Dear community,
about one year after the 3.0 release, 3.1 is just around the corner.
Containing more than 200 commits in IntelMQ, this versions features numerous fixes and improvements from various contributors. The IntelMQ API did not change, the Manager did also receive two small bug fixes. Thanks to elsif2 the Shadowserver parser received massive updates (see Aaron's mail last week) and it needs testing. Therefore, we decided to do create a release candidate before the final "stable" 3.1.0 version. If you can spend some time on testing the new release, please do so and give feedback. Bear in mind that IntelMQ is a community project and has no sponsors, hence please consider contributing.
The details you need to know before upgrading:
Full list of changes:
The RC1 version is not available in the stable deb/rpm repository, only in the special "unstable" repository: You can add the unstable repo alongside the stable repository.
On PyPI the RC1 releases are marked as unstable and as such will only be installed if pip is called with intelmq==3.1.0rc1.post1
If you installed IntelMQ from git, just update the "develop" branch. The git tag is "3.1.0-rc1"
best regards Sebastian