Thank you for all replies :) Thank you, Aron, for pointing to the stats portal. I agree with your note. Based on all replies, it's interesting to hear how others are trying to solve the stats/monitoring questions. It's also a good thing to address that there is a difference between stats and monitoring. However, I think there is also quite some overlap because you probably want to set up monitoring/alerting based on your stats. Shiny management reports are indeed a different thing :)
Monitoring and dashboarding itself probably should not be part of the IntelMQ core. However, I think it would be very useful to share monitoring/alerting options in the documentation or share code (bots) to feed your stats/reporting/dashboarding solution. Everyone is free to make its own configuration setup that fits its needs but could use a default bot to feed his reporting engine.
Our goal for stats in more detail: - To get technical insights into what is coming into the pipeline. So, event counts per bot, but also more granulated numbers for each report/feed. - Get insights on how many events are deduped. - We have a lot of filter bots in our environment. We want stats on the event filter ins/outs. - We have multiple output bots where we also want stats. - In the end, you want a kind of CRC paper trail check to ensure your line is in control and not "losing" any data on the way in the journey through the data pipeline(s) :)
@Aron, we will use your repo for inspiration and will probably develop our stats needs further in 2024. If it's relevant to the community, we'll see if we can share it.
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-----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: IntelMQ-dev Namens L. Aaron Kaplan Verzonden: dinsdag 28 november 2023 10:31 Aan: Bernhard Reiter CC: Onderwerp: Re: [IntelMQ-dev] timescale db is non-free (was: Stats in Intelmq?)
Good idea.
But please note that timescaleDB is - optional (plain postgresql with the proper indices usually does the job just as well) - actually timescaledb is just a few extensions on top of plain postgresql.
So, I don't really see a lock-in here.
But a notice would be great. Maybe as part of any PR which includes more timescaledb support...
My 2 cents of experience with working with timescaledb.
PS: back then at we used timescaledb initially for already and it is just great for its purpose: to do very fast SELECT ... GROUP BY .. WHERE timestamp in INTERVAL(...) queries. That's where it shines (and coincidentally that's often what you need for data-cubes/statistics on large DBs). But you can achieve similar functionality also with plain postgresql or other databases. I see that as a functionality which may be replaced by other similar systems - if needed (and that depends only on the size of your eventDB).
On 28.11.2023, at 10:15, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
Signed PGP part Hello,
Am Montag 27 November 2023 12:23:56 schrieb Kamil Mankowski via IntelMQ-dev:
However, I can say what is currently available, and how I use/plan to use it:
- for final events, we use - as mentioned by Aaron - a database. We
are going to use Timescale DB,
note that the more recent features of timescale db are non-free (aka proprietary) software. "Many of the most recent features of TimescaleDB are only available in TimescaleDB Community Edition."
"You cannot sell TimescaleDB Community Edition as a service"
"You can modify the TimescaleDB Community Edition source code and run it for production use."
Maybe adding a proper warning against the lock-in in the document would match IntelMQ's idea to stay open.
Regards Bernhard
-- +49 541 33 508 3-3 Intevation GmbH, Osnabrück, DE; Amtsgericht Osnabrück, HRB 18998 Geschäftsführer: Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter
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