[CERT-daily] Tageszusammenfassung - 25.07.2024

Daily end-of-shift report team at cert.at
Thu Jul 25 18:05:06 CEST 2024

= End-of-Day report =

Timeframe:   Mittwoch 24-07-2024 18:00 − Donnerstag 25-07-2024 18:00
Handler:     Thomas Pribitzer
Co-Handler:  n/a

=       News        =

∗∗∗ KnowBe4 mistakenly hires North Korean hacker, faces infostealer attack ∗∗∗
American cybersecurity company KnowBe4 says a person it recently hired as a Principal Software Engineer turned out to be a North Korean state actor who attempted to install information-stealing on its devices.

∗∗∗ French police push PlugX malware self-destruct payload to clean PCs ∗∗∗
The French police and Europol are pushing out a "disinfection solution" that automatically removes the PlugX malware from infected devices in France.

∗∗∗ How a cheap barcode scanner helped fix CrowdStriked Windows PCs in a flash ∗∗∗
Not long after Windows PCs and servers at the Australian limb of audit and tax advisory Grant Thornton started BSODing last Friday, senior systems engineer Rob Woltz remembered a small but important fact: When PCs boot, they consider barcode scanners no differently to keyboards.

∗∗∗ XWorm Hidden With Process Hollowing ∗∗∗
XWorm is not a brand-new malware family. Its a common RAT (Remote Access Tool) re-use regularly in new campaigns. Yesterday, I found a sample that behaves like a dropper and runs the malware using the Process Hollowing technique.

∗∗∗ Kriminelle werben mit Fake-Profilen von Finanzexperten für betrügerische Investmentplattformen ∗∗∗
Der österreichische Finanzjournalist und Unternehmer Niko Jilch betreibt verschiedene Informationskanäle zu Finanzen, Geldanlage und Bitcoin. Seine Reichweite und Bekanntheit nutzen mittlerweile aber auch Kriminelle, um Privatanleger:innen auf betrügerische Investmentplattformen zu locken.

=  Vulnerabilities  =

∗∗∗ Progress warns of critical RCE bug in Telerik Report Server ∗∗∗
Progress Software has warned customers to patch a critical remote code execution security flaw in the Telerik Report Server that can be used to compromise vulnerable devices.

∗∗∗ Container angreifbar: Docker muss kritische Schwachstelle von 2019 erneut patchen ∗∗∗
Docker hatte die Lücke längst geschlossen. Nur Monate später flog der Patch aber wieder raus. Die Docker Engine ist damit fünf Jahre lang angreifbar gewesen.

∗∗∗ Security updates for Thursday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by AlmaLinux (containernetworking-plugins, cups, edk2, httpd, httpd:2.4, libreoffice, libuv, libvirt, python3, and runc), Fedora (exim, python-zipp, xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland, and xmedcon), Red Hat (cups, fence-agents, freeradius, freeradius:3.0, httpd:2.4, kernel, kernel-rt, nodejs:18, podman, and resource-agents), Slackware (htdig and libxml2), SUSE (exim), and Ubuntu (ocsinventory-server, php-cas, and poppler).

∗∗∗ Nvidia Patches High-Severity Vulnerabilities in AI, Networking Products ∗∗∗
Nvidia has patched high-severity vulnerabilities in its Jetson, Mellanox OS, OnyX, Skyway, and MetroX products.

∗∗∗ Sicherheitsupdates: Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN vielfältig attackierbar ∗∗∗
Die Entwickler von HPE haben in Arubas SD-WAN-Lösung EdgeConnect mehrere gefährliche Sicherheitslücken geschlossen.

∗∗∗ Positron Broadcast Signal Processor ∗∗∗

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