= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 23-10-2012 18:00 − Mittwoch 24-10-2012 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Matthias Fraidl
*** Apple QuickTime 7.7.2(1680.56) Division By Zero ***
Topic: Apple QuickTime 7.7.2(1680.56) Division By Zero Risk: Low Text:#Title : Apple QuickTime Player suffers from Division By Zero #Version : 7.7.2(1680.56) #Date : 2012-10-23 #Ve...
*** Time to run Windows Update - - Microsoft Updates KB2755801 for Windows RT / IE10 / Flash Player - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/advisory/2755801, (Wed, Oct 24th) ***
=============== Rob VandenBrink Metafore (c) SANS Internet Storm Center. http://isc.sans.edu Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
*** The NetSA group at CERT has developed and maintains a suite of open source tools ***
"The Network Situational Awareness (NetSA) group at CERT has developed and maintains a suite of open source tools for monitoring large-scale networks using flow data. These tools have grown out of the work of the AirCERT project, the SiLK project and the effort to integrate this work into a unified, standards-compliant flow collection and analysis platform...."
*** Bugtraq: [security bulletin] HPSBHF02819 SSRT100920 rev.1 - HP, 3COM, and H3C Routers & Switches, Remote Disclosure of Information ***
[security bulletin] HPSBHF02819 SSRT100920 rev.1 - HP, 3COM, and H3C Routers & Switches, Remote Disclosure of Information
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Montag 22-10-2012 18:00 − Dienstag 23-10-2012 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Matthias Fraidl
*** CyanogenMod protokolliert Sperrmuster ***
Die Android-Firmware CyanogenMod protokolliert offenbar die zur Entsperrung des Smartphones verwendeten Wischmuster mit. Das hat ein Entwickler bemerkt und mit einem Mini-Patch abgestellt. CyanogenMod ist eine herstellerunabhängige Firmware für Android-Smartphones.
*** Google Drive öffnet Hintertür zum Google-Account ***
Der Windows-Client von Googles Dropbox-Alternative Drive öffnet eine Hintertür in den Google-Account, durch die sich neugierige Mitmenschen unter Umständen Zugriff auf Mails, Kontakte und Termine des Drive-Nutzers verschaffen können.
*** Trend Micro Report for Q3, 2012: Zero-Days, Mobile Malware and Phishing ***
"Security firm Trend Micro has released its Security Roundup Report for the third quarter of 2012. The figures highlight the fact that the number of malicious elements designed to target Android devices has increased from 30,000 (in June) to almost 175,000 (in September). While some of them are designed to inflate phone bills and fill the crooks pockets, others pose a privacy threat...."
*** ENISA Midpoint Report: First European Cyber Security Month Is a Success ***
"The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) has released a midpoint report on the first European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) and the figures are highly encouraging. The campaign has already reached close to 2 million users on Facebook and judging by the upcoming events, it will reach a lot more in the following period. Hundreds of professionals and thousands of regular Internet users have already taken part in events hosted by Portugal, Spain, Norway, Luxemburg and
*** Vuln: Real Networks RealPlayer Write Access Violation Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability ***
Real Networks RealPlayer Write Access Violation Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability
*** Joomla SQLReport Password Disclosure ***
Topic: Joomla SQLReport Password Disclosure Risk: Medium Text:Title:Password Disclosure Vulnerability Author:AsSerT && MetAiZM Vendor:Joomla Dork:inurl:com_sqlreport Disclosure: http...
*** Solar-power system flaws shine light on Smart Grid threats ***
"The Homeland Security Department has issued an alert about vulnerabilities in a control system for solar electric systems that could allow unauthorized users to access to the system and execute malicious code. The equipment is sold by the Italian systems integrator Sinapsi, and although a proof-of-concept exploit has been published, no exploits have yet been reported in the wild. The alert is a reminder of the need to incorporate security into increasingly complex and interactive power
*** Adobe schließt kritische Shockwave-Lücken ***
Adobe schließt mit der Shockwave-Version für Windows und Mac OS X zahlreiche kritische Lücken, durch die ein Angreifer potenziell Schadcode ins System schleusen kann. Insgesamt sind den Schwachstellen sechs CVE-Nummern zugeordnet. Es handelt sich vor allem um Pufferüberläufe.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Freitag 19-10-2012 18:00 − Montag 22-10-2012 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Christian Wojner
*** Dutch government seeks to let law enforcement hack foreign computers ***
"The Dutch government wants to give law enforcement authorities the power to hack into computers, including those located in other countries, for the purpose of discovering and gathering evidence during cybercrime investigations. In a letter that was sent to the lower house of the Dutch parliament on Monday, the Dutch Minister of Security and Justice Ivo Opstelten outlined the governments plan to draft a bill in upcoming months that would provide law enforcement authorities with new
*** Joomla Commedia 3.1 SQL Injection ***
Topic: Joomla Commedia 3.1 SQL Injection Risk: Medium Text: Exploit Title: Joomla commedia Remote Exploit dork: inurl:index.php?option=com_commedia Date: [18-10-2012] Autho...
*** F5 FirePass SSL VPN 4xxx Series & Arbitrary URL Redirection ***
Topic: F5 FirePass SSL VPN 4xxx Series & Arbitrary URL Redirection Risk: Low Text:1. OVERVIEW F5 FirePass SSL VPN is vulnerable to Open URL Redirection. 2. BACKGROUND F5 FirePass SSL VPN provides se...
*** WordPress Wordfence Security XSS and IAA vulnerabilities ***
Topic: WordPress Wordfence Security XSS and IAA vulnerabilities Risk: Low Text:I want to warn you about Cross-Site Scripting and Insufficient Anti-automation vulnerabilities in Wordfence Security for Word...
*** Joomla Tag SQL Injection ***
Topic: Joomla Tag SQL Injection Risk: Medium Text: Exploit Title: Joomla tag Remote Sql Exploit dork: inurl:index.php?option=com_tag Date: [18-10-2012] Author: Dan...
*** Joomla Freestyle Support 1.9 SQL Injection ***
Topic: Joomla Freestyle Support 1.9 SQL Injection Risk: Medium Text: Exploit Title: Joomla Freestyle Support com_fss sqli Dork: N/A Date: [17-10-2012] Author: Daniel Barragan "D4NB4...
*** Internet Explorer 9 XSS Filter Bypass ***
Topic: Internet Explorer 9 XSS Filter Bypass Risk: Low Text: # Internet Explorer 9 XSS Filter Bypass # Discovered by: Jean Pascal Pereira
*** US government cyber attack warnings are hypocritical, claims F-Secure chief ***
"Renowned security expert Mikko Hypponen has publicly given the US government a tongue lashing by claiming its warnings on cyber attacks are hypocritical. The F-Secure security chief criticised the US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta for saying that the country is on the cusp of experiencing a "cyber Pearl Harbor" in a speech last week. Panetta had claimed that the US government and critical infrastructure businesses are currently being besieged by state sponsored hackers with
*** Billabong hacked, threats of mass data leaks from @GoatseSec ***
One of the worlds largest surfing based brands has come under the eye of hackers after they gained access to its database via a exploitable wordpress installation.
*** Adobe reader 10.1.4 memory corruption ***
Topic: Adobe reader 10.1.4 memory corruption Risk: High Text:#!/usr/bin/perl #Title : Adobe reader 10.1.4 memory corruption #Version : #Date : 2012-10-12 #Vendor ...
*** cpanel 11.32.5 (build 11) CSRF ***
Topic: cpanel 11.32.5 (build 11) CSRF Risk: Low Text: = Vulnerable Software: cPanel version : 11.32.5 (build 11)- [ cPanel Pro ] Vulnerability: CSRF Vendor: cpanel....
*** Service Sells Access to Fortune 500 Firms ***
An increasing number of services offered in the cybercrime underground allow miscreants to purchase access to hacked computers at specific organizations. For just a few dollars, these services offer the ability to buy your way inside of Fortune 500 company networks.
*** Movable Type Pro 5.13en Cross Site Scripting ***
Topic: Movable Type Pro 5.13en Cross Site Scripting Risk: Low Text:Keywords: CVE-2012-1503, Movable Type Pro 5.13en, Stored XSS, JavaScript Injection, Vendor Unresponsive, Full Disclosure In...
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 18-10-2012 18:00 − Freitag 19-10-2012 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: Robert Waldner
*** Download the report from FireEye, now. ***
"Learn how to protect your organization from the most dangerous cyber attacks by discovering the tactics used in successful attacks. In a unique report from FireEye, youll get first-hand information from the FireEye Malware Intelligence Labs, which analyzes data from Malware Protection Systems (MPS) deployed behind existing security defenses. Youll benefit from gaining visibility into the most lethal attacks of the year, and discovering how they successfully evaded traditional
*** Cyber Security Awareness Month - Day 18 - Vendor Standards: The vSphere Hardening Guide, (Thu, Oct 18th) ***
Many vendors have security hardening guides - step-by-step guides to increasing the security posture of one product or another. We alluded to the Cisco guides earlier this month (Day 11), Microsoft also makes a decent set of hardening guides for Windows server and workstation products, as do most Linux distros - youll find that most vendors have documents of this type. VMwares vSphere hardening guide is one I use frequently. Its seen several iterations over the years - the versions considered
*** Apple banishes Java from Mac browsers ***
Fanbois told to install Oracles plugin Apple has discontinued its own Java plugin, issuing an update that removes it from MacOS and encourages users to instead download Oracles version of the software.�
*** Dont secure the internet, it needs crime: Diffie ***
"While many people see securing the internet as a means to stopping cybercrime, former vice president for information security and cryptography at the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Whitfield Diffie thinks that internet crime may be necessary. Diffie, who spoke at the Australian Information Security Associations National Conference 2012 in Sydney this week, is better known for his contribution to the cryptography community by devising with Martin Hellman and
*** Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect Man-In-The-Middle ***
Topic: Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect Man-In-The-Middle Risk: Low Text: SySS-Advisory: MitM-vulnerability in Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect Prob...
*** RealPlayer suffers from Arbitrary Code Execution ***
Topic: RealPlayer suffers from Arbitrary Code Execution Risk: High Text:Title : RealPlayer suffers from Arbitrary Code Execution Version : Date : 2012-10-18 Vendor : ...
*** Vuln: Computer Associates ARCserve Backup Remote Code Execution and Denial of Service Vulnerabilities ***
Computer Associates ARCserve Backup Remote Code Execution and Denial of Service Vulnerabilities
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 17-10-2012 18:00 − Donnerstag 18-10-2012 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: L. Aaron Kaplan
*** Oracle Leaves Fix for Java SE Zero Day Until February Patch Update ***
"Oracle will not patch a critical sandbox escape vulnerability in Java SE versions 5, 6 and 7 until its February Critical Patch Update, according to the researcher who discovered the flaw. Adam Gowdiak of Polish security firm Security Explorations told Threatpost via email that Oracle said it was deep into testing of another Java patch for the October CPU released yesterday and that it was too late to include the sandbox fix. Gowdiak said he plans to present technical details on the flaw...
*** Vuln: Oracle Database Authentication Protocol CVE-2012-3137 Security Bypass Vulnerability ***
Oracle Database Authentication Protocol CVE-2012-3137 Security Bypass Vulnerability
*** High bandwidth DDoS attacks are now common, researcher says ***
"Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks with an average bandwidth of over 20Gbps have become commonplace this year, according to researchers from from DDoS mitigation vendor Prolexic. Last year such high-bandwidth attacks were isolated incidents, but attacks that exceed 20Gbps in bandwidth occur frequently now, Prolexics president Stuart Scholly said Tuesday. This is significant because very few companies or organizations have the necessary network infrastructure to deal with...
*** ModSecurity 2.6.8 multipart/invalid part ruleset bypass ***
Topic: ModSecurity 2.6.8 multipart/invalid part ruleset bypass Risk: Medium Text:SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory == title: ModSecurity mul...
*** One year on, SSL servers STILL cower before the BEAST ***
70% of sites still vulnerable to cookie monster The latest monthly survey by the SSL Labs project has discovered that many SSL sites remain vulnerable to the BEAST attack, more than a year after the underlying vulnerability was demonstrated by security researchers.…
*** Four horsemen posse: This here security town needs a new sheriff ***
Body which issues CISSP tin stars set for shakeup? As the overpriced beers flowed and dusk approached in central London pubs surrounding the venue of RSA Europe last week, talk often turned towards the (ISC)2 security certification body.…
*** A New Cybersecurity Technique - Signature-based communications blockage for control systems ***
"This is a brief look at a new product capability reported by Tofino Security that may allow some ICS owners to avoid at least part of their patch cycle without increasing security vulnerability...."
*** [webapps] - OTRS 3.1 Stored XSS Vulnerability ***
OTRS 3.1 Stored XSS Vulnerability
*** Bugtraq: Internet Explorer 9 XSS Filter Bypass ***
Internet Explorer 9 XSS Filter Bypass
*** Before We Knew It - An Empirical Study of Zero-Day Attacks In The Real World ***
Little is known about the duration and prevalence of zero-day attacks,
which exploit vulnerabilities that have not been disclosed publicly.
Knowledge of new vulnerabilities gives cyber criminals a free pass to
attack any target of their choosing, while remaining undetected.
Unfortunately, these serious threats are difficult to analyze, because,
in general, data is not available until after an attack is discovered...
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 17-10-2012 18:00 − Mittwoch 17-10-2012 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: Robert Waldner
*** Kaspersky Lab Developing Its Own Operating System? We Confirm the Rumors, and End the Speculation! ***
"Today Id like to talk about the future. About a not-so-glamorous future of mass cyber-attacks on things like nuclear power stations, energy supply and transportation control facilities, financial and telecommunications systems, and all the other installations deemed critically important. Or you could think back to Die Hard 4 where an attack on infrastructure plunged pretty much the whole country into chaos...."
*** Vuln: Oracle Java SE CVE-2012-5068 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability ***
Oracle Java SE CVE-2012-5068 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability
*** Steam spawns vulnerabilities, say researchers ***
Gamers can be fragged by undocumented features A new security research outfit called ReVuln has presented its letter of introduction to the world in the form of a paper that analyses how the Steam protocol can expose gamers to attacks.…
*** Stürmischer Oktober-Patchday bei Oracle ***
*** New "Surveillance-Proof" App To Secure Communications Has Governments Nervous ***
"Lately, Mike Janke has been getting what he calls the hairy eyeball from international government agencies. The 44-year-old former Navy SEAL commando, together with two of the worlds most renowned cryptographers, was always bound to ruffle some high-level feathers with his new projecta surveillance-resistant communications platform that makes complex encryption so simple your grandma can use it. This week, after more than two years of preparation, the finished product has hit the
*** Sicherheitsrisiko Steam ***
*** Next-Generation Malware: Changing The Game In Securitys Operations Center ***
"In a quiet, secluded spot, a malware author is creating a new piece of code that no antivirus tool has ever seen before. Its not a particularly creative exploit -- just a slight tweak on an existing Trojan -- but it should be enough to bypass the signature-based defenses of the company hes targeting. Your company...."
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Montag 15-10-2012 18:00 − Dienstag 16-10-2012 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: Otmar Lendl
*** Precision Espionage mini Flame Malware Tied to Flame, Gauss ***
"One of three previously unseen pieces of malware discovered during forensic analysis of the Flame malware command-and-control servers has been identified as a secondary surveillance tool deployed against specially identified targets, and only after an initial Flame or Gauss compromise, researchers said today. MiniFlame, or SPE, was originally thought to be a Flame module, but researchers at Kaspersky Lab and CERT-Bund/BSI determined the program can stand alone as an independent piece of...
*** Developers ignore their security responsibilities: Oracle ***
"Software developers are ignoring their responsibilities to protect and design infrastructure that is properly secured, according to Oracle Chief Security Officer Mary Ann Davidson. Speaking at the Australian Information Security Associations National Conference 2012 in Sydney today, Davidson said that developers, in many cases, were building systems used in key infrastructure without even thinking about security."Do we really think that the people that decide [to] have self-driving...
*** Global card fraud continues to rise - survey ***
"A quarter of people have been hit by card fraud during the past five years, prompting many to ditch their provider, says an ACI Worldwide-commissioned survey covering 17 countries around the world. According to the Aite Group poll of 5223 people - around 300 for each country - Mexicans are the most likely to fall victim to fraudsters, with 44% hit in the last five years. Chip and PIN-less America comes second, on 42%, followed by India on 37%...."
*** Eugene Kaspersky Unveils Plans for New Secure SCADA OS ***
"Attacks against SCADA and industrial-control systems have become a major concern for private companies as well as government agencies, with executives and officials worried about the potential effects of a major compromise. Security experts in some circles have been warning about the possible ramifications of such an attack for some time now, and researchers have found scores of vulnerabilities in SCADA and ICS systems in the last couple of years. Now, engineers at Kaspersky Lab have...
*** Reverse Engineering Malware - What you need to know? ***
"Every now and then, a nasty piece of Malware raises its ugly head and wreck havoc on the Enterprise Infrastructure. It is often necessary to analyze the Malware and understand its working so thatThe impact of the Malware on IT Systems can be ascertained ANDThe nature of preventative controls that can be put in place so that this threat does not spread further. In such scenarios, Reverse Engineering of the Malware becomes a requirement...."
*** Cyber Security Bulletin SB12-289 - Vulnerability Summary for the Week of October 8, 2012 ***
"High Vulnerabilities : adobe -- adobe_airbackwpup -- backwpupbernhard_wymann -- torcsbigware -- bigware_shopcomponentone -- flexgridcraig_knudsen -- webcalendarMedium Vulnerabilities: activestate -- activeperlactivestate -- activetclactivestate -- activepythonaidanlister -- regcodeapache -- axis2apprain -- apprainLow Vulnerabilities:barracudanetworks -- spam_&_virus_firewall_600bryce_harrington -- xdiagnosecartpauj -- shortcode-redirectemc --...
*** WordPress Brute Force Attacks - How you can protect yourself against WordPress Brute Force attacks ***
"It is common for me to submit several hundred abuse reports as part of our security monitoring service every day. If I was asked for an off the cuff ball park of the main attack types from January 2012 to August 2012, I would probably answer with 40% remote file inclusion attacks, 40% local file inclusion attacks, 15% directory transferal attacks, 4% other (including brute force attacks), and 1% SQL injection attacks. If you asked me from September 2012 forward, the answer would change...
*** Santanders online banking keeps passwords in cookies ***
"The retail web site for Santander bank has been discovered to be keeping customer passwords in plain text in cookies held while the user is logged in. The discovery was revealed on the Full Disclosure mailing list when an anonymous user posted details of how credit card numbers and other information was stored in session cookies. The H set out to verify whether the claims were correct...."
*** MyBB 1.6.8 Cross Site Scripting ***
Topic: MyBB 1.6.8 Cross Site Scripting Risk: Low Text: Exploit Title : Mybb 1.6.8 Cross Site Scripting Author : 3xpl0!t3r Discovered By : Sec-Advisor.Org Da...
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Freitag 12-10-2012 18:00 − Montag 15-10-2012 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: L. Aaron Kaplan
*** SCADA Hacking : Exploit released to Hack Solar Energy Plants ***
"ICS-CERT - Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team has released the Advisory titled ICS-ALERT-12-284-01 - Sinapsi eSolar Light Multiple Vulnerabilities. They Report about report multiple vulnerabilities with proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code that affecting the Sinapsi eSolar Light Photovoltaic System Monitor which is a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) monitoring product. The US Department of Homeland Security is warning about vulnerabilities in a common...
*** Remote Admin Tools May Not Be Clever Enough For Their Own Good ***
ancientribe writes "A couple of college interns have discovered that remote administration tools (RATs) often used for cyberspying and targeted cyberattacks contain common flaws that ultimately could be exploited to help turn the tables on the attackers. RATs conduct keylogging, screen and camera capture, file management, code execution, and password-sniffing, and give the attacker a foothold in the infected machine as well as the targeted organization. This new research opens the door for...
*** Your Real-Time Cyber-Attack Map ***
"I have no idea how reliable the info shown here is, but it certainly is interesting. Especially to me, as I climb onto a plane bound for southern China via Japan. Its an animated real-time visualization of (it says) attempted cyber-attacks...."
*** Mac OS X Hackers Can Steal Apple IDs in Just 10 Seconds ***
"The guys over at shootitlive came across what seems to be a major security flaw that could be exploited by a hacker connected to the same WiFi network as the victim. The method is called Session Fixation Attack and basically comes down to using a previous browser session to extract private data and get access to an Apple ID. This means that iTunes and App Store accounts can be compromised, as the hacker can change both the password and the email address...."
*** Cyberthings for Managers - Latest Issue 14 October 2012 ***
"Cyberthings for Managers is a summary of signicant news or literature about the domain of Cyberwarfare and directly related areas. The summary is aimed at manager level and higher, thus there will be no listings of technical hacks, aws or incidents. Only major developments especially from governmental level down, are listed...."
*** The Scrap Value of a Hacked PC, Revisited ***
"A few years back, when I was a reporter at The Washington Post, I put together a chart listing the various ways that miscreants can monetize hacked PCs. The project was designed to explain simply and visually to the sort of computer user who cant begin to fathom why miscreants would want to hack into his PC. I dont bank online, I dont store sensitive information on my machine!..."
*** The Deep Web Part 1: Introduction to the Deep Web and how to wear clothes online! ***
"According to Cisco, by the end of this year, there will be more Internet-connected mobile devices than people on Earth! Not surprisingly there is a lot of interesting content being generatedAccording to Netcraft, there are over 190 million active websites, and according to the WorldWideWebSize daily estimate, the Indexed Web contains at least 8. 42 billion pages...."
*** "Das muss menschliches Versagen sein" - Sicherheitskonferenz in Luxembourg ***
Das Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL) veranstaltet vom 23. bis 25. Oktober erneut die Sicherheitskonferenz hack.lu. Der Veranstalter ist das offizielle Computer Security Incident Response Team des "Großherzogtums Luxembourg", das auch als Sponsor der Veranstaltung auftritt. Das Konferenz-Motto ist das berühmte Zitat des Computers HAL 9000 aus "2001: Odysee im Weltraum", der sich selbst für unfehlbar hielt und deshalb klar stellte: "It can only be attributable to human error".
*** Bank Attacks: What Have We Learned? - How to Prepare for Next Wave of DDoS Strikes ***
"In the wake of eight sophisticated distributed denial of service attacks aimed at leading U.S. banks in recent weeks, financial institutions are bracing for more. The hacktivist group Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, which took credit for the online outages, said it planned to spend the weekend of Oct. 13-14 planning its next wave of attacks. And if the trend continues, those attacks could come as soon as Oct. 16, because the previous waves both started on Tuesdays...."
*** State-Sponsored Malware Flame Has Smaller, More Devious Cousin ***
"Researchers have uncovered new nation-state espionage malware that has ties to two previous espionage tools known as Flame and Gauss, and that appears to be a high-precision, surgical attack tool targeting victims in Lebanon, Iran and elsewhere. Researchers at Kaspersky Lab, who discovered the malware, are calling the new malware miniFlame, although the attackers who designed it called it by two other names SPE and John. MiniFlame seems to be used to gain control of and obtain increased...
*** SilverStripe 2.4.7 and lower Persistent Cross Site Scripting ***
*** SilverStripe 2.4.7 and lower Open URL Redirection ***
*** Vuln: FileBound On-Site Password Reset Security Bypass Vulnerability ***
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 11-10-2012 18:00 − Freitag 12-10-2012 18:00
Handler: Matthias Fraidl
Co-Handler: Otmar Lendl
*** Skype malware steals more than your money: User accounts from Facebook, Twitter, PayPal, and more ***
"Earlier this week, we warned you about a new piece of malware that is spreading via Skype using the message lol is this your new profile pic? It tries steals to steal your money using both ransomware (restricts access to your computer and demands payment for it to be removed) and click fraud (imitation of a legitimate user clicking on an ad to generate revenue). Now weve learned that the malware does more than that: it targets your user accounts on various Web services and can also do so
*** SOPA Is Back! As a Ransomware Virus ***
"After historic Internet protests in January the SOPA anti-piracy bill was defeated. However, this week several reports have pointed to a rather unfortunate SOPA comeback. Not in Congress, but as a nasty cryptovirus that locks up peoples computers and accuses them of distributing copyright infringing files...."
*** Conficker worm still being tracked, but evidence collection slows ***
"The notorious malware known as the Conficker worm still infects computers, a sort of wild horse with no rider, but investigators appear no closer to finding its creator. Also known as "Downandup," Conficker was discovered in November 2008, exploiting a vulnerability in Windows XP that allowed remote file execution when file-sharing was enabled. Microsoft patched it a month later...."
*** RSA Conference: Security industry built on a haze of fog and hype ***
"A panel of security experts at RSA Conference criticised their industry over its tendency to sensationalise and hype, taking attention away from truly important problems. As well as the media that had a tendency to sensationalise issues, criticism was also reserved for companies that tried to focus attention on areas such as Android malware that was cool, instead of business and enterprise problems that companies were actively trying to deal with. Joshua Corman, director of security
*** EU cloud strategy calls for standards ***
"Cloud computing technical specification standardization, model contracts and a pooling of requirements among European Union governments would cause the gross domestic product impact of cloud computing in the EU to nearly triple to 250 billion by 2020, says the European Commission. In a commission cloud strategy (. pdf) dated Sept. 27, the commission says a hands-off approach would result in GDP impact of merely 88 billion by 2020--and as a result, says it will launch cloud-specific
*** CAST diskutiert strukturelle Defizite kritischer Infrastrukturen ***
Als "Hot Topic" hatte das CAST-Forum seine Veranstaltung zum Schutz kritischer Infrastrukturen bezeichnet. Der Trend, die industrielle Informationstechnik bis zur Feldebene einzelner Sensoren in der Fertigung oder Energieversorgung mit dem "normalen" Internet zu vernetzen, sei bedenklich. Mit Simulationen, der Neuberechnung von Toleranzgrenzen und industriellem Schwachstellenmanagement wollen die versammelten Experten den Schutz verbessern.
*** Hack In The Box: researcher reveals ease of Huawei router access ***
At Hack In The Box researcher Felix "FX" Lindner has shown how Huawei
routers are easy to access with their static passwords and how one
machine could give an attacker access to an entire network.
*** Whonix: Anonymous operating system ***
"Whonix is an anonymous general purpose operating system based on Virtual Box, Ubuntu GNU/Linux and Tor. By Whonix design, IP and DNS leaks are impossible. Not even malware with root rights can find out the users real IP/location...."
*** Privatsphäre - Apples geheime Tracking-Funktion in iOS 6 ***
Nach der Verbannung der UDIDs sind die neuen Tracking-Funktionen zu Werbezwecken gut versteckt
*** Bugtraq: ESA-2012-025: EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft Applications (NMM) Multiple Vulnerabilities ***
ESA-2012-025: EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft Applications (NMM) Multiple Vulnerabilities
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 10-10-2012 18:00 − Donnerstag 11-10-2012 18:00
Handler: Matthias Fraidl
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
*** Expenditure Report Reveals Germany Monitors Skype, Google Mail, Facebook Chat ***
hypnosec writes "The German Government has gone a bit too far trying to be transparent, inadvertently revealing that German police monitor Skype, Google Mail, MSN Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, and Facebook chat when necessary. The revelations, spotted by the annalist blog, come from a report of expenses incurred by the Federal Ministry of the Interior following a parliamentary inquiry. The report contains lots of tables and as many would find those boring, some highlights: On page 34 and page 37 of...
*** Microsoft addresses critical Word flaws, new RSA key length ***
"Microsoft will begin requiring digital certificates to support an RSA key length of at least 1024 bits today, in accordance with a security advisory being pushed through Windows Update. The new requirement, which Microsoft has been preparing customers for since August, was part of the software companys October 2012 Patch Tuesday security updates. Microsoft also addressed an issue with signature timestamps on valid files and released seven bulletins covering 20 vulnerabilities in Microsoft...
*** US and EU Clash Over Whois Data ***
itwbennett writes "ICANN wants to store more data (including credit card information) about domain name registrations in its Whois database, wants to hold on to that data for two years after registration ends, and wants to force registrant contact information to be re-verified annually - moves that are applauded by David Vladeck, director of the FTCs Bureau of Consumer Protection. The E.U.s Article 29 Working Group is markedly less enthusiastic, saying ICANNs plans trample on...
*** Sicherheitslücke in Firefox 16 ***
Eine Sicherheitslücke in Firefox 16 hat Mozilla in Alarmbereitschaft versetzt. Als Reaktion wurde Firefox 16 von der Mozilla Homepage entfernt und steht nicht mehr zur Installation zur Verfügung.
*** PGP founders mobile privacy app goes live ***
Zimmerman & Navy SEAL pals unveil safe comms, at $20 a month Updated Silent Circle, the secure mobile communications app backed by Phil Zimmerman, has gone live - offering protection from all but the most determined of government departments.
*** Neue IPv6-Tools von "The Hackers Choice" ***
Die Hackergruppe "The Hackers Choice" hat das THC IPv6 Attack Toolkit für die Version 2.0 deutlich erweitert. Im Mittelpunkt der Tools steht nicht nur das Sammeln von Informationen über andere IPv6-Hosts, sondern auch über gezielte Angriffe, etwa um Pakete über sich umzuleiten und in eine Position als Man-in-the-Middle zu gelangen.
*** Facebook Confirms Data Breach ***
another random user writes "A researcher by the name of Suriya Prakash has claimed that the majority of phone numbers on Facebook are not safe. Its not clear where he got his numbers from (he says 98 percent, while another time he says 500 million out of Facebooks 600 million mobile users), but his demonstration certainly showed he could collect countless phone numbers and their corresponding Facebook names with very little effort. Facebook has confirmed that it limited the Prakashs
*** Bugtraq: Multiple vulnerabilities in OpenX ***
Multiple vulnerabilities in OpenX