Hi Aaron and list members,
Generally speaking, I think Python (pandas) and the R project are the
major two free/open-source analysing software, and I'd second to have
thin wrappers that handle input/output from/to IntelMQ.
I reckon data analysers likes IntelMQ more if we have such wrappers,
though we can input/output using CSV or JSON without them.
pandas: https://pandas.pydata.org
numpy: https://numpy.org
scipy: https://www.scipy.org
scikit-learn: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/
R: https://www.r-project.org
Best Regards.
moto kawasaki
moto@kawasaki3.org +81-90-2464-8454
on Tue, 11 May 2021 15:21:20 +0200, "L. Aaron Kaplan"
aaron@lo-res.org wrote:
> Hi intelmq-dev,
> while thinking through a lot (and IEP04), I was wondering if there was ever the need to process intelmq data (DHO/IDF) via
> standard pandas dataframe like syntax?
> Would that be appealing for developers?
> I myself started to use pandas on and off more and more over the last years. And it is the de-facto data science tool/library for python (together with numpy).
> Best,
> Aaron.