[CERT-daily] Tageszusammenfassung - 30.09.2024

Daily end-of-shift report team at cert.at
Mon Sep 30 18:07:00 CEST 2024

= End-of-Day report =

Timeframe:   Freitag 27-09-2024 18:00 − Montag 30-09-2024 18:00
Handler:     Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler:  n/a

=       News        =

∗∗∗ US-Wahlkampf: Anklage wegen des Hacks der Trump-Kampagne erhoben ∗∗∗
Drei Männer müssen sich vor Gericht wegen des Cyberangriffs auf das Wahlkampfteam von Donald Trump verantworten.

∗∗∗ How to Know if Your Website Is Hacked ∗∗∗
Whether you manage a gaming blog, an e-commerce platform, or an enterprise-level website you probably want to be able to detect infections when they occur. A hacked website can lead to financial loss, disruption of business operations, and the exposure of confidential information. The key is acting fast once you discover possible ..

∗∗∗ If youre holding important data, Iran is probably trying spearphish it ∗∗∗
Its election year for more than 50 countries and the Islamic Republic threatens a bunch of them US and UK national security agencies are jointly warning about Iranian spearphishing campaigns, which remain an ongoing threat to various industries and governments.

∗∗∗ The Pig Butchering Invasion Has Begun ∗∗∗
Scamming operations that once originated in Southeast Asia are now proliferating around the world, likely raking in billions of dollars in the process.

∗∗∗ Eliminating Memory Safety Vulnerabilities at the Source ∗∗∗
Memory safety vulnerabilities remain a pervasive threat to software security. At Google, we believe the path to eliminating this class of vulnerabilities at scale and building high-assurance software lies in Safe Coding, a secure-by-design approach that prioritizes transitioning ..

∗∗∗ The Data Breach Disclosure Conundrum ∗∗∗
The conundrum I refer to in the title of this post is the one faced by a breached organisation: disclose or suppress? And let me be even more specific: should they disclose to impacted individuals, or simply never let them know?

∗∗∗ How can you protect your data, privacy, and finances if your phone gets lost or stolen? ∗∗∗
Steps to take when your device is lost or stolen TL;DR This is a guide to help prepare for a situation where your mobile device is lost or stolen, including ..

∗∗∗ Cyber Security Month: Stärken Sie Ihr Wissen ∗∗∗
Im Oktober dreht sich alles um das Thema Cybersicherheit. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, um Ihr Wissen über Phishing, Schadsoftware und andere Cyberbedrohungen aufzufrischen.

∗∗∗ Nitrogen Campaign Drops Sliver and Ends With BlackCat Ransomware ∗∗∗
In November 2023, we identified a BlackCat ransomware intrusion started by Nitrogen malware hosted on a website impersonating Advanced IP ..

∗∗∗ Datenschutzvorfall bei GlobalSign (Sept. 2024) ∗∗∗
Der Anbieter GlobalSign musste gegenüber einigen Kunden einen Datenschutzvorfall eingestehen. Bei deren Customer Relationship Management Platform (CRM) kam es zu einer Fehlkonfigurierung, so dass ein ..

∗∗∗ Facial DNA provider leaks biometric data via WordPress folder ∗∗∗
ChiceDNA exposed 8,000 sensitive records, including biometric images, personal details, and facial DNA data in an unsecured WordPress…

=  Vulnerabilities  =

∗∗∗ Local Privilege Escalation mittels MSI Installer in Nitro PDF Pro ∗∗∗

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