= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Montag 22-06-2015 18:00 − Dienstag 23-06-2015 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Security updates available for Adobe Flash Player (APSB15-14) ***
A Security Bulletin (APSB15-14) has been published regarding security updates for Adobe Flash Player. These updates address a critical vulnerability (CVE-2015-3113), and Adobe recommends users update their product installations to the latest ..
*** Multiple vulnerabilities in Cisco products ***
*** �Free� Proxies Aren�t Necessarily Free ***
Netflix, Hulu and a host of other content streaming services block non-U.S. users from viewing their content. As a result, many people residing in or traveling outside of the United States seek to circumvent such restrictions by using services that advertise "free" and "open" Web proxies capable of ..
*** Security hole in MacKeeper used to shove malware onto Macs ***
According to researchers at BAE, a recent Mac malware infestation was carried out using a security hole in a utility called MacKeeper.
*** New Dridex infection vector identified - Banking Trojan�s authors use Microsoft Office trick and a legitimate service to infect systems ***
Malware authors can sometimes be creative in order to manipulate their human targets on the one hand and to circumvent security products, too. The experts of G DATA�s SecurityLabs analyzed a specially crafted Microsoft Word document ..
*** XOR DDOS Mitigation and Analysis, (Tue, Jun 23rd) ***
I have struggled over the past recent months with a clients environment becoming infected and reinfected with an XOR DDOS trojan. The disruption and reinfection rates were costly at times. The client in question ..
*** This Radio Bug Can Steal Laptop Crypto Keys, Fits Inside a Pita ***
The list of paranoia-inducing threats to your computer�s security grows daily: Keyloggers, trojans, infected USB sticks, ransomware�and now the rogue falafel sandwich.
*** mTAN-Trojaner hat es erneut auf Android-Nutzer abgesehen ***
Gefälschte E-Mails im Namen der Postbank machen aktuell die Runde und fordern Nutzer dazu auf, eine SSL-Zertifikat-App zu installieren. Dahinter verbirgt sich jedoch ein Trojaner, der unter anderem mTANs für Online-Banking mitschneidet.
*** Moose Malware-Part 1 ***
In this article series, we will learn about a famous Linux family of malware known as MOOSE, which is used to steal unencrypted traffic over the wire and infect other devices automatically. This malware steals HTTP cookies and performs ..
*** Edges for file renames and process kills. ***
With build 47 ProcDOT introduced brand new edges to visualize situations where a file is being renamed or a process is being killed by some thread. While the latter was quite easy to implement it�s the renaming of files which stands out of the mass of typical frames/events in terms of ProcDOT�s animation capabilities.
*** Support-Ende beim Windows Server 2003 am 14. Juli ***
Länger als Windows XP hat Microsoft sein Server-Betriebssystem derselben Generation mit Sicherheits-Updates versorgt. Aber am 14. Juli ist damit endgültig Schluss.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Freitag 19-06-2015 18:00 − Montag 22-06-2015 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Owning Internet Printing - A Case Study in Modern Software Exploitation ***
Modern exploit mitigations draw attackers into a game of diminishing marginal returns. With each additional mitigation added, a subset of software bugs become unexploitable, ..
*** Cacti Input Validation Flaw Permits Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Attacks ***
The software does not properly filter HTML code from user-supplied input before displaying the input [CVE-2015-2665]. A remote user can cause arbitrary scripting code to be executed by the target user's browser. The ..
*** Multiple vulnerabilities in Cisco products ***
*** Banking Trojan has targeted Bundestag ***
After the initial reports on the attacks on the Bundestag (German Federal Parliament), variants of the Swatbanker family are now putting the Bundestags intranet on a watch list. The operators of the botnet are apparently trying to steal access data and server responses associated with this ..
*** Microsoft website dedicated to online privacy gets hacked ***
Digital Constitution was running outdated of version of WordPress.
*** Microsoft: Meine Lücken schließ' ich nicht ***
Sicherheitsexperten geben Details zu Lücken in Internet Explorer heraus, weil Microsoft die Lücken nicht schließen will.
*** Standardschlüssel gefährdet SAPs Datenbank Hana ***
Bei der Installation wird die Benutzerdatenbank in SAPs Hana mit dem stets gleichen Standardschlüssel abgesichert. Weil dieser nur selten geändert wird, könnten sich Unberechtigte leicht Zugriff auf die dort gespeicherten Administratorkonten verschaffen.
*** VMware Workstation: Der Einbruch �über Port COM1 ***
Über Schwachstellen in VMwares Workstation und Player ist ein vollständiger Zugriff auf das Wirtssystem aus einem Gastsystem heraus möglich. VMware hat bereits Updates veröffentlicht.
*** Advertising: The Digital Turf War on your Desktop ***
*** XARA-Lücke: Apple kündigt Fix für iOS und OS X an ***
Das Sicherheitsproblem, über das unter anderem Passwörter ausgelesen werden könnten, soll demnächst in der Software behoben werden. Zudem versucht sich der iPhone-Hersteller an anderen Lösungen.
*** The most common information security mistakes of e-commerces ***
Almost every month a new incident involving a big retailer, e-commerce or web platform makes the news headlines. Most retail fraud is now committed online, and in 2014 alone hackers managed to steal more than 61 million records from ..
*** Adware for OS X distributes Trojans ***
Lately, reports about distribution of new malicious and potentially dangerous programs for OS X have been emerging with great frequency. Doctor Web security researches have registered a growing number of various adware and installers ..
*** Steal That Car in 60 Seconds ***
Introduction Cars are everywhere and they are being upgraded with new technology as often as any other device we use. Taking some inspiration from the movie Knight and Day, ..
*** NSA spionierte österreichische Antiviren-Hersteller aus ***
Ikarus und Emsisoft genannt – NSA überwachte E-Mails an Firmen, um Entdeckung von Schadprogrammen mitzubekommen
*** Magnitude EK: Traffic Analysis ***
Hello and welcome! Recently I have been skilling up in malware analysis. Specifically, my focus has been centred on client-side exploit kits, such common kits include: Angler, Nuclear, Magnitude, Neutrino, RIG... There are quite a few reasons for my new found ..
*** Android Activtity Security ***
Each Android Application is made up of Activity, Service, Content Provider and Broadcast Receiver, which are the basic components of Android. Among those components, An Activity is ..
*** A month with BADONIONS ***
A few weeks ago I got the idea of testing how much sniffing is going on in the Tor network by setting up a phishing site where I login with unique password and then store them. I ..
*** Poseidon and Backoff POS � the links and similarities ***
Poseidon, also known as FindPOS, is a malware family designed for Windows point-of-sale systems. Poseidon scans the memory for running processes and employs keystroke logging ..
*** Bypassing Microsoft EMET 5.2 - a neverending story? ***
The experts of the SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab managed to adapt the EMET 5.0 / 5.1 bypasses to additionally work against the latest Microsoft EMET version which is 5.2. Results of the research were already presented this year at ..
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 18-06-2015 18:00 − Freitag 19-06-2015 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: n/a
*** So Long, and Thanks for All the Domains ***
While Trojans like Dyre and Dridex are dominating malware-related news, we take the time to have a closer look at Tinba (Tiny Banker, Zusy, Illi), yet another Trojan which targets Windows users. In the first part of this post, we...
*** Understanding type confusion vulnerabilities: CVE-2015-0336 ***
In March 2014, we observed a patched Adobe Flash vulnerability (CVE-2015-0336) being exploited in the wild. Adobe released the patch on March 12, 2014, and exploit code using this vulnerability first appeared about a week later. To help stay protected: Keep your Microsoft security software, such as Windows Defender for Windows 8.1 up-to-date. Keep your third-party software, such as Adobe Flash Player, up-to-date. Be cautious when browsing potentially malicious or compromised websites.
*** Tapatalk-Plug-in liest Daten von Forennutzern aus ***
Wie die Administratoren des HardwareLuxx-Forums entdeckten, liest das Plug-in der Mobil-App die E-Mail-Adressen ihrer 200.000 Nutzer auf Anfrage aus und schickt diese an eigene Server. Tapatalk hält das Ganze für ein Versehen.
*** Paper: Beta exploit pack: one more piece of crimeware for the infection road! ***
Exploit kit currently being tested focuses primarily on Flash Player exploits.Nuclear, Angler, Magnitude and Rig. Security researchers know were talking about exploit kits (or browser exploit packs), toolkits that automate the exploitation of client-side vulnerabilities and thus facilitate infection through drive-by downloads.Today, we publish an article by researchers Aditya K. Sood and Rohit Bansal, in which they look at a new exploit kit, Beta. Though it is still in a testing phase, Aditya...
*** SAP Hana users warned of security vulnerability ***
Hard on the heels of the release of a newly updated version of SAP Hana, a security researcher has warned of a potentially serious vulnerability in the in-memory platform. "If an attacker can exploit this vulnerability, he can get access to all encrypted data stored in an SAP Hana database," said Alexander Polyakov, CTO with ERPScan, which presented the details Thursday at the Black Hat Sessions XIII conference in the Netherlands.
*** Identifying Your Prey ***
User hunting is one of my favorite phases of an engagement. Whether it's performed for lateral spread and escalation, or to demonstrate impact by tracking down incident responders and executives, we end up hunting for users on nearly every assessment we conduct. I presented this topic at the Shmoocon '15 Firetalks, and published the "I Hunt Sys Admins" post to help highlight some of the ways we track down where users are located in Windows domains.
*** an awesome list of honeypot resources ***
A curated list of awesome honeypots, tools, components and much more. The list is divided into categories such as web, services, and others, focusing on open source projects. There is no pre-established order of items in each category, the order is for contribution. If you want to contribute, please read the guide.
*** The Samsung SwiftKey Vulnerability - What You Need To Know, And How To Protect Yourself ***
Recently, researchers announced that a vulnerability in Samsung Android devices had been found which allowed attackers to run malicious code on vulnerable devices if they became the targets of a man-in-the-middle attack. In this post we will explain how this vulnerability works, and what can users do to protect themselves. The Vulnerability The stock Android...
*** Security CheatSheets - A collection of cheatsheets for various infosec tools and topics ***
These security cheatsheets are part of a project for the Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing course offered at the University of Florida. Expanding on the default set of cheatsheets, the purpose of these cheatsheets are to aid penetration testers/CTF participants/security enthusiasts in remembering commands that are useful, but not frequently used. Most of the tools that will be covered have been included in our class and are available in Kali Linux.
*** Bundestag: Linksfraktion veröffentlicht Malware-Analyse ***
Die Linksfraktion veröffentlicht im Zusammenhang mit dem Bundestags-Hack eine Analyse von Malware, die auf ihren Servern gefunden wurde. Darin wird eine Verbindung zur russischen Organisation APT28 nahegelegt. Doch wirklich überzeugend sind die Belege dafür nicht.
*** Bugtraq: ZTE ZXV10 W300 v3.1.0c_DR0 - UI Session Delete Vulnerability ***
*** IBM Security Bulletins ***
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java Runtime affect Content Manager Enterprise Edition (CVE-2015-0478, CVE-2015-0488, CVE-2015-1916, CVE-2015-2808) ***
*** IBM Security Bulletin: A vulnerability in IBM Java SDK affects IBM InfoSphere Discovery (CVE-2015-0488) ***
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server affected by Apache Tomcat vulnerability (CVE-2014-0230) ***
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server uses an insecure hashing scheme for handling user passwords (CVE-2015-1913) ***
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server affected by Apache Tomcat vulnerability (CVE-2014-0227) ***
*** IBM Security Bulletin: GNU C library (glibc) vulnerabilities affect IBM SmartCloud Entry (CVE-2014-6040 CVE-2014-7817) ***
*** Wind River VXWorks TCP Predictability Vulnerability in ICS Devices ***
This advisory provides mitigation details for a TCP predictability vulnerability identified in Wind River's VxWorks.
*** Cisco WebEx Meeting Center Web-Based Administrative Interface User Enumeration Vulnerability ***
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 17-06-2015 18:00 − Donnerstag 18-06-2015 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: n/a
*** OS X and iOS Unauthorized Cross Application Resource Access (XARA), (Thu, Jun 18th) ***
The last couple of days, a paper with details about XARA vulnerabilities in OS X and iOS is getting a lot of attention [1]. If you havent seen the term XARA before, then this is probably because cross-application-resource-access was normal in the past. Different applications has access to each others data as long as the same user ran them. But more recently, operating systems like OS X and iOS made attempts to sandbox applications and isolate applications from each other even if the same user...
*** Apple OS X and iOS in the vulnerability spotlight - meet "CORED," also known as "XARA" ***
The security issue of the week has arrived in iOS and OS X, and its attracted a funky name already. The researchers called it XARA, but others had different ideas, and dubbed it "CORED." As in "Apple CORED."
*** IT-Sicherheitskonferenz FIRST: Ohne Vertrauen geht nichts, aber das Vertrauen geht ***
Die FIRST-Konferenz in Berlin beschäftigte sich damit, wie die Sicherheit von Computernetzen verbessert werden kann. Am Ende stand die Erkenntnis, dass die Arbeit komplizierter wird, weil Staaten zunehmend in IT-Sicherheit eingreifen.
*** Caching Out: The Value of Shimcache for Investigators ***
During a recent investigation, we found references to timestamps associated with probable malicious files that preceded the earliest known date of compromise. These Application Compatibility Cache (“Shimcache”) timestamps were the only evidence linked to this timeframe.
*** Uncovering Tor users: where anonymity ends in the Darknet ***
Intelligence services have not disclosed any technical details of how they detained cybercriminals who created Tor sites to distribute illegal goods; in particular, they are not giving any clues how they identify cybercriminals who act anonymously. This may mean that the implementation of the Tor Darknet contains some vulnerabilities and/or configuration defects that make it possible to unmask any Tor user. In this research, we will present practical examples to demonstrate how Tor users may...
*** Drupal-Lücken erlauben das Kapern von Admin-Konten ***
In Drupal 6 und 7 klaffen vier Sicherheitslücken. Die schwerwiegendste erlaubt es Angreifer, Admin-Konten des CMS über OpenID zu kapern. Updates, welche die Lücken schließen, stehen zum Download bereit.
*** Drupal Core - Critical - Multiple Vulnerabilities - SA-CORE-2015-002 ***
Advisory ID: DRUPAL-SA-CORE-2015-002Project: Drupal core Version: 6.x, 7.xDate: 2015-June-17Security risk: 15/25 ( Critical) AC:Basic/A:None/CI:Some/II:Some/E:Theoretical/TD:DefaultVulnerability: Access bypass, Information Disclosure, Open Redirect, Multiple vulnerabilitiesDescriptionImpersonation (OpenID module - Drupal 6 and 7 - Critical)A vulnerability was found in the OpenID module that allows a malicious user to log in as other users on the site, including administrators, and hijack their
*** Security Advisories for Drupal Third-Party Modules ***
*** Bugtraq: [security bulletin] HPSBGN03350 rev.1 - HP SiteScope Using RC4, Remote Disclosure of Information ***
*** Bugtraq: [security bulletin] HPSBGN03338 rev.1 - HP Service Manager running RC4, Remote Disclosure of Information ***
*** Cisco IOS XR IPv6 Packet Processing Denial of Service Vulnerability ***
*** Cisco IOS XR SSH Disconnect Error Denial of Service Vulnerability ***
*** Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager and Client Issues ***
 Revisions None Severity CVSS2Base ScoreImpactExploitabilityCVSS2 VectorSEPM Auth User Blind SQLi in PHP prepared state...
*** [R2] PHP < 5.4.41 Vulnerabilities Affect Tenable SecurityCenter ***
*** Rack denial of service ***
*** SQL Injection in EXT:sb_akronymmanager ***
It has been discovered that the extension "Akronymmanager" (sb_akronymmanager) is susceptible to SQL Injection
*** pure-ftpd 1.0.39 remote denial of service in glob_() ***
Topic: pure-ftpd 1.0.39 remote denial of service in glob_() Risk: Medium Text:Version 1.0.40 of pure-FTPd fixes a potential denial of service issue. From the NEWS file: - The process handling a user...
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 16-06-2015 18:00 − Mittwoch 17-06-2015 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Unpatched OS X, iOS flaws allow password, token theft from keychain, apps ***
Six researchers from Indiana University Bloomington, Peking University and Georgia Tech have recently published a paper in which they detail the existence of critical security weaknesses in Apples OS...
*** Security: Unverschlüsselte App-Updates gefährden Samsungs Smartphones ***
Wenn Apps ihre Aktualisierungen unverschlüsselt abholen, sind sie leicht zu manipulieren. Vor allem bei systemnahen Anwendungen ist das ein gravierendes Problem, wie ein aktueller Fall belegt, der vor allem die Galaxy-Reihe von Samsung betrifft.
*** CVE-2014-4114 and an Interesting AV Bypass Technique, (Tue, Jun 16th) ***
Citizenlabs recently reported on a CVE-2014-4114 campaign against pro-democracy / pro-Tibetian groups in Hong Kong. The attacks happening should not surprise anyone, nor that the attacks were sophisticated. The vulnerability itself was patched with MS14-060 and has been used by APT and crime groups for sometime. Trend Micro wrote a good write-up of the issue here. What is interesting is what, in effect, is an anti-virus bypass that was employed by the actors. This bypass was discussed in this...
*** VU#155412: Samsung Galaxy S phones fail to properly validate Swiftkey language pack updates ***
Vulnerability Note VU#155412 Samsung Galaxy S phones fail to properly validate Swiftkey language pack updates Original Release date: 16 Jun 2015 | Last revised: 16 Jun 2015 Overview Samsung Galaxy S phones, including the S4 Mini, S4, S5, and S6, fail to properly validate Swiftkey language pack updates. Description CWE-345: Insufficient Verification of Data Authenticity - CVE-2015-2865Samsung Galaxy S phones, including the S4 Mini, S4, S5, and S6, are pre-installed with a version of Swiftkey...
*** EMC Unified Infrastructure Manager/Provisioning Authentication Flaw Lets Remote Users Access the System ***
*** Red Hat OpenSSL Locking Error in ssleay_rand_bytes() Lets Remote Users Deny Service ***
*** Vulnerabilities in Cisco Products ***
*** Cisco Cloud Portal Appliance Pregenerated Default Host Keys Vulnerability ***
*** Cisco Prime Collaboration Manager SQL Injection Vulnerability ***
*** Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability ***
*** Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Encrypted IPSec or IKEv2 Packet Modification Vulnerability ***
*** [HTB23261]: OS Command Injection in Vesta Control Panel ***
Product: Vesta Control Panel v0.9.8Vulnerability Type: OS Command Injection [CWE-78]Risk level: Critical Creater: http://vestacp.comAdvisory Publication: May 20, 2015 [without technical details]Public Disclosure: June 17, 2015 CVE Reference: CVE-2015-4117 CVSSv2 Base Score: 9 (AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:C/I:C/A:C) Vulnerability Details: High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab discovered critical vulnerability in Vesta Control Panel, which can be exploited to execute arbitrary system commands and gain...
*** VU#842780: Vesta Control Panel is vulnerable to cross-site request forgery ***
Vulnerability Note VU#842780 Vesta Control Panel is vulnerable to cross-site request forgery Original Release date: 16 Jun 2015 | Last revised: 16 Jun 2015 Overview Vesta Control Panel is vulnerable to a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack. Description CWE-352: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) - CVE-2015-2861Vesta Control Panel contains a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability. An attacker can perform actions with the same permissions as a victim user, provided the victim has
*** Bugtraq: ESA-2015-043: RSA Validation Manager Security Update for Multiple Vulnerabilities ***
*** GarrettCom Magnum Series Devices Vulnerabilities ***
This advisory provides mitigation details for multiple vulnerabilities in GarrettCom's Magnum 6k and Magnum 10k product lines.
*** Security update available for Adobe Photoshop CC ***
Adobe has released an update for Photoshop CC for Windows and Macintosh. This update addresses vulnerabilities that could allow an attacker who successfully exploits these vulnerabilities to take control of the affected system.
*** Security update available for Adobe Bridge CC ***
Adobe has released an update for Adobe Bridge CC for Windows and Macintosh. This update addresses vulnerabilities that could allow an attacker who successfully exploits these vulnerabilities to take control of the affected system.
*** Bugtraq: VCE3570: VCE Vision(TM) Intelligent Operations Cryptographic and Cleartext Vulnerabilities ***
*** [R1] PHP < 5.4.41 Vulnerabilities Affect Tenable SecurityCenter ***
June 15, 2015
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Montag 15-06-2015 18:00 − Dienstag 16-06-2015 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Dude, where's my heap? ***
Guest posted by Ivan Fratric, spraying 1TB of memoryThe ability to place controlled content to a predictable location in memory can be an important primitive in exploitation of memory corruption vulnerabilities. A technique that is commonly used to this end in browser exploitation is heap spraying: By allocating a large amount of memory an attacker ensures that some of the allocations happen in a predictable memory region. In order to break this technique, in Windows 8 Microsoft introduced High...
*** RFC 7540 - HTTP/2 protocol, (Mon, Jun 15th) ***
RFC 7540 has been out for a month now. What should we expect with this new version? 1. New frame: HTTP/2 implements a binary protocol with the following frame structure: Length: The length of the frame payload expressed as an unsigned 24-bit integer. Values greater than 2^14 must not be sent unless the receiver has set a larger value for SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE parameter. Type: The 8-bit type of the frame. It determines the format and semantics of the frame.">Length: The length of the...
*** LastPass Security Notice ***
We want to notify our community that on Friday, our team discovered and blocked suspicious activity on our network. In our investigation, we have found no evidence that encrypted user vault data was taken, nor that LastPass user accounts were accessed. The investigation has shown, however, that LastPass account email addresses, password reminders, server per user salts, and authentication hashes were compromised.
*** Blackhats exploiting MacKeeper hole to foist dangerous trojan ***
Peskware now net nasty Last months MacKeeper vulnerability is now being exploited in the wild to hijack Apple machines, according to BAE security researcher Sergei Shevchenko.
*** Odd HTTP User Agents, (Tue, Jun 16th) ***
Many web application firewalls do block odd user agents. However, decent vulnerability scanners will try to evade these simple protections by trying to emulate the user agent string of commonly used browsers. To figure out if I can distinguish bad from good, I compared some of the logs from our honeypotsto logs from a normalweb server (isc.sans.edu). Many of the top user agents hitting the honeypot are hardly seen on normal web sites, allowing me to identify possible vulnerability scanners.
*** Phone hacking blitz hammers UK.bizs poor VoIP handsets ***
If I ever get my hands on those phreaking kids who hacked my phones... UK businesses are getting disproportionately targeted by a surge of attacks against Voice over IP (VoIP) systems.
*** iOS Application Security Part 45 - Enhancements in Damn Vulnerable iOS app version 2.0 ***
In this article, i would like to give a quick walkthrough of the new vulnerabilities and challenges that we have added in version 2.0 of Damn Vulnerable iOS app. In the Insecure Data storage section, we have added challenges for the following databases. Realm Database Couchbase Lite YapDatabase We have also added a new section...
*** DSA-3289 p7zip - security update ***
Alexander Cherepanov discovered that p7zip is susceptible to adirectory traversal vulnerability. While extracting an archive, itwill extract symlinks and then follow them if they are referenced infurther entries. This can be exploited by a rogue archive to writefiles outside the current directory.
*** VU#101500: Retrospect Backup Client uses weak password hashing ***
Vulnerability Note VU#101500 Retrospect Backup Client uses weak password hashing Original Release date: 15 Jun 2015 | Last revised: 15 Jun 2015 Overview Retrospect Backup Client is a client to a network-based backup utility. This client stores passwords in a hashed format that is weak and susceptible to collision, allowing an attacker to generate a password hash collision and gain access to the targets backup files. Description CWE-916: Use of Password Hash With Insufficient Computational...
*** VU#626420: Pearson ProctorCache contains hard coded credentials ***
Vulnerability Note VU#626420 Pearson ProctorCache contains hard coded credentials Original Release date: 16 Jun 2015 | Last revised: 16 Jun 2015 Overview The Pearson ProctorCache software uses a hard coded password for administrative tasks. Description The ProctorCache is designed to cache the testing content, as well as cache the responses and maintain a client list of active test-takers. ProctorCache is a server software package installed locally within the LAN on a Windows system.CWE-259:
*** Bugtraq: ESA-2015-106: EMC Unified Infrastructure Manager/Provisioning (UIM/P) Authentication Bypass Vulnerability ***
*** Security Advisory: MIT Kerberos 5 vulnerability CVE-2014-5355 ***
*** RLE Nova-Wind Turbine HMI Unsecure Credentials Vulnerability (Update A) ***
This updated advisory is a follow-up to the original advisory titled ICSA-15-162-01 RLE Nova Wind Turbine HMI Unsecure Credentials Vulnerability that was published June 11, 2015, on the NCCIC/ICS-CERT web site. This updated advisory provides publicly disclosed vulnerabilities and mitigation measures for the RLE Nova-Wind Turbine HMI Unsecure Credentials Vulnerability.
*** IBM Security Bulletins ***
Vulnerability in Diffie-Hellman ciphers affects TS3400 (CVE-2015-4000)
Vulnerability in Diffie-Hellman ciphers affects TS2900 (CVE-2015-4000)
Vulnerability in Diffie-Hellman ciphers affects IBM Cognos Metrics Manager (CVE-2015-4000)
Vulnerability in Diffie-Hellman ciphers affects the IBM Installation Manager and IBM Packaging Utility (CVE-2015-4000)
Vulnerability with Diffie-Hellman ciphers may affect Lotus Quickr 8.5 for WebSphere Portal (CVE-2015-4000)
Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java SDK affect IBM Tivoli System Automation for Integrated Operations Management (CVE-2015-0491, CVE-2015-0459, CVE-2015-0469, CVE-2015-0458, CVE-2015-0480, CVE-2015-0488, CVE-2015-0478, CVE-2015-047...)
IBM QRadar Incident Forensics 7.2.4 is vulnerable to a cross site scripting vulnerability. (CVE-2015-1919)
Vulnerabilities in OpenSSL affect IBM Campaign, IBM ContactOptimization (CVE-2015-0209, CVE-2015-0286, CVE-2015-0288, CVE-2015-0292, CVE-2015-0293)
Open Source Apache Tomcat prior to 6.0.42 as used in IBM QRadar Security Information and Event Manager 7.1 MR2, and 7.2.4 is vulnerable to HTTP request smuggling. (CVE-2014-0227)
Vulnerabilities in OpenSSL affect IBM Campaign, IBM ContactOptimization (CVE-2014-3569)
IBM Tealeaf Customer Experience is affected by a vulnerability in OpenSSL (CVE-2014-3511, CVE-2014-3512)
Vulnerability in Diffie-Hellman ciphers affects IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights (CVE-2015-4000)
Vulnerability in OpenSSL affects IBM XIV Storage System Gen3 (CVE-2014-3570)
Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM SDK Java Technology Edition affect IBM Business Process Manager and WebSphere Lombardi Edition April 2015 CPU
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Freitag 12-06-2015 18:00 − Montag 15-06-2015 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Hey kids, who wants to pwn a million BIOSes? ***
IT security bods warn of dysfunctional ecosystem, fraught with vulnerability The overlooked task of patching PC BIOS and UEFI firmware vulnerabilities leaves corporations wide open to attack, a new paper by security researchers warns.
*** Oh look - JavaScript Droppers ***
In a typical drive-by-download attack scenario the shellcode would download and execute a malware binary. The malware binary is usually wrapped in a dropper that unpacks or de-obfuscates and executes it. Droppers' main goal is to launch malware without being detected by antiviruses and HIPS. Nowadays the most popular way of covert launching would probably...
*** NTP für Windows: Schaltsekunde könnte Probleme bereiten ***
Wer den NTP-Client für Windows installiert hat, sollte vor dem 30. Juni ein Update durchführen
*** Windows Server 2003 End of Life: You Can't RIP ***
Windows XP reached end of support last year and now it's time for another end of life: Windows Server 2003. On July 14, 2015, this widely deployed Microsoft operating system will reach its end of life - a long run since its launch in April 2003. Estimates on the number of still-active Windows Server 2003 users vary from...
*** OPM hack: Vast amounts of extremely sensitive data stolen ***
The extent of the breach suffered by the US Office of Personnel Management has apparently widened. Reports are coming in that the hackers have not only accessed Social Security numbers, job assign...
*** Dnstwist variiert und testet Domainnamen ***
Wer überwachen will, wie Vertipper- und Phishing-Domains für einen Domainnamen verbreitet sind, kann das Python-Skript Dnstwist nutzen. Es übernimmt viel Handarbeit und hilft bei der Analyse.
*** The top mistakes banks make defending against hackers ***
Many financial institutions fail to perform comprehensive risk analysis and assessment, exposing their companies and clients to enormous risk.
*** Call to participate in the EU28 Cloud Security Conference ***
On June 16, in Riga, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) will organise the EU28 Cloud Security Conference: Reaching the Cloud Era in the European Union. The participants of the conference will discuss the cloud security in the two parallel tracks: "Legal & Compliance" and "Technologies and Solutions".
*** The Duqu 2.0 persistence module ***
We have described how Duqu 2.0 does not have a normal "persistence" mechanism. This can lead users to conclude that flushing out the malware is as simple as rebooting all the infected machines. In reality, things are a bit more complicated.
*** Duqu 2.0 Attackers Used Stolen Foxconn Certificate to Sign Driver ***
The attackers behind the recently disclosed Duqu 2.0 APT have used stolen digital certificates to help sneak their malware past security defenses, and one of the certificates used in the attacks was issued to Foxconn, the Chinese company that manufactures products for Apple, BlackBerry, Dell, and many other companies. Researchers at Kaspersky Lab, who discovered...
*** Massive route leak causes Internet slowdown ***
Earlier today a massive route leak initiated by Telekom Malaysia (AS4788) caused significant network problems for the global routing system. Primarily affected was Level3 (AS3549 - formerly known as Global Crossing) and their customers. Below are some of the details as we know them now.
*** Cisco issues 16 patches to pop pesky peccant packets ***
Remote code execution for some, denial of service for the rest of us Cisco has issued a string of patches for 16 faults including a fix for a possible remote code execution in its IOS and IOS XE routing software.
*** Vulnerabilities in Cisco Products ***
*** Multiple Vulnerabilities in OpenSSL (June 2015) Affecting Cisco Products ***
*** Cisco Email Security Appliance Anti-Spam Scanner Bypass Vulnerability ***
*** Cisco IOS Software TCL Script Interpreter Privilege Escalation Vulnerability ***
*** Cisco Virtualization Experience Client 6215 Devices Command Injection Vulnerability ***
*** Novell ZENworks Mobile Management Input Validation Flaw Permits Cross-Site Scripting Attacks ***
*** Novell Messenger 3.0 Support Pack 1 ***
Abstract: Novell Messenger 3.0 Support Pack 1 has been released. Please be aware that there are security fixes to Messengers server and client components (see the change log below and the Readme documentation on the web). It is recommended that they are updated on an expedited basis.Document ID: 5212230Security Alert: YesDistribution Type: PublicEntitlement Required: NoFiles:consoleone1.3.6h_windows.zip (46.82 MB)nm301_full_linux_multi.tar.gz (269.54 MB)nm301_client_mac_multi.zip (40.62...
*** DSA-3285 qemu-kvm - security update ***
Several vulnerabilities were discovered in qemu-kvm, a fullvirtualization solution on x86 hardware.
*** DSA-3284 qemu - security update ***
Several vulnerabilities were discovered in qemu, a fast processoremulator.
*** DSA-3288 libav - security update ***
Several security issues have been corrected in multiple demuxers anddecoders of the libav multimedia library. A full list of the changes isavailable at https://git.libav.org/?p=libav.git;a=blob;f=Changelog;hb=refs/tags/v11.4
*** DSA-3287 openssl - security update ***
Multiple vulnerabilities were discovered in OpenSSL, a Secure SocketsLayer toolkit.
*** DSA-3286 xen - security update ***
Multiple security issues have been found in the Xen virtualisationsolution:
*** Vulnerabilities in multiple third party TYPO3 CMS extensions ***
*** SQL Injection vulnerability in extension FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions (js_faq) ***
*** SQL Injection vulnerability in extension Developer Log (devlog) ***
*** SQL Injection vulnerability in extension Smoelenboek (ncgov_smoelenboek) ***
*** SQL Injection vulnerability in extension Store Locator (locator) ***
*** SQL Injection vulnerability in extension wt_directory (wt_directory) ***
*** Arbitrary Code Execution in extension Frontend User Upload (feupload) ***
*** Cross-Site Scripting in extension BE User Log (beko_beuserlog) ***
*** Arbitrary Code Execution in extension Job Fair (jobfair) ***
*** Security Advisory - Web UI Authentication Vulnerability in Huawei E5756S ***
Jun 15, 2015 18:00
*** Filezilla sftp module denial of service vulnerability ***
Topic: Filezilla sftp module denial of service vulnerability Risk: Medium Text: # Exploit title: filezilla sftp module denial of service vulnerability # Date: 5-6-2015 # Vendor homepage: http...
*** putty v0.64 denial of service vulnerability ***
Topic: putty v0.64 denial of service vulnerability Risk: Medium Text: # Exploit title: putty v0.64 denial of service vulnerability # Date: 5-6-2015 # Vendor homepage: http://www.chiark.green...
*** E-Detective Lawful Interception System multiple security vulnerabilities ***
Topic: E-Detective Lawful Interception System multiple security vulnerabilities Risk: Medium Text:Advisory: E-Detective Lawful Interception System multiple security vulnerabilities Date: 14/06/2015 CVE: ...
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 11-06-2015 18:00 − Freitag 12-06-2015 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Gamarue dropping Lethic bot ***
The Gamarue (aka Andromeda) botnet is a highly modular botnet family that allows attackers to take complete control of an infected system and perform a range of malicious activity by downloading additional payloads. In this blog, we will cover a recent Gamarue ..
*** Popcash Malvertising Leads to CryptoWall ***
End users face the harsh reality of malvertising with CryptoWall ransomware dropped on their systems.
*** RLE Nova-Wind Turbine HMI Unsecure Credentials Vulnerability ***
This advisory provides publicly disclosed vulnerabilities and mitigation measures for the RLE Nova-Wind Turbine HMI Unsecure Credentials Vulnerability.
*** Microsoft flags Ask toolbar as unwanted and dangerous ***
>From this month on, all versions of Ask.coms infamous browser toolbar except the very last will be detected as unwanted ..
*** The June 2015 issue of our SWITCH Security Report is available! ***
Dear Reader! A new issue of our monthly SWITCH Security Report has just been released. The topics covered in this report are: What do tax authorities and contact sites have in ..
*** Integrating PaX into Android ***
The PaX project provides many exploit mitigation features to harden the Linux kernel far beyond the baseline security features provided by upstream. Android is close enough to a normal Linux distribution for it to work quite well out-of-the-box ..
*** Phisher setzen auf Geo-Blocking ***
Damit Phishing-Seiten länger überleben, lassen sich manche von ihnen nur aus dem Land abrufen, auf das es die Cyber-Ganoven abgesehen haben. Phishing-Filterdienste bleiben deshalb außen vor und schöpfen keinen Verdacht.
*** Dyre Configuration Dumper ***
It�s been over a year since Dyre first appeared, and with a rise of infections in 2015, it doesn�t look like the attackers are stopping anytime soon. At PhishMe we�ve been ..
*** OpenSSL-Update verursacht ABI-Probleme ***
OpenSSL veröffentlicht Updates für kleinere Sicherheitslücken - dabei ist den Entwicklern ein Fehler unterlaufen: Durch eine veränderte Datenstruktur ändert sich die Binärschnittstelle der Bibliothek, was zu Fehlfunktionen führen kann.
*** How Heartbleed couldve been found ***
tl;dr With a reasonably simple fuzzing setup I was able to rediscover the Heartbleed bug. This uses state-of-the-art fuzzing and memory protection technology (american fuzzy lop and Address Sanitizer), but it doesnt require any prior knowledge about ..
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 10-06-2015 18:00 − Donnerstag 11-06-2015 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
*** Increase in CryptoWall 3.0 from malicious spam and Angler exploit kit, (Thu, Jun 11th) ***
Introduction Since Monday2015-05-25(a bitmore than 2 weeks ago), weve seen a significantamount of CryptoWall 3.0 ransomware from">) and theAngler exploit kit (EK). A malspam campaign pushing CryptoWall 3.0 started as early as Monday 2015-05-25, but it hasincreased significantly since Monday 2015-06-08. The CryptoWall3.0push from Angler EK appears to have started around the same time. Both campaigns (malspam and Angler EK) were active as recently as Wednesday 2015-06-10. The timing of...
*** Factsheet: Software has an expiry date ***
Software vendors regularly make announcements that certain versions of software will no longer be supported after a particular date. Such dates are known as End-of-Life. After the End-of-Life, software is no longer supported and can therefore not be considered to be secure. The NCSC advises to update systems after the announcement as soon as possible.
*** Cyberangriff: Bundestag benötigt komplett neues Computer-Netzwerk ***
Das Computer-Netzwerk im Bundestag ist hinüber. Der Cyberangriff auf den deutschen Bundestag hat weitreichendere Folgen als bisher angenommen. Das Parlament muss ein völlig neues Computer-Netzwerk errichten.
*** Bundestag: "Von einem Totalschaden kann keine Rede sein" ***
Nur 15 Rechner sollen von dem Hacker-Angriff auf den Bundestag betroffen sein. Das berichtet der Unionsabgeordnete Thomas Jarzombek und beruft sich auf das BSI.
*** MSRT June 2015: BrobanDel ***
Providing further protections for our customers, this month we added three new malware families and two variants to the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT): Win32/Bagopos Win32/BrobanDel Win32/Gatak PWS:Win32/OnLineGames.AH PWS:Win32/OnLineGames.MV Gatak is a family of information-stealing malware that collects sensitive information and sends it to a remote attacker, if a system is compromised. Bagopos is another information-stealing malware family that targets credit card...
*** Windows 10 to offer application developers new malware defenses ***
Application developers can now actively participate in malware defense - in a new way to help protect customers from dynamic script-based malware and non-traditional avenues of cyberattack. Microsoft is making that possible through the Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) - a generic interface standard that allows applications and services to integrate with any antimalware product present on a machine. AMSI is currently available through the Windows 10 Technical Preview, and will be fully...
*** Advances in Scripting Security and Protection in Windows 10 and PowerShell V5 ***
In the last several releases of Windows, we've been working hard to make the platform much more powerful for administrators, developers, and power users alike. PowerShell is an incredibly useful and powerful language for managing Windows domains. Unfortunately, attackers can take advantage of these same properties when performing "post-exploitation" activities (actions that are performed after a system has been compromised). The PowerShell team, recognizing this behavior, have
*** CSDanube ***
CERT.at ist keine isolierte Einrichtung, im Gegenteil: Wir kooperieren in diversen Kreisen mit anderen Institutionen und Firmen. Das reicht von unserer Einbettung in die Umsetzung der ÖSCS, lokalen Partnern in der Industrie und Forschung bis hin zur globalen Vernetzung der CERTs. In diesem Kontext nehmen wir an einem Projekt teil, dass im Rahmen des START Programms der Danube Region Strategy gefördert wird: Es geht bei diesem Projekt darum, dass die CERTs der Region...
*** Security Advisory: Object Injection Vulnerability in WooCommerce ***
Security Risk: Dangerous Exploitation Level: Easy/Remote DREAD Score: 8/10 Vulnerability: Object Injection Patched Version: 2.3.11 During a routine audit for our WAF, we discovered a dangerous Object Injection vulnerability which could, in certain contexts, be used by an attacker to download any file on the vulnerable server. Are you at risk? The vulnerability is only...
*** Hospira Plum A+ and Symbiq Infusion Systems Vulnerabilities ***
This advisory provides publicly disclosed vulnerabilities and compensating measures for the Hospira Plum A+ and Symbiq Infusion System that are similar to vulnerabilities identified in the Hospira LifeCare PCA Infusion System discussed in the updated advisory ICSA-15-125-01B Hospira LifeCare PCA Infusion System Vulnerabilities.
*** HPSBUX03337 SSRT102066 rev.1 - HP-UX Apache Web Server Suite running Apache Web Server, Tomcat v6.x, or PHP v5.4.x, Remote Denial of Service (DoS) and Other Vulnerabilities ***
Potential security vulnerabilities have been identified with the HP-UX Apache Web Server Suite, Tomcat Servlet Engine, and PHP. These could be exploited remotely to create a Denial of Service (DoS) and other vulnerabilities.
*** Cisco IOS XR telnetd Packet Processing Denial of Service Vulnerability ***
*** Cisco Nexus and Cisco Multilayer Director Switches MOTD Telnet Login Reset Vulnerability ***
*** Cisco Identity Services Engine Improper Web Page Controls Privilege Escalation Vulnerability ***
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 09-06-2015 18:00 − Mittwoch 10-06-2015 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Multiple vulnerabilities in Cisco products ***
*** MS15-JUN - Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for June 2015 - Version: 1.0 ***
*** VMSA-2015-0004 ***
VMware Workstation, Fusion and Horizon View Client updates address critical security issues ..
*** Vawtrak Uses Tor2Web making hard to track down its servers ***
Security experts at Fortinet uncovered a new strain of the Vawtrak banking Trojan is implementing an obscuring mechanism based on the Tor2Web service. The authors of the banking Trojan Vawtrak are adopting a new tactic to hide the ..
*** iOS und OS X: Apple könnte HTTPS für Apps erzwingen ***
Entwickler von Apps für iOS und OS X sollten "so schnell wie möglich" auf sichere Verbindungen per HTTPS wechseln, empfiehlt Apple. Das Unternehmen könnte die Verschlüsselung gar für die Aufnahme im App Store erzwingen.
*** Schlag gegen internationale Bande von Cyber-Kriminellen in Europa ***
*** N-Tron 702W Hard-Coded SSH and HTTPS Encryption Keys ***
This advisory provides mitigation details for hard-coded SSH and HTTPS encryption keys in the N-Tron 702-W Industrial Wireless Access Point device.
*** Sinapsi eSolar Light Plaintext Passwords Vulnerability ***
This advisory provides mitigation details for plain text passwords in the Sinapsi eSolar Light application.
*** Adobe, Microsoft Issue Critical Security Fixes ***
Adobe today released software updates to plug at least 13 security holes in its Flash Player software. Separately, Microsoft pushed out fixes for at least three dozen flaws ..
*** The Mystery of Duqu 2.0: a sophisticated cyberespionage actor returns ***
Kaspersky Lab uncovers Duqu 2.0 � a highly sophisticated malware platform exploiting up to three zero-day vulnerabilities.
*** Duqu 2.0 ***
In our full report, available at http://www.crysys.hu/duqu2/duqu2.pdf, we point out numerous similarities that we discovered between Duqu and Duqu 2.0, ..
*** Microsoft pusht HTTPS beim Internet Explorer und Edge-Webbrowser ***
Ab sofort sollen der Internet Explorer und Webbrowser von Windows 10 Edge das verschlüsselte Surfen über HTTPS vorantreiben. Dafür hat Microsoft jetzt Updates verteilt, die HSTS einführen.
*** Xen Security Advisory CVE-2015-3209 / XSA-135 ***
The QEMU security team has predisclosed the following advisory: pcnet_transmit loads a transmit-frame descriptor from the guest into the /tmd/ local variable to recover a length field, a status field and a guest-physical location of the associated ..
*** Russische Hacker sollen hinter Cyber-Angriff auf TV-Sender stecken ***
Nicht – wie bisher angenommen – der Islamistischer Staat (IS), sondern russische Profi-Hacker sollen im April den Sendebetrieb von TV5 lahm gelegt haben. Die platzierte IS-Propaganda sei möglicherweise nur ein Täuschungsmanöver gewesen.