= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 30-01-2013 18:00 − Donnerstag 31-01-2013 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Matthias Fraidl
*** Vuln: Microsoft Internet Explorer Address Bar CVE-2013-1451 URI Spoofing Vulnerability ***
Microsoft Internet Explorer Address Bar CVE-2013-1451 URI Spoofing Vulnerability
*** Drupal 6.x email2image Access bypass ***
Topic: Drupal 6.x email2image Access bypass Risk: High Text:View online: http://drupal.org/node/1903264 * Advisory ID: DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2013-011 * Project: email2image [1] (third...
*** Drupal 7.x Boxes Cross Site Scripting ***
Topic: Drupal 7.x Boxes Cross Site Scripting Risk: Low Text:View online: http://drupal.org/node/1903300 * Advisory ID: DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2013-013 * Project: Boxes [1] (third-party...
*** Wordpress RLSWordPressSearch plugin SQL Injection ***
Topic: Wordpress RLSWordPressSearch plugin SQL Injection Risk: Medium Text: ## # Exploit Title : Wordpress RLSWordPressSearch plugin SQL Injection # # Exploit Author : Ashiyane Digital Security Te...
*** Vuln: Wireshark PER Dissector Denial of Service Vulnerability ***
Wireshark PER Dissector Denial of Service Vulnerability
*** Vuln: Wireshark MS-MMC Dissector Denial of Service Vulnerability ***
Wireshark MS-MMC Dissector Denial of Service Vulnerability
*** Vuln: Wireshark NTLMSSP Dissector Buffer Overflow Vulnerability ***
Wireshark NTLMSSP Dissector Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
*** Vuln: Wireshark DTLS Dissector Denial of Service Vulnerability ***
Wireshark DTLS Dissector Denial of Service Vulnerability
*** Schadcode in Rubys Software-Archiv ***
Gems stellen Ruby-Programmierern fertig konfektionierte Software-Pakete bereit und werden unter anderem in dem zentralen Web-Repository rubygems.org verwaltet. Vor kurzem wurde dort ein bösartiges Gem eingeschleust, das vier Konfigurationsdateien des Systems auf einen öffentlich zugänglichen Server kopiert. Betroffen ist unter anderem das Messwerkzeug Librato. Der Schadcode könne durch einen kürzlich behobenen Fehler im YAML-Parser eingeschleust werden, für den des mehrere Exploits gibt, schreiben die Betreiber des Gem-Repositorys New Relic.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 29-01-2013 18:00 − Mittwoch 30-01-2013 18:00
Handler: Matthias Fraidl
Co-Handler: Robert Waldner
*** Warnung - Erpresser-Virus fordert wieder 100 Euro von Nutzern ***
Schädling gibt vor, dass Rechner zur Verbreitung illegaler Inhalte genutzt wurde
*** Millionen Geräte über UPnP angreifbar ***
Die Sicherheitsfirma Rapid7 hat bei einem IP-Scan unzählige netzwerkfähige Geräte gefunden, die über UPnP antworten und durch kritische Lücken angreifbar sein sollen.
*** Internet-facing printers remain a huge risk ***
"Despite repeated warnings about office and home devices being accessible from the Internet when there is no good reason for them to be, every now and then someone gets the idea of using Google Search to sniff out just how many of them are there. The latest in this line is Adam Howard, a UK-based software engineer who searched for publicly accessible HP printers by using a sequence that matches with an often-used pattern for printing documents on an office or home network:He found
*** Hintergrund: Passwort-Schutz für jeden ***
Wer den wohl gemeinten Tipps folgt und für jeden Dienst ein eigenes Passwort verwendet, braucht entweder ein fotografisches Gedächtnis oder die richtigen Tricks, um das scheinbare Chaos in den Griff zu bekommen.
*** Opera-Update schließt Sicherheitslücken ***
Version 12.13 des Desktop-Browsers beseitigt einige SIcherheitsrisiken. Benutzer berichten jedoch von Abstürzen beim Update.
*** Aktuelle VLC-Version mit kritischer Lücke ***
Durch einen Fehler im ASF-Muxer kann Schadcode auf den Rechner gelangen. Nicht nur durch das öffnen verseuchter Mediendateien, sondern auch beim Surfen.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Montag 28-01-2013 18:00 − Dienstag 29-01-2013 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: n/a
*** After silence on Java flaws, Oracle now says it cares ***
"Oracle wants to you to know it is on the job when it comes to Java security. Two weeks after the U.S. government told users to disable Java in their browsers (and Apple did so automatically for Mac users) because of serious security flaws, the company is now reaching out to developers and users about this embarrassing problem. In recent blog posts and during a conference with JUG (Java User Group) leaders on Friday, Oracle has tried to convey the message that it cares about Java
*** iOS 6.1 Released, (Mon, Jan 28th) ***
Apple today released iOS 6.1 as well as an update for Apple TV (5.2). No details about the security content have been posted yet, but we expect it to show up in a day or so at the usual location [1]. There appears to be however one interesting security related change: As in other upgrades, after upgrading to iOS 6.1, you will be asked to activate your device again by logging into your Apple iCloud account. This time around however, you will be asked to setup password recovery questions unless
*** Browser-hijacking malware talks to attackers using SPF email validation protocol ***
"A new Trojan program that displays rogue advertisements during browsing sessions uses a DNS-based email validation protocol called the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) in order to receive instructions from attackers without being detected, according to security researchers from Symantec. The new malware is called Trojan. Spachanel and its purpose is to inject malicious JavaScript code into every Web page opened on infected computers, Symantec researcher Takashi Katsuki said Friday in a blog
*** Vuln: ZoneMinder Remote Multiple Arbitrary Command Execution Vulnerabilities ***
ZoneMinder Remote Multiple Arbitrary Command Execution Vulnerabilities
*** Fortinet FortiMail IBE Appliance Application Filter Bypass ***
Topic: Fortinet FortiMail IBE Appliance Application Filter Bypass Risk: Medium Text:Title: Fortinet FortiMail 400 IBE - Multiple Web Vulnerabilities Date: == 2013-01-23 References: == http...
*** Weitere kritische Lücke in Ruby on Rails geschlossen ***
Das Ruby-Entwicklerteam hat eine sehr kritische Lücke in dem Web-Framework Ruby on Rails (RoR) geschlossen, durch die ein Angreifer Code in den Server einschleusen kann. Wer einen Server mit RoR betreibt, sollte umgehend handeln, da bereits passende Exploits kursieren.
Betroffen sind die RoR-Versionen 2.3 und 3.0; Abhilfe schafft ein Update auf 3.0.20 und 2.3.16. Außerdem gibt es Patches.
*** Bugtraq: [SE-2012-01] An issue with new Java SE 7 security features ***
[SE-2012-01] An issue with new Java SE 7 security features
*** [dos] - Apple Quick Time Player (Windows) Version 7.7.3 Out of Bound Read ***
Apple Quick Time Player (Windows) Version 7.7.3 Out of Bound Read
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Freitag 25-01-2013 18:00 − Montag 28-01-2013 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Trojanized SSH Daemon In the Wild, Sending Passwords To Iceland ***
An anonymous reader writes "It is no secret that SSH binaries can be backdoored. It is nonetheless interesting to see analysis of real cases where a trojanized version of the daemon are found in the wild. In this case, the binary not only lets the attacker log onto the server if he has a hardcoded password, the attacker is also granted access if he/she has the right SSH key. The backdoor also logs all username and passwords to exfiltrate them to a server hosted in Iceland." Read
*** GitHubs new search reveals passwords and private keys ***
"GitHub, the popular online source code repository, has unveiled on Wednesday a new search infrastructure that should help coders find specific code within the millions of the individual repositories GitHub hosts. But, as helpful as this tool promises to be, it can still be misused. And unfortunately, it didnt take long to prove that, as only hours later a number of individuals realized that quite a few careless coders inadvertently published their private encryption keys or their
*** WordPress SolveMedia 1.1.0 Cross Site Request Forgery ***
Topic: WordPress SolveMedia 1.1.0 Cross Site Request Forgery Risk: Low Text:# Exploit Title: WordPress SolveMedia 1.1.0 CSRF Vulnerability # Release Date: 24/01/13 # Author: Junaid Hussain - [ illSecur...
*** Common Sense Guide to Mitigating Insider Threats - Best Practice 11 (of 19) ***
"Hello, this is Todd Lewellen, Cybersecurity Threat and Incident Analyst for the CERT Program, with the eleventh of 19 blog posts that describe the best practices fully documented in the fourth edition of the Common Sense Guide to Mitigating Insider Threats. The CERT Program announced the public release of the fourth edition of the Common Sense Guide to Mitigating Insider Threats on December 12, 2012. The guide describes 19 practices that organizations should implement across the
*** 34th IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy ***
"The 2013 Symposium will mark the 34th annual meeting of this flagship conference. Since 1980, the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy has been the premier forum for presenting developments in computer security and electronic privacy, and for bringing together researchers and practitioners in the field. The Symposium will be held on May 19-22 2013 in San Francisco, California...."
*** HP JetDirect Vulnerabilities Discussed, (Sun, Jan 27th) ***
On a slow day in the cyber security world here at ISC I wanted to open a discussion of the recent review of vulnerabilities in the HP JetDirect software by researcher Sebastin Guerrero (English translation is available here). I have performed audits in highly monitored environments, where change control and secure baselines were the law of the land, and still find known and documented vulnerabilities in the printer environment. Even in highly developed enterprise security groups the printer
*** Vuln: JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Cross Site Request Forgery Vulnerability ***
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Cross Site Request Forgery Vulnerability
*** Vuln: JBoss twiddle.sh Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability ***
JBoss twiddle.sh Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability
*** Vuln: JBoss Enterprise BRMS Platform JGroups Diagnostics Service Information Disclosure Vulnerability ***
JBoss Enterprise BRMS Platform JGroups Diagnostics Service Information Disclosure Vulnerability
*** [TYPO3-announce]
Security issues in several third party TYPO3 extensions ***
Several vulnerabilities have been found in the following third party TYPO3
Attac Calendar (attacalendar)
Attac Petition (attacpetition)
Subscription (eu_subscribe)
Exinit job offer (exinit_joboffer)
Frontend File Browser (fefilebrowser)
Javascript and Css Optimizer (js_css_optimizer)
>From a csv-file to a html-table (kk_csv2table)
SEO Pack for tt_news (lonewsseo)
MySQL to JSON (mn_mysql2json)
*** Awareness is not enough, says EU Commissioner Kroes days before introducing EU Cybersecurity Strategy ***
"The WEF affirmed that in the next 10 years there is a 10% likelihood of a major Critical Information Infrastructure breakdown with possible economic damages of over $250 billion. Incidents and attacks are on the rise. The big message was that cybersecurity is a matter that cannot be left to the technical people...."
*** PC-Welt.de als Virenschleuder missbraucht ***
Mindestens am Freitag und Samstag vergangener Woche haben Unbekannte Malware über die Website des Magazins PC-Welt verbreitet. Nach Angaben der Betreiber ist die Site inzwischen wieder sauber.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 24-01-2013 18:00 − Freitag 25-01-2013 18:00
Handler: Matthias Fraidl
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
*** Web server hackers install rogue Apache modules and SSH backdoors, researchers say ***
"A group of hackers that are infecting Web servers with rogue Apache modules are also backdooring their Secure Shell (SSH) services in order to steal login credentials from administrators and users. The hackers are replacing all of the SSH binary files on the compromised servers with backdoored versions that are designed to send the hostname, username and password for incoming and outgoing SSH connections to attacker-controlled servers, security researchers from Web security firm Sucuri
*** Playing chess with APTs ***
During a briefing from the top security analyst at one of the
Washington-area cyber centers, I got the idea that resisting targeted
attacks from sophisticated adversaries (so-called advanced persistent
threats, or APTs) is a bit like playing chess at the grand master level.
*** Silly gits upload private crypto keys to public GitHub projects ***
Amazing what you can find searching for BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY Scores of programmers uploaded their private cryptographic keys to public source-code repositories on GitHub, exposing their login credentials to world+dog. The discovery was made just before the website hit the kill switch on its search engine or, more likely, the service collapsed under the weight of curious users trawling for the sensitive data.
*** Are Cyber Criminals Using Plus-Sized Malware To Fool AV? ***
"Obesity is an epidemic in the United States. And it looks as if it may soon be a problem in malware circles, as well. After years watching malware authors pack their poison into smaller and smaller packages, one forum frequented by those seeking help with virus infections says that theyre seeing just the opposite: simple malware wrapped within obscenely large executables in one case, over 200 megabytes...."
*** Identifying People from their Writing Style ***
"Its called stylometry, and its based on the analysis of things like word choice, sentence structure, syntax and punctuation. In one experiment, researchers were able to identify 80% of users with a 5,000-word writing sample. More Information: -http://www...."
*** Vulnerability Scans via Search Engines (Request for Logs) ***
We had a reader this week submit the following web log to us: GET /geography/slide.php?image_name=Free+gay+black+moviesslide_file= script%E2%84%91_id=0+union+select+0x3f736372aca074200372 HTTP/1.1 The request, as you can probably tell, is an attempt to detect SQL Injection and likely XSS vulnerabilities. As such, it isnt really all that special. What makes this more interesting is the fact that it came from Microsoft +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.html) Client IP Address: This
*** Inside the Gozi Bulletproof Hosting Facility ***
Nate Anderson at Ars Technica has a good story about how investigators tracked down "Virus," the nickname allegedly used by a Romanian man accused by the U.S. Justice Department of running the Web hosting operations for a group that created and marketed the Gozi banking Trojan. Turns out, Ive been sitting on some fascinating details about this hosting provider for many months without fully realizing what I had.Related Posts:Three Charged in Connection with Gozi
*** China Accused Of Java, IE Zero Day Attacks ***
"Recently disclosed vulnerabilities in Java and Internet Explorer have been used in targeted attacks that appear to be aimed at critics of the Chinese government. Tuesday, Jindrich Kubec, director of threat intelligence for Prague-based antivirus software developer Avast, reported that multiple websites had been compromised by attackers and used to infect visitors via JavaScript drive-by attacks. If successful, the attacks infected PCs with a remote access Trojan (RAT), thus giving
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 23-01-2013 18:00 − Donnerstag 24-01-2013 18:00
Handler: Matthias Fraidl
Co-Handler: Christian Wojner
*** Cisco Prime LAN Management Solution Command Execution Vulnerability ***
Please give us your feedback on Cisco Security Intelligence Operations. Thanks! Cisco Prime LAN Management Solution (LMS) Virtual Appliancecontains a vulnerability that could allow an unauthenticated, remoteattacker to execute arbitrary commands with the privileges of the root user. Thevulnerability is due to improper validation of authentication andauthorization commands sent to certain TCP ports. An attackercould exploit this vulnerability by connecting to the affected systemand sending
http://tools.cisco.com/security/center/content/CiscoSecurityAdvisory/cisco-… Security Advisory&vs_cat=Security Intelligence&vs_type=RSS&vs_p=Cisco Prime LAN Management Solution Command Execution Vulnerability&vs_k=1
*** Phisher missbrauchen URL-Weiterleitung der Arbeitsagentur ***
PayPal-Phishing ist ein alter Hut. Neu ist, dass die Phishing-Links auf Arbeitsagentur.de zeigen.
*** Megas erster Krypto-Fauxpas ***
Ein eigentlich cleveres Konzept zum Nachladen von Code entpuppt sich als potentielle Hintertür, weil dabei ungeeignete Krypto-Funktionen zum Einsatz kommen. So könnten Dritte Teile des Mega-Codes manipulieren.
*** DNS attacks increase by 170% ***
"Radware identified a number of new attack methods representative of todays increasingly sophisticated and severe DDoS threat. Their latest report highlights server-based botnets and encrypted layer attacks as just two of the new attack tools challenging organizations during DDoS attacks. While security organizations have focused their efforts and attention on the pre and post-phases of defense, attackers now launch prolonged attacks that last days or weeks...."
*** Most exploit kits originated in Russia, say researchers ***
"58 percent of the vulnerabilities targeted by the most popular exploit kits in Q4 were more than two years old and 70 percent of exploit kits reviewed were released or developed in Russia, reveals Solutionary SERTs Q4 2012 Quarterly Research Report. In reviewing 26 commonly used exploit kits, SERT identified exploit code dating as far back as 2004, serving as evidence that old vulnerabilities continue to prove fruitful for cyber criminals. The fact that 58 percent of the vulnerabilities
*** Most US banks were DDoSed last year - survey ***
One in 10 banking IT bods say budget constraints an issue Nearly two-thirds of retail banks experienced at least one distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack in the past year, according to a new survey.
*** Malware - USA sind Botnet-Standort Nummer Eins ***
Mehr Zombie-Rechner-Netzwerke als in China und Russland zusammen.
*** Spammer entdecken WhatsApp ***
Spammer missbrauchen den beliebten Messaging-Dienst WhatsApp derzeit offenbar verstärkt als Transportmittel für ihre dubiosen Werbebotschaften.
*** New Trojan fakes search results ***
January 15, 2013 Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web is warning users about a malicious program dubbed BackDoor.Finder which fakes search result pages and redirects browsers to bogus websites. When launched in an infected system, BackDoor.Finder creates a copy of itself in the current users % APPDATA% folder and makes corresponding changes in the branch of the Windows registry responsible for application startup. After that this malware injects its code into all running processes. If it
*** Backdoors Found in Barracuda Networks Gear ***
A broad variety of the latest firewall, spam filter and VPN appliances sold by Campbell, Calif. based Barracuda Networks Inc. contain undocumented backdoor accounts, the company disclosed today. Worse still, while the backdoor accounts are apparently set up so that they would only be accessible from Internet addresses assigned to Barracuda, they are in fact accessible to potentially hundreds of other companies and network owners.Related Posts:Amnesty International Site Serving Java ExploitNew
*** Update-Probleme mit Microsofts Gratis-Virenscanner ***
Auf einigen Systemen aktualisieren die Microsoft Security Essentials seit einigen Tagen ihre Signatur nicht mehr selbstständig. Abhilfe schafft das manuelle Einspielen eines Signaturpakets.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 22-01-2013 18:00 − Mittwoch 23-01-2013 18:00
Handler: Matthias Fraidl
Co-Handler: Christian Wojner
*** Have a Wi-Fi-Enabled Phone? Stores Are Tracking You ***
jfruh writes "Call it Google Analytics for physical storefronts: if youve got a phone with wi-fi, stores can detect your MAC address and track your comings and goings, determining which aisles you go to and whether youre a repeat customer. The creator of one of the most popular tracking software packages says that the addresses are hashed and not personally identifiable, but it might make you think twice about leaving your phone on when you head to the mall." Read more of this
*** Skype becomes a malware minefield ***
"Skype users should be careful when using the service these days. First CSIS researchers unearthed a campaign misusing Skype to replicate and spread the Shylock banking Trojan with a plugin called msg. gsm that, when it was first spotted five days ago, was detected by none of the AV solutions used by VirusTotal...."
*** Red October spy ring also used "Rhino" Java exploit ***
"A cyber espionage campaign that was recently unearthed by researchersused a now-patched vulnerability in Java software as another tool to exploit victims machines. Security firm Seculert published a blog post Tuesday saying that the "Red October" spy campaign, in addition to leveraging weaknesses in Microsoft Office, also spread malware by taking advantage of a Java flaw in the Rhino Script Engine, CVE-2011- 3544, fixed in October 2011. After investigating the
*** Paypal.com Blind SQL Injection ***
Topic: Paypal.com Blind SQL Injection Risk: Medium Text:Title: Paypal Bug Bounty #18 - Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability Date: == 2013-01-22 References: == http...
*** DDoS Attacks as Constitutional Problem: Germanys Experience ***
"A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack targets a computer systems resources by flooding it with requests beyond its capacity in hopes of negatively impacting its functionality. Does society consider DDoS attacks a legitimate form of protest? When an anonymously posted petition appeared on the White Houses We the People page and advocated the legalization of DDoS attacks most commentators didnt look to kindly at the idea...."
*** SCADA Password-Cracking Tool For Siemens S7 PLCs Released ***
FROM: Matthias Fraidl <fraidl(a)cert.at>
*** Beware of fake Java updates ***
"Following recent security vulnerabilities in Java, malware developers are taking a new approach to exploit the Java platform by issuing false updates that pose as legitimate updates for the runtime. The latest version of the Java runtime that fixes recent vulnerabilities is update 11, and Kaspersky labs is reporting that a new malware is out that poses as "Java Update 11." The malware is packaged in a Java archive file called "javaupdate11. jar" that contains two
*** Twitter flaw gave private message access to third-party apps, researcher says ***
"Users who signed into third-party Web or mobile applications using their Twitter accounts might have given those applications access to their Twitter private "direct" messages without knowing it, according to Cesar Cerrudo, the chief technology officer of security consultancy firm IOActive. The issue is the result of a flaw in Twitters API (application programming interface) that led to users not being properly informed about what permissions an application will have on their
*** Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco Wireless LAN Controllers ***
Please give us your feedback on Cisco Security Intelligence Operations. Thanks! The Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (Cisco WLC) product family is affected by the following four vulnerabilities: Cisco Wireless LAN Controllers Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (wIPS) Denial of Service Vulnerability Cisco Wireless LAN Controllers Session Initiation Protocol Denial of Service Vulnerability Cisco Wireless LAN Controllers HTTP Profiling Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Cisco Wireless LAN
http://tools.cisco.com/security/center/content/CiscoSecurityAdvisory/cisco-… Security Advisory&vs_cat=Security Intelligence&vs_type=RSS&vs_p=Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco Wireless LAN Controllers&vs_k=1
*** Three Men Charged in Connection with Gozi Trojan ***
Federal investigators are expected to announce today criminal charges against three men alleged to be responsible for creating and distributing the Gozi Trojan, an extremely sophisticated strain of malicious software that was sold to cyber crooks and was tailor-made to attack specific financial institutions targeted by each buyer. According to charging documents filed in the U.S. [...]Related Posts:New Findings Lend Credence to Project BlitzkriegU.S. Charges 37 Alleged Money Mules19 Arrested in
*** Summary for January 2013 - Version: 3.0 ***
With the release of the security bulletins for January 2013, this bulletin summary replaces the bulletin advance notification originally issued January 3, 2013 and the out-of-band advance notification issued January 13, 2013.
*** Vuln: Oracle MySQL Server CVE-2013-0384 Remote Security Vulnerability ***
Oracle MySQL Server CVE-2013-0384 Remote Security Vulnerability
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Montag 21-01-2013 23:28 − Dienstag 22-01-2013 23:28
Handler: L. Aaron Kaplan
Co-Handler: Christian Wojner
*** Vuln: libTIFF TIFF Image CVE-2012-2088 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability ***
libTIFF TIFF Image CVE-2012-2088 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
*** First Google wants to know all about you, now it wants a RING on your finger ***
For those whove always wanted to give the web giant the finger Top Google bods are mulling over using cryptographic finger-ring gadgets and other ways for users to securely log into websites and other services.
*** Linksys WRT54GL CSRF Attacke ***
Linksys WRT54GL CSRF Attacke21. Jänner 2013Wir bitten um Beachtung folgender CSRF Attacke gegen den allseits beliebten und weit verbreiteten Linksys WRT54GL:http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/525368/30/0/threadedWir haben in Oesterreich derzeit laut Shodan mindestens 1065 betroffene Linksysen, die direkt via Internet ansprechbar sind (also mit Admin Interface auf einer public IP). Der WRT54GL ist ein Dauerrenner bei WLAN Routern und durchaus weit verbreitet. (quelle:
*** The LulzSec Press Twitter Account Hacked And Exposed By Indonesian Hacker Hmei7 ***
"Indonesian hacker going by the name of Hmei7 published a document on pastebin,exposing @TheLulzSecPress, by stating they they have been stealing others hack. The document has been well organised,giving an introduction section followed by Hacking Incidents analysis,where comparison was made between original hacks of some genuine hackers and the stolen hacks by thelulzsecpress. A total of 5 issues were compared which hmei7 has been naming as FAIL NO...."
*** [SECURITY] [DSA 2611-1] movabletype-opensource security update ***
Debian Security Advisory DSA-2611-1 security(a)debian.org
http://www.debian.org/security/ Yves-Alexis Perez
January 22, 2013 http://www.debian.org/security/faq
*** Operation Red October Attackers Wielded Spear Phishing ***
"The Red October malware network is one of the most advanced online espionage operations thats ever been discovered. Thats the conclusion of Moscow-based security firm Kaspersky Lab, which first discovered Operation Red October--"Rocra" for short--in October 2012."The primary focus of this campaign targets countries in Eastern Europe, former USSR republics, and countries in Central Asia, although victims can be found everywhere, including Western Europe and North
*** DHS: Industrial control systems subject to 200 attacks in 2012 ***
"A DHS report released last week revealed that industrial control systems, which are used to monitor and control critical infrastructure facilities, were hit with 198 documented cyberattacks in 2012, and that many of these attacks were serious. Forty percent of those attacks were on energy firms, according to the Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Cyber Emergency Response Team (CERT), which reviewed every incident. Water utilities came in second, with 15 percent of the attacks focused on
*** Google bezahlt für Daten-Traffic an Orange ***
Der französische Mobilfunkbetreiber Orange hat mit Google einen Vertrag darüber geschlossen, wonach Google für den Transport der Daten des Video-Portals YouTube zahlt. Das französische Regierung will mit Google zudem über eine "Internet-Steuer" für die Sammlung persönlicher Daten verhandeln.
*** Vuln: Cisco VPN Client for Windows CVE-2012-5429 Local Denial of Service Vulnerability ***
Cisco VPN Client for Windows CVE-2012-5429 Local Denial of Service Vulnerability
*** Spent Fuel Pool ***
Spent Fuel Pool What if I took a swim in a typical spent nuclear fuel pool? Would I need to dive to actually experience a fatal amount of radiation? How long could I stay safely at the surface? Assuming you're a reasonably good swimmer, you could probably survive treading water anywhere from 10 to 40 hours. At that point, you would black out from fatigue and drown. This is also true for a pool without nuclear fuel in the bottom.Spent fuel from nuclear
*** iOS 6 jailbreak nearly there, say iPhone hackers ***
"Two iPhone hackers hinted theyre making progress towards developing a new jailbreak for the latest version of Apples mobile operating system. One of the hackers, who goes by "@pod2g" on Twitter, said yesterday that they found two "new vulnerabilities in a day," but whats missing is an "initial code execution" for a public jailbreak. Pod2g is working with David Wang, known as "@planetbeing" on Twitter, to develop a way to remotely exploit iOS 6,
*** Security researchers cripple Virut botnet ***
"Many of the domain names used by a cybercriminal gang to control computers infected with the Virut malware were disabled last week in a coordinated takedown effort, Spamhaus, an organization dedicated to fighting spam, announced Saturday. The Virut malware spreads by inserting malicious code into clean executable files and by copying itself to fixed, attached and shared network drives. Some variants also infects HTML, ASP and PHP files with rogue code that distributes the threat...."
*** SOL14138: XML External Entity Injection (XXE) from authenticated source CVE-2012-2997 ***
*** Netzpolitik - Deutschland plant Firmen-Meldepflicht für Cyber-Angriffe ***
Neuer Gesetzentwurf sieht Prüfung der Sicherheitsstandards vor
*** Bugtraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 2611-1] movabletype-opensource security update ***
[SECURITY] [DSA 2611-1] movabletype-opensource security update
*** Red October closes as Kaspersky publishes more details ***
"Almost as soon as Kaspersky began publishing details about the Red October cyberespionage network, the command and control systems behind the apparently five-year-old digital spying ring began closing down. According to a posting on Kasperskys threatpost, the researchers who exposed the network on Monday say that "not only [are] the registrars killing the domains and the hosting providers killing the command-and-control servers but perhaps the attackers shutting down the whole
*** Vuln: Oracle MySQL Server CVE-2013-0384 Remote Security Vulnerability ***
Oracle MySQL Server CVE-2013-0384 Remote Security Vulnerability
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Samstag 19-01-2013 18:18 − Montag 21-01-2013 18:18
Handler: L. Aaron Kaplan
Co-Handler: Christian Wojner
*** Android Botnet Infects 1 Million Plus Phones ***
Trailrunner7 writes "Up to a million Android users in China could be part of a large mobile botnet, according to research unveiled by Kingsoft Security, a Hong Kong-based security company, this week. The botnet has spread across phones running the Android operating system via Android.Troj.mdk, a Trojan that researchers said exists in upwards of 7,000 applications available from non-Google app marketplaces, including the popular Temple Run and Fishing Joy games." Update: 01/19 12:54
*** In Syria, the Cyberwar Intensifies ***
"The front pages have been dominated for more than a year by photos of young Syrian rebel fighters, armed and proud, battling an increasingly isolated Syrian military. But amid the shooting, the atrocities and the bombings, there is a parallel war a sophisticated cyber insurgency battling a shadowy team working on behalf of the Assad regime. The Syrians online conflict may be the most active cyberwar in recent memory, with extraordinary efforts by both sides to sabotage, disrupt and
*** Malware shuts down US power company ***
"A computer virus attacked a turbine control system at a US power company last fall when a technician unknowingly inserted an infected USB computer drive into the network, keeping a plant off line for three weeks, according to a report posted on a US government website. The Department of Homeland Security report did not identify the plant but said criminal software, which is used to conduct financial crimes such as identity theft, was behind the incident...."
*** Vuln: Oracle MySQL Server Heap Overflow Vulnerability ***
Oracle MySQL Server Heap Overflow Vulnerability
*** Beware: malware masquerading as Java patch ***
"Opportunist hackers are capitalising on fears over Java vulnerabilities by spreading malware posing as patches for the under fire computer platform. Oracle has endured a torrid week over Javas security, having already issued Update 11 to fix critical flaw CVE-2013-0422 a threat deemed serious enough for the US Department of Homeland Security to recommend that users completely disable Java from their computers...."
*** Hackers Leak 1.7 GB of Data from Azerbaijans Special State Protection Service ***
"The information leaked by the hacktivists doesnt belong only to the Special State Protection Service, but also to other organizations linked to it, including ING Geneva, Sumato Energy, BNP Paribas, Taurus Petroleum and even security solutions provider Prolexic. The hackers say the files contain passport scans, reports, confidential shareholder documents, account statements, letters of credit, and details of oil drilling technologies. At the beginning of January, the hackers leaked
*** Google zahlt Durchleitungsentgelte an Orange ***
*** Google will Passwörter durch Ring ersetzen ***
Google testet derzeit Möglichkeiten die klassische Passworteingabe durch Hardware abzulösen. So könnte man sich zukünftig per USB-Stick in sein Google-Konto anmelden. Auch eine NFC-Lösung mittels Ring am Finger wäre für Google denkbar.
*** Netzpolitik - Webadresse von Kärntner Jugendreferat führte zu Pornoseite ***
Hackerangriff vermutet - Problem mittlerweile behoben
*** Shylock banking malware spreads via Skype ***
"The banking Trojan known as Shylock has been updated with new functionality, including the ability to spread over Skype. The program was discovered in 2011 that steals online banking credentials and other financial information from infected computers. Shylock, named after a character from Shakespeares "The Merchant of Venice"...."
*** Arguing Against Voluntary Standards - CEOs See Provisions over Infosec Standards as Distraction ***
"The idea of the U.S. federal government and industry jointly developing IT security best practices will do little to help critical infrastructure operators defend against cyber-risk, says Business Roundtable Vice President Liz Gasster. "It makes an underlying assumption that the point of best practices will, in fact, be effective in addressing cybersecurity risk," Gasster says in an interview with Information Security Media Group. "And that while best practices are a useful
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 17-01-2013 18:00 − Freitag 18-01-2013 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: Otmar Lendl
*** Linksys vuln: Cisco responds ***
Working on fix for WRT54GL router Cisco has identified the Linksys router affected by the vulnerability published by DefenseCode on January 14...
*** Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server 2.2.1 => Cross Site Scripting ***
Topic: Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server 2.2.1 => Cross Site Scripting Risk: Low Text:: + Vendor info Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server 2.2.1 => Cross Site Scripting (CWE-79) http://sourceforge.net/projects/assp/ ...
*** Vuln: Multiple SonicWALL Products CVE-2013-1359 Authentication Bypass Vulnerability ***
Multiple SonicWALL Products CVE-2013-1359 Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
*** Outbank 2 mit Passwort-Leck ***
Die Mac-Version der neuen Banking-Software legt das Programmkennwort in einer Standard-Logdatei ab – unverschlüsselt. Ein Update steht noch aus.
*** Why the Java threat rang every alarm ***
"If the IT industry had a color-coded threat-level advisory system, the alerts would have spiked to red this week -- and in a way they did when the Department of Homeland Security, no less, urged users to disable or uninstall Java because of a serious security vulnerability. Judging by the ensuing avalanche of ink (mea culpa for adding to the pileup), you might think this attack took the industry by surprise. Far from it -- as Twitter engineer and security expert Charlie Miller told...
*** Bugtraq: CVE-2012-6452 Axway Secure Messenger Username Disclosure ***
CVE-2012-6452 Axway Secure Messenger Username Disclosure