We received today a Shadowserver report that gets mapped into the feed "Special" by the Shadowserver parser bot. It's fine to try to inform about vulnerabilities asap, but as this report was unknown to our checker bot, it was put on hold. The corresponding email is named "Vulnerable CUPS Special Report" which already gives an idea of what the report speaks about. This report does not seem to be documented on Shadowserver's own pages under https://www.shadowserver.org/what-we-do/network-reporting (yet?).
So, here's a request: could someone who is able to update
turn the special report into a more specific feed definition, e.g. the report file name could be "scan_cups" (and "scan6_cups" for IPv6) and the "feed.name" field could be e.g. "Vulnerable-CUPS-Server" or similar? Another option is to create a report of its own for vulnerable CUPS servers and leave "special" as the catch-all alongside.
Thank you.
Br, Mika
P.S: The usual disclaimer: I hope I have not misunderstood anything in the the aforementioned specs.