attacks Against Ministries of Foreign Affairs ***
This week, FireEye released a report detailing how Chinese-speaking advanced persistent threat (APT) actors systematically attacked European ministries of foreign affairs (MFAs). Within 24 hours, the Chinese government officially responded.
*** Blog: Forecasts for 2014 - expert opinion ***
In 2014 we expect significant growth in the number of threats related to economic and domestic cyber-espionage, with cyber-mercenaries/cyber-detectives playing an active role in such attacks.
Tausende Online-Shops auf Basis von xt:Commerce akut bedroht
Die Shop-Software xt:Commerce 3 und deren Ableger wie Gambio und Modified enthalten zwei Fehler, die es in Kombination erlauben, Shops komplett zu übernehmen. Ersten groben Schätzungen zufolge wird die Software ungefähr 50.000 Shops eingesetzt. Zum Glück gibt es Workarounds und Patches, um sich zu schützen.
*** D-Link DSL-6740U Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerability ***
*** InstantCMS "orderby" SQL Injection Vulnerability ***
*** PHP OpenSSL Extension X.509 Certificate Parsing Memory Corruption Vulnerability ***
*** Adobe ColdFusion 9/10 Administrative Login Bypass ***
*** Vtiger 5.4.0 Cross Site Scripting ***
*** Plone Multiple Vulnerabilities ***