= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 15-09-2022 18:00 − Freitag 16-09-2022 18:00
Handler: Thomas Pribitzer
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
= News =
∗∗∗ Sicherheitslücke in WordPress-Plug-in WPGateway macht Angreifer zu Admins ∗∗∗
Angreifer attackieren WordPress-Websites mit WPGateway. Sicherheitsupdates sind noch nicht verfügbar.
∗∗∗ Update für Exchange Extended Protection-Script, aber weiterhin Fehler ∗∗∗
Mit den Sicherheitsupdates vom August 2022 für Microsoft Exchange (On-Premises-Lösung) ist es erforderlich, Extended Protection (EP) zu aktivieren, um alle Schwachstellen zu schließen. Die Aktivierung erfolgt per Script, welches Microsoft bereitgestellt hat – was aber zu Problemen führte.
∗∗∗ PS2 Emulator: Exploit in PS4 und PS5 soll nicht behebbar sein ∗∗∗
Eine Lücke im integrierten PS2-Emulator der Playstation 4 und 5 soll sich "grundsätzlich" nicht beheben lassen. Das reicht, um Code auszuführen.
∗∗∗ Bitdefender releases free decryptor for LockerGoga ransomware ∗∗∗
Romanian cybersecurity firm Bitdefender has released a free decryptor to help LockerGoga ransomware victims recover their files without paying a ransom.
∗∗∗ Microsoft Edge’s News Feed ads abused for tech support scams ∗∗∗
An ongoing malvertising campaign is injecting ads in the Microsoft Edge News Feed to redirect potential victims to websites pushing tech support scams.
∗∗∗ Water Tank Management System Used Worldwide Has Unpatched Security Hole ∗∗∗
A water tank management system used by organizations worldwide is affected by a critical vulnerability that can be exploited remotely and the vendor does not appear to want to patch it.read more
∗∗∗ Word Maldoc With CustomXML and Renamed VBAProject.bin, (Fri, Sep 16th) ∗∗∗
Friend and colleague 0xThiebaut just gave me a heads up for this interesting sample: 2056b52f8c2f62e222107e6fb6ca82708cdae73a91671d40e61aef8698e3e139
∗∗∗ Hackers Targeting WebLogic Servers and Docker APIs for Mining Cryptocurrencies ∗∗∗
Malicious actors such as Kinsing are taking advantage of both recently disclosed and older security flaws in Oracle WebLogic Server to deliver cryptocurrency-mining malware.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ Security updates for Friday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Debian (bzip2, chromium, glib2.0, libraw, mariadb-10.3, and mod-wsgi), Fedora (kdiskmark, wordpress, and zlib), Oracle (.NET 6.0, .NET Core 3.1, mariadb:10.3, nodejs:14, nodejs:16, ruby:2.7, and ruby:3.0), Red Hat (.NET 6.0, php:7.4, and webkit2gtk3), SUSE (389-ds, flatpak, kernel, libgit2, and thunderbird), and Ubuntu (sqlite3, vim, and wayland).
∗∗∗ Synology-SA-22:15 GLPI ∗∗∗
Multiple vulnerabilities allow remote attackers or remote authenticated users to obtain sensitive information, inject arbitrary web script or HTML or inject SQL command via a susceptible version of GLPI.
∗∗∗ CISA Adds Six Known Exploited Vulnerabilities to Catalog ∗∗∗
CISA has added six new vulnerabilities to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog, based on evidence of active exploitation. These types of vulnerabilities are a frequent attack vector for malicious cyber actors and pose significant risk to the federal enterprise. Note: to view the newly added vulnerabilities in the catalog, click on the arrow in the "Date Added to Catalog" column, which will sort by descending dates.
∗∗∗ Achtung: Backdoor in TechLogix Networx Power Delivery-Unit, vom Internet isolieren und patchen ∗∗∗
In Stromversorgungskomponenten (Power Delivery-Units) des US-Herstellers TechLogix Networx gibt es eine gravierende Schwachstelle in deren Firmware. Die Firmware nimmt in älteren Versionen (vor Version 2.0.2a) keine Authentifizierung vor, d.h. man kann über Netzwerk die Power Delivery-Unit abschalten.
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: IBM Security Identity Governance and Intelligence is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution due to Apache Log4j (CVE-2021-4104) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: IBM Security Identity Governance and Intelligence is vulnerable to sensitive information exposure (CVE-2021-35550) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX container is vulnerable to obtain sensitive information due to OpenSSL (CVE-2022-2097) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: IBM Security Identity Governance and Intelligence is vulnerable to Denial of Service (CVE-2021-35578) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: IBM Security Identity Governance and Intelligence is vulnerable to exposure of sensitive information (CVE-2021-35603) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Dell BSAFE: Mehrere Schwachstellen ermöglichen nicht spezifizierten Angriff ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ xpdf: Schwachstelle ermöglicht nicht spezifizierten Angriff ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ NGINX: Schwachstelle ermöglicht nicht spezifizierten Angriff ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Nextcloud: Mehrere Schwachstellen ermöglichen Offenlegung von Informationen ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 13-09-2022 18:00 − Mittwoch 14-09-2022 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: Thomas Pribitzer
= News =
∗∗∗ Securing your IoT devices against cyber attacks in 5 steps ∗∗∗
How is IoT being used in the enterprise, and how can it be secured? We will demonstrate important security best practices and how a secure password policy is paramount to the security of devices.
∗∗∗ Easy Process Injection within Python, (Wed, Sep 14th) ∗∗∗
Process injection is a common technique used by malware to cover their tracks. What looks more legit than a process called "notepad.exe" or "explorer.exe"?
∗∗∗ Neue Phishing-Masche: Fake-Konversationen für mehr Glaubwürdigkeit ∗∗∗
Sicherheitsforscher warnen vor einer neuen Taktik, die Phishing-Mails noch glaubhafter erscheinen lässt.
∗∗∗ Passengers Exposed to Hacking via Vulnerabilities in Airplane Wi-Fi Devices ∗∗∗
Researchers have discovered two potentially serious vulnerabilities in wireless LAN devices that they say are often used in airplanes.
∗∗∗ Malware Infects Magento-Powered Stores via FishPig Distribution Server ∗∗∗
For the past several weeks, Magento stores have been injected with malware via a supply chain attack that targeted the FishPig distribution server.
∗∗∗ Mail „Energiekosten: Jetzt 475,00 Euro erhalten“ ist Betrug! ∗∗∗
In Zeiten von 150 Euro Energiegutschein oder 500 Euro Klimabonus kann eine E-Mail mit dem Betreff „Energiekosten: Jetzt 475,00 Euro erhalten“ durchaus für echt gehalten werden. Doch Vorsicht: Die Nachricht leitet auf eine Website zum „Lars Meyer Geld-System“ weiter – eine betrügerische Investment-Plattform, auf der Sie nicht investieren dürfen.
∗∗∗ CISA Adds Two Known Exploited Vulnerabilities to Catalog ∗∗∗
CISA has added two new vulnerabilities to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog, based on evidence of active exploitation.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ Microsoft Teams stores auth tokens as cleartext in Windows, Linux, Macs ∗∗∗
Security analysts have found a severe security vulnerability in the desktop app for Microsoft Teams that gives threat actors access to authentication tokens and accounts with multi-factor authentication (MFA) turned on.
∗∗∗ IBM Security Bulletins 2022-09-13 ∗∗∗
IBM WebSphere Application Server, IBM SPSS Statistics, IBM Maximo Asset Management, IBM Maximo Manage, IBM App Connect Enterprise, IBM Integration Bus, IBM App Connect Professional.
∗∗∗ Patchday: Angreifer attackieren Windows 7 bis 11 ∗∗∗
Kritische Lücken bedrohen Microsoft Dynamics 365 und Windows. Sicherheitsupdates stehen zur Installation bereit.
∗∗∗ Patchday Adobe: Schadcode-Attacken auf InDesign, Photoshop & Co. möglich ∗∗∗
Es gibt wichtige Sicherheitsupdates für verschiedene Anwendungen von Adobe. Derzeit sind keine dokumentierten Attacken bekannt.
∗∗∗ Security updates for Wednesday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by CentOS (open-vm-tools), Debian (freecad and sqlite3), Fedora (qt5-qtwebengine and vim), SUSE (firefox, kernel, libzapojit, perl, postgresql14, and samba), and Ubuntu (dotnet6, dpdk, gdk-pixbuf, rust-regex, and systemd).
∗∗∗ Zero-day in WPGateway Wordpress plugin actively exploited in attacks ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Atlassian Confluence: Schwachstelle ermöglicht Denial of Service ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Delta Industrial Automation DIAEnergie ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Kingspan TMS300 CS ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Honeywell SoftMaster ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Hitachi Energy TXpert Hub CoreTec 4 Sudo Vulnerability ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Multi-Vendor BIOS Security Vulnerabilities (September 2022) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Quectel Wireless WAN Driver Command Injection Vulnerability ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ genua genucenter: Mehrere Schwachstellen ermöglichen nicht spezifizierten Angriff ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Zoom Video Communications On-Premise: Mehrere Schwachstellen ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Montag 12-09-2022 18:00 − Dienstag 13-09-2022 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: Thomas Pribitzer
= News =
∗∗∗ New PsExec spinoff lets hackers bypass network security defenses ∗∗∗
Security researchers have developed an implementation of the Sysinternals PsExec utility that allows moving laterally in a network using a less monitored port.
∗∗∗ Security pros get ability to manually add incidents to Microsoft Sentinel ∗∗∗
Microsoft is introducing a feature to Sentinel to enable security analysts to manually create an incident report and the ability to manually delete the incident if needed.
∗∗∗ Letting off steam ∗∗∗
In July alone, CERT-GIB specialists identified more than 150 fraudulent resources mimicking Steam, a major online gaming platform. To steal Steam credentials, hackers have been using a new phishing technique called browser-in-the-browser, which tricks users into thinking that a fake webpage is a legal resource.
∗∗∗ Tool Release – Monkey365 ∗∗∗
Monkey 365 is an Open Source security tool that can be used to easily conduct not only Microsoft 365, but also Azure subscriptions and Azure Active Directory security configuration reviews without the significant overhead of learning tool APIs or complex admin panels from the start.
∗∗∗ OriginLogger: A Look at Agent Tesla’s Successor ∗∗∗
We provide an overview of the OriginLogger keylogger, including info on a dropper lure and OriginLogger’s configuration and infrastructure.
∗∗∗ How to tighten your security in Microsoft Edge ∗∗∗
Edge offers several options to help protect you from malicious websites and other online hazards.
∗∗∗ MISP 2.4.162 released with a new periodic notification system, workflow updates and many improvements ∗∗∗
We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of MISP v2.4.162 with a new periodic notification system, workflow updates and many improvements.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ Trend Micro warns of actively exploited Apex One RCE vulnerability ∗∗∗
Security software firm Trend Micro warned customers today to patch an actively exploited Apex One security vulnerability as soon as possible.
∗∗∗ Firmware: Etliche HP-Rechner mit Sicherheitslücken, aber ohne Patches ∗∗∗
Gemeldet wurden die Sicherheitslücken vor vielen Monaten, doch etliche Businessgeräte von HP haben noch keine Updates erhalten.
∗∗∗ iPadOS, macOS Monterey und altes iOS: Apple patcht Lücken ∗∗∗
iPadOS 16 ist noch nicht fertig, dafür kommt ein Sicherheitsupdate. Auf dem Mac gibts nun Safari 16 – und ebenfalls viele Patches. Auch iOS 15 wird bedacht.
∗∗∗ Lorenz Ransomware nutzt VoIP-Telefone MiVoice Connect von Mitel als Sprungbrett ∗∗∗
Angreifer nutzen derzeit eine kritische Sicherheitslücke in Telefonsystemen von Mitel aus. Sicherheitsupdates sind verfügbar.
∗∗∗ Security updates for Tuesday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Debian (connman and python-oslo.utils), Fedora (libapreq2), Red Hat (booth, gnupg2, kernel, kernel-rt, mariadb:10.3, nodejs:14, nodejs:16, python3, ruby:2.7, and ruby:3.0), SUSE (chromium, opera, python2-numpy, and rubygem-kramdown), and Ubuntu (poppler).
∗∗∗ FBI warns of vulnerabilities in medical devices following several CISA alerts ∗∗∗
The FBI on Monday warned that hundreds of vulnerabilities in widely used medical devices are leaving a door open for cyberattacks.
∗∗∗ SSA-638652 V1.0: Authentication Bypass Vulnerability in Mendix SAML Module ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ SSA-637483 V1.0: Third-Party Component Vulnerabilities in SINEC INS before V1.0 SP2 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ SSA-589975 V1.0: Improper Access Control Vulnerability in CoreShield OWG Software ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ SSA-518824 V1.0: Multiple File Parsing Vulnerabilities in Simcenter Femap and Parasolid ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ SSA-459643 V1.0: Denial of Service Vulnerability in RUGGEDCOM ROS before V5.6.0 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: IBM CICS TX Standard is vulnerable to identity spoofing due to IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty (CVE-2022-22475) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in MIT Kerberos 5 affects PowerSC (CVE-2021-37750) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: AIX is vulnerable to a privilege escalation vulnerability due to invscout (CVE-2022-36768) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: IBM® Db2® is vulnerable to a denial of service after entering a specially crafted malformed SQL statement into the db2expln tool. (CVE-2022-35637) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: IBM WebSphere Application Server is vulnerable to cross-site scripting in the Admin Console (CVE-2022-34336) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: Provision to add https and Secure Flag to bayeux_browser cookie for IBM Control Desk. ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty for IBM i is vulnerable to identity spoofing with authenticated user and ability to bypass security restrictions due to Eclipse Paho Java client (CVE-2019-11777, CVE-2022-22476) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: IBM CICS TX Advanced is vulnerable to identity spoofing due to IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty (CVE-2022-22475) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: AIX is vulnerable to a denial of service due to libxml2 (CVE-2022-29824) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: AIX is vulnerable to a privilege escalation vulnerability (CVE-2022-34356) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: IBM® Db2® is vulnerable to an information disclosure in some scenarios due to unauthorized access caused by improper privilege management when CREATE OR REPLACE command is used. (CVE-2022-22483) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: A vulnerability in IBM Java Runtime affects TXSeries for Multiplatforms ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ SAP Patchday September 2022 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ TYPO3 Core: Mehrere Schwachstellen ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Citrix Hypervisor Security Bulletin for CVE-2020-35498 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ AMI MegaRAC SP-X BMC Vulnerabilities ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Brocade Fabric OS - Security Update ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Freitag 09-09-2022 18:00 − Montag 12-09-2022 18:00
Handler: Thomas Pribitzer
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
= News =
∗∗∗ Krypto-Malware Shikitega überlistet den herkömmlichen Linux-Schutz ∗∗∗
AT&T Alien Labs hat eine Analyse zur neuen Linux-Malware Shikitega veröffentlicht. Der Schädling verschafft sich Root-Zugriff, seine Entdeckung ist schwierig.
∗∗∗ Bericht: Um nicht erwischt zu werden, verschlüsselt Ransomware Daten partiell ∗∗∗
Sicherheitsforscher beobachten bei Erpressungstrojanern einen Trend zur schnelleren Verschlüsselung.
∗∗∗ SMS von der Post? Klicken Sie nicht auf den Link! ∗∗∗
„Die Zustellung Ihres letzten Pakets hat sich aufgrund zusätzlicher Zollgebühren verzögert“ lautet eine SMS-Benachrichtigung von der Post. Im SMS ist ein Link, den Sie anklicken sollten, um das Problem zu lösen. Wir raten zur Vorsicht: Diese Nachricht ist nicht von der Post. Wer auf den Link klickt, tappt in eine Internetfalle!
∗∗∗ SharkBot-Trojaner im Play Store – Risiko "Antivirus-Apps" ∗∗∗
Im Google Play Store ist erneut der Banking-Trojaner SharkBot aufgetaucht und hat sich als Antiviren- und Cleaner-App getarnt. Sicherheitsforscher von CyberNews schreiben: Android-Nutzer sollten es sich zweimal überlegen, bevor sie kostenlose Apps zur Reinigung ihres Mobiltelefons und zum "Schutz" vor Viren herunterladen - denn viele von ihnen enthalten Daten-Tracker und einige scheinen sogar Links zu potenziell bösartigen Domains zu beinhalten.
∗∗∗ Maldoc With Decoy BASE64, (Fri, Sep 9th) ∗∗∗
There is also a video for this analysis: "Maldoc Analysis: Rehearsed vs. Unrehearsed".
I analysed this maldoc. It contains an old exploit for the equation editor. Nothing special. And it's easy to analyze.
But there is one more thing: it contains a very long BASE64 string, 800,000+ characters, and it turns out to be a decoy.
∗∗∗ WMI Internals Part 3 ∗∗∗
In a previous blog post of mine — WMI Internals Part 2: Reversing a WMI Provider I walked through how the WMI architecture is foundationally built upon COM and in turn how WMI classes can end up invoking COM methods to perform actions. I used the PS_ScheduledTask WMI class as an example and how when an instance of this class is created the COM method ITaskServices:NewTask is invoked.
This blog will take this process a step further and look at what happens after the COM method ITaskServices:NewTask.
∗∗∗ Dead or Alive? An Emotet Story ∗∗∗
In this intrusion from May 2022, we observed a domain-wide compromise that started from a malware ridden Excel document containing the never-dying malware, Emotet. The post-exploitation started very soon after [...]
∗∗∗ Ransomware attacks on retail increase, average retail payment grows to more than $200K ∗∗∗
More than 300 organizations in the retail industry said they were hit with ransomware attacks in 2021, according to a survey conducted by security company Sophos. Sophos researchers spoke to 422 IT workers at mid-sized organizations in the retail sector across 31 countries, finding startling increases in the number of respondents who said their organizations [...]
∗∗∗ Security Breaks: TeamTNT’s DockerHub Credentials Leak ∗∗∗
One of our honeypots based on exposed Docker REST APIs showed cybercriminal group TeamTNT’s potential attack scenario and leak of container registry credentials for docker-abuse malware. The full version of this research will be presented at the c0c0n XV Hacking and Cyber Security Conference in September 2022.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ Firmware bugs in many HP computer models left unfixed for over a year ∗∗∗
A set of six high-severity firmware vulnerabilities impacting a broad range of HP devices used in enterprise environments are still waiting to be patched, although some of them were publicly disclosed since July 2021.
∗∗∗ Patchday: Ansatzpunkte für Angreifer in Android 10, 11 und 12 geschlossen ∗∗∗
Angreifer könnten sich auf Android-Geräten weitreichende Nutzerrechte erschleichen. In Googles Pixel-Serie wurden kritische Lücken ausgebessert.
∗∗∗ Security updates for Monday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Debian (gdk-pixbuf, libxslt, linux-5.10, paramiko, and zlib), Fedora (webkit2gtk3), Mageia (gstreamer1.0-plugins-good, jupyter-notebook, kernel, and rpm), Slackware (vim), SUSE (bluez, clamav, freetype2, frr, gdk-pixbuf, keepalived, libyang, nodejs16, python-PyYAML, qpdf, samba, and vim), and Ubuntu (linux-azure-fde and tiff).
∗∗∗ Critical KEPServerEX Flaws Can Put Attackers in Powerful Position in OT Networks ∗∗∗
Critical KEPServerEX vulnerabilities that impact the products of several major industrial automation vendors can put attackers in a powerful position in OT networks.read more
∗∗∗ Octopus Deploy: Schwachstelle ermöglicht Codeausführung ∗∗∗
Ein entfernter, authentisierter Angreifer kann eine Schwachstelle in Octopus Deploy ausnutzen, um beliebigen Programmcode auszuführen.
∗∗∗ JFrog Artifactory: Mehrere Schwachstellen ∗∗∗
Ein entfernter, anonymer Angreifer kann mehrere Schwachstellen in JFrog Artifactory ausnutzen, um seine Privilegien zu erweitern, beliebigen Code auszuführen, Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zu umgehen, vertrauliche Informationen offenzulegen und einen Denial-of-Service-Zustand auszulösen.
∗∗∗ Jenkins: Schwachstelle ermöglicht Denial of Service ∗∗∗
Ein entfernter, anonymer Angreifer kann eine Schwachstelle in Jenkins ausnutzen, um einen Denial of Service Angriff durchzuführen.
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: IBM Maximo Asset Management and the IBM Maximo Manage application in IBM Maximo Application Suite may be vulnerable to arbitrary code execution due to Apache Log4j 1.2 (CVE-2021-4104) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in WebSphere Liberty affect SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: qs (QueryString) package in the Service Portal of IBM Control Desk is vulnerable (CVE-2014-7191 and CVE-2017-1000048) ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 08-09-2022 18:00 − Freitag 09-09-2022 18:00
Handler: Thomas Pribitzer
Co-Handler: Michael Schlagenhaufer
= News =
∗∗∗ Bumblebee malware adds post-exploitation tool for stealthy infections ∗∗∗
A new version of the Bumblebee malware loader has been spotted in the wild, featuring a new infection chain that uses the PowerSploit framework for stealthy reflective injection of a DLL payload into memory.
∗∗∗ GIFShell attack creates reverse shell using Microsoft Teams GIFs ∗∗∗
A new attack technique called GIFShell allows threat actors to abuse Microsoft Teams for novel phishing attacks and covertly executing commands to steal data using ... GIFs.
∗∗∗ What Is Clickjacking and How Do I Prevent It? ∗∗∗
There are a plethora of techniques that attackers use to redirect site visitors and harvest sensitive information on compromised websites. But when most webmasters think about securing their website, they often don’t think about how attackers can inject clicks on it from another site.
∗∗∗ Credential Gathering From Third-Party Software ∗∗∗
Users often store passwords in third-party software for convenience – but credential gathering techniques can target this behavior.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ Hackers Exploit Zero-Day in WordPress BackupBuddy Plugin in ~5 Million Attempts ∗∗∗
A zero-day flaw in a WordPress plugin called BackupBuddy is being actively exploited, WordPress security company Wordfence has disclosed. "This vulnerability makes it possible for unauthenticated users to download arbitrary files from the affected site which can include sensitive information," it said.
∗∗∗ Sicherheitslücke in vorinstalliertem Tool HP Support Assistant geschlossen ∗∗∗
HP Support Assistant ist standardmäßig auf HP-Computern installiert. Eine Schwachstelle gefährdet nun Systeme.
∗∗∗ Security updates for Friday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Fedora (mediawiki), SUSE (libEMF, libnl-1_1, libnl3, mariadb, nodejs16, php8-pear, postgresql12, and rubygem-rake), and Ubuntu (linux-raspi, linux-raspi-5.4, and tiff).
∗∗∗ CISA Adds Twelve Known Exploited Vulnerabilities to Catalog ∗∗∗
CISA has added twelve new vulnerabilities to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog, based on evidence of active exploitation. These types of vulnerabilities are a frequent attack vector for malicious cyber actors and pose significant risk to the federal enterprise.
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified in Oracle April 2022 CPU for Java 8 shipped with IBM® Intelligent Operations Center(CVE-2022-21496, CVE-2022-21434, CVE-2022-21443) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: A vulnerability foud in IBM Installation Manager which is shipped with IBM® Intelligent Operations Center(CVE-2021-36374) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: A vulnerability have been identified in Java 8 shipped with IBM® Intelligent Operations Center (CVE-2021-35561) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: A vulneraqbility in Zlib affects IBM Cloud Application Performance Managment R esponse Time Monitoring Agent (CVE-2018-25032) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: A vulnerability foud in IBM Installation Manager which is shipped with IBM® Intelligent Operations Center(CVE-2021-36373) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS is vulnerable to denial of service due to Zlib (CVE-2018-25032) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities found in IBM DB2 which is shipped with IBM® Intelligent Operations Center(CVE-2021-38931, CVE-2021-29678, CVE-2021-20373, CVE-2021-39002, CVE-2021-38926) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: A vulnerability found in Apache HttpClient which is shipped with IBM® Intelligent Operations Center (CVE-2020-13956) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: XML vulnerability found in IBM Java 8.0 which is shipped with IBM® Intelligent Operations Center (CVE-2022-21299) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: A vulnerability found in XMLBeans which hipped with IBM® Intelligent Operations Center (CVE-2021-23926) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities found in IBM MQ and Java 8 which is shipped with IBM® Intelligent Operations Center(CVE-2021-2388, CVE-2021-2369, CVE-2021-2432) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: A vulnerability have been identified in IBM Java 8 shipped with IBM® Intelligent Operations Center (CVE-2021-35603) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: A vulneraqbility in Zlib affects IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions Response Time agents (CVE-2018-25032) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: A vulnerabilities have been identified in IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty shipped with IBM® Intelligent Operations Center (CVE-2021-29842) ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 07-09-2022 18:00 − Donnerstag 08-09-2022 18:00
Handler: Thomas Pribitzer
Co-Handler: Michael Schlagenhaufer
= News =
∗∗∗ RAID-Manager von Hitachi könnte Ansatzpunkt für Schadcode-Attacken sein ∗∗∗
Für einige Versionen von Hitachi RAID Manager SRA sind Sicherheitsupdates erschienen. Für einige Ausgaben gibt es jedoch keinen Support mehr.
∗∗∗ Threat landscape for industrial automation systems for H1 2022 ∗∗∗
This report is based on an analysis of statistical data collected through the Kaspersky Security Network (KSN), a distributed antivirus network.
∗∗∗ Profiling DEV-0270: PHOSPHORUS’ ransomware operations ∗∗∗
Microsoft threat intelligence teams have been tracking multiple ransomware campaigns and have tied these attacks to DEV-0270, also known as Nemesis Kitten, a sub-group of Iranian actor PHOSPHORUS.
∗∗∗ Analyzing Obfuscated VBS with CyberChef, (Thu, Sep 8th) ∗∗∗
I took a closer look at this sample on MalwareBazaar, because it had no tags (now it has a VBS tag).
∗∗∗ HTTPS-Zertifikate: Die Rückkehr der Sperrlisten ∗∗∗
Zukünftig soll es endlich wieder möglich sein, kompromittierte Zertifikate einfach zu sperren. Apple und Mozilla preschen vor und Lets Encrypt zieht mit.
∗∗∗ Tensel-markt.de ist Fake! ∗∗∗
Vorsicht vor Fake-Elektronik und Technik-Shops! Tensel-markt.de, gohlke-shop.de und Techno-max.de locken mit ihrem professionellen Design zahlreiche Konsument:innen in die Falle. Bestellen Sie nicht bei diesen Shops, Sie verlieren Ihr Geld!
∗∗∗ Lazarus and the tale of three RATs ∗∗∗
Cisco Talos has been tracking a new campaign operated by the Lazarus APT group, attributed to North Korea by the United States government. This campaign involved the exploitation of vulnerabilities in VMWare Horizon to gain an initial foothold into targeted organizations.
∗∗∗ How Malicious Actors Abuse Native Linux Tools in Attacks ∗∗∗
Through our honeypots and telemetry, we were able to observe instances in which malicious actors abused native Linux tools to launch attacks on Linux environments. In this blog entry, we discuss how these utilities were used and provide recommendations on how to minimize their impact.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ HP fixes severe bug in pre-installed Support Assistant tool ∗∗∗
HP issued a security advisory alerting users about a newly discovered vulnerability in HP Support Assistant, a software tool that comes pre-installed on all HP laptops and desktop computers, including the Omen sub-brand.
∗∗∗ Cisco Security Advisories 2022-09-07 ∗∗∗
Cisco published 4 security advisories (2 high, 2 medium severity)
∗∗∗ VPN-Lücke in älteren Cisco-Routern wird nicht mehr geschlossen ∗∗∗
Für einige Cisco-Router ist der Support ausgelaufen. Es gibt wichtige Sicherheitsupdates für unter anderem Webex.
∗∗∗ IBM Security Bulletins 2022-09-07 ∗∗∗
IBM Java 8, IBM Aspera Faspex, IBM WebSphere Application Server, IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty, Enterprise Content Management System Monitor, IBM DB2, IBM Semeru Runtime, IBM Robotic Process Automation for Cloud Pak, IBM Intelligent Operations Center
∗∗∗ Security updates for Thursday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Debian (libgoogle-gson-java), Fedora (autotrace, insight, and open-vm-tools), Oracle (open-vm-tools), Red Hat (open-vm-tools, openvswitch2.13, openvswitch2.15, openvswitch2.16, openvswitch2.17, ovirt-host, and rh-nodejs14-nodejs and rh-nodejs14-nodejs-nodemon), Scientific Linux (open-vm-tools), Slackware (python3), SUSE (clamav, gdk-pixbuf, gpg2, icu, ImageMagick, java-1_8_0-ibm, libyajl, mariadb, udisks2, webkit2gtk3, and yast2-samba-provision), and Ubuntu (dnsmasq).
∗∗∗ Nagios Enterprises Nagios XI: Mehrere Schwachstellen ∗∗∗
Ein entfernter, anonymer Angreifer kann mehrere Schwachstellen in Nagios Enterprises Nagios XI ausnutzen, um einen Cross-Site Scripting Angriff durchzuführen und Daten zu manipulieren.
∗∗∗ Xerox FreeFlow Print Server: Mehrere Schwachstellen ∗∗∗
Ein entfernter, anonymer Angreifer kann mehrere Schwachstellen in Xerox FreeFlow Print Server ausnutzen, um die Vertraulichkeit, Verfügbarkeit und Integrität des Systems zu gefährden.
∗∗∗ Drupal: Schwachstelle ermöglicht Umgehen von Sicherheitsvorkehrungen ∗∗∗
Ein entfernter, anonymer Angreifer kann eine Schwachstelle in Drupal ausnutzen, um Sicherheitsvorkehrungen zu umgehen.
∗∗∗ Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager: Mehrere Schwachstellen ∗∗∗
Ein Angreifer kann mehrere Schwachstellen in Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager ausnutzen, um Daten zu manipulieren oder offenzulegen, seine Rechte zu erweitern, Code auszuführen oder einen Denial of Service zu verursachen.
∗∗∗ MZ Automation libIEC61850 ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 06-09-2022 18:00 − Mittwoch 07-09-2022 18:00
Handler: Thomas Pribitzer
Co-Handler: n/a
= News =
∗∗∗ So schützen Sie sich vor Schadsoftware! ∗∗∗
Auf dubiosen Websites, in betrügerischen E-Mails, in scheinbar harmlosen Chat-Nachrichten oder durch Sicherheitslücken in nicht aktualisierten Programmen: Schadsoftware kann auf unterschiedlichen Wegen auf Ihren Computer gelangen, um dort beispielsweise sensible Daten auszulesen und zu stehlen oder gar ganze Systeme lahmzulegen.
∗∗∗ Worok: The big picture ∗∗∗
Focused mostly on Asia, this new cyberespionage group uses undocumented tools, including steganographically extracting PowerShell payloads from PNG files.
∗∗∗ Wie Cyberkriminelle USB missbrauchen ∗∗∗
Den Fluch des Universal Serial Bus (USB) und die Attraktion für Cyberkriminelle untersucht Andrew Rose, Resident CISO, EMEA bei Proofpoint, in einem Gastbeitrag.
∗∗∗ AA22-249A: #StopRansomware: Vice Society ∗∗∗
This joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) is part of an ongoing #StopRansomware effort to publish advisories for network defenders that detail various ransomware variants and ransomware threat actors.
∗∗∗ Multiple ransomware data leak sites experience DDoS attacks, facing intermittent outages and connectivity issues ∗∗∗
Since Aug. 20, 2022, Cisco Talos has been monitoring suspected distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks resulting in intermittent downtime and outages affecting several ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) data leak sites.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ IBM Security Bulletins 2022-09-06 ∗∗∗
IBM Elastic Storage System, IBM Planning Analytics Workspace, IBM Rational Asset analyzer, IBM App Connect Enterprise, IBM Integration Bus, IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty, IBM Sterling Connect, IBM Spectrum Scale, IBM SPSS Analytic Server, IBM Business Automation Workflow.
∗∗∗ Auf NAS-Systeme von Zyxel könnte Schadcode gelangen ∗∗∗
Aktualisierte Firmware-Versionen schließen eine kritische Sicherheitslücke in mehreren NAS-Modellen des Herstellers Zyxel.
∗∗∗ Security updates for Wednesday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Fedora (curl, protobuf-c, and vim) and SUSE (gimp, java-1_8_0-openj9, libostree, openvswitch, python-bottle, python-Flask-Security-Too, and zabbix).
∗∗∗ K12055286: Intel CPU vulnerability CVE-2021-33060 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Helmholz: Multiple vulnerabilites in myREX24 and myREX24.virtual ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Helmholz: Unauthenticated user enumeration in myREX24 and myREX24.virtual ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ MB connect line: Unauthenticated user enumeration in mbCONNECT24 and mymbCONNECT24 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ [R1] Stand-alone Security Patch Available for Tenable.sc versions 5.19.0 to 5.21.0: Patch SC-202209.1 ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Montag 05-09-2022 18:00 − Dienstag 06-09-2022 18:00
Handler: Thomas Pribitzer
Co-Handler: Michael Schlagenhaufer
= News =
∗∗∗ New EvilProxy service lets all hackers use advanced phishing tactics ∗∗∗
A reverse-proxy Phishing-as-a-Service (PaaS) platform called EvilProxy has emerged, promising to steal authentication tokens to bypass multi-factor authentication (MFA) on Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, GitHub, GoDaddy, and even PyPI.
∗∗∗ Mythic Case Study: Assessing Common Offensive Security Tools ∗∗∗
Having covered the Sliver C2 framework in a previous post (May 2022), this blog will continue our examination of Cobalt Strike “alternatives”, focusing on the Mythic C2 framework.
∗∗∗ Analysis of an Encoded Cobalt Strike Beacon, (Tue, Sep 6th) ∗∗∗
Someone reached out to me for the analysis of a Cobalt Strike beacon. This is the sample.
∗∗∗ TA505 Groups TeslaGun In-Depth Analysis ∗∗∗
TA505 is a financially motivated threat group that has been active since 2014. The group frequently changes its malware attack strategies in response to global cybercrime trends. It opportunistically adopts new technologies in order to gain leverage over victims before the wider cybersecurity industry catches on.
∗∗∗ Vorsicht vor gefälschten PayPal-Nachrichten ∗∗∗
Gefälschte PayPal-Nachrichten befinden sich momentan vermehrt im Umlauf. Sie haben eine angebliche Rechnung von PayPal erhalten, über ein Produkt, das Sie nicht bestellt haben? Oder es wird eine Vorabzahlung für eine angebliche Transaktion gefordert? Ignorieren Sie diese Nachrichten, sie sind Fake!
∗∗∗ Mirai Variant MooBot Targeting D-Link Devices ∗∗∗
Attackers are leveraging known vulnerabilities in D-Link devices to deliver MooBot, a Mirai variant, potentially leading to further DDoS attacks.
∗∗∗ Shikitega - New stealthy malware targeting Linux ∗∗∗
Alien Labs has discovered a new malware targeting endpoints and IoT devices that are running Linux operating systems. Shikitega is delivered in a multistage infection chain where each module responds to a part of the payload and downloads and executes the next one. An attacker can gain full control of the system, in addition to the cryptocurrency miner that will be executed and set to persist.
∗∗∗ Over Half of Global Firms Supply Chains Compromised by Ransomware ∗∗∗
Cybersecurity leader Trend Micro announced new research today that reveals global organizations are increasingly at risk of ransomware compromise via their extensive supply chains.
∗∗∗ Play Ransomwares Attack Playbook Similar to that of Hive, Nokoyawa ∗∗∗
Play is a new ransomware that takes a page out of Hive and Nokoyawas playbook. The many similarities among them indicate that Play, like Nokoyawa, are operated by the same people.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ Fortinet Security Advisories 2022-09-06 ∗∗∗
On Sep 06, 2022, Fortinet has released 12 advisories for issues resolved in Fortinet products. (Severity: Low (2), Medium (9), High (1))
∗∗∗ Security updates for Tuesday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Red Hat (pcs), SUSE (389-ds and firefox), and Ubuntu (linux-hwe-5.4 and linux-oracle).
∗∗∗ Hitachi Storage: Mehrere Schwachstellen ∗∗∗
Ein Angreifer kann mehrere Schwachstellen in Hitachi Storage ausnutzen, um Informationen offenzulegen und beliebigen Code zur Ausführung zu bringen.
∗∗∗ Hitachi Energy TXpert Hub CoreTec 4 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Triangle Microworks Libraries ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ AVEVA Edge 2020 R2 SP1 and all prior versions ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Cognex 3D-A1000 Dimensioning System ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily
= End-of-Day report =
Timeframe: Freitag 02-09-2022 18:00 − Montag 05-09-2022 18:00
Handler: Thomas Pribitzer
Co-Handler: n/a
= News =
∗∗∗ Malware dev open-sources CodeRAT after being exposed ∗∗∗
The source code of a remote access trojan (RAT) dubbed CodeRAT has been leaked on GitHub after malware analysts confronted the developer about attacks that used the tool.
∗∗∗ Quickie: Grep & Tail -f With Notepad++, (Mon, Sep 5th) ∗∗∗
Notepad++ is a free and open source text editor for Windows. You can simulate grep-like functionality with Notepad++ in 2 steps.
∗∗∗ Prynt Stealer Contains a Backdoor to Steal Victims Data Stolen by Other Cybercriminals ∗∗∗
Researchers discovered a private Telegram channel-based backdoor in the information stealing malware, dubbed Prynt Stealer, which its developer added with the intention of secretly stealing a copy of victims exfiltrated data when used by other cybercriminals.
∗∗∗ Win32/Hive.ZY: Update stoppt Fehlalarmserie von Microsoft Defender unter Windows ∗∗∗
Die Windows-Virenabwehr Defender hat fälschlicherweise Chrome, Edge & Co. als Trojaner eingestuft.
∗∗∗ Ransomware: Der Trend geht zum Angriff auf Linux-Server ∗∗∗
Trend Micro sieht im ersten Halbjahr 2022 ein Wachstum bei Ransomware-Angriffen. Linux-Umgebungen sind 75 Prozent häufiger ein Ziel als im Vorjahreszeitraum.
∗∗∗ There’s Another Hole In Your SoC: Unisoc ROM Vulnerabilities ∗∗∗
As part of this research, NCC Group focused on the secure boot chain implemented by UNISOC processors used in Android phones and tablets. Several vulnerabilities in the Boot ROM were discovered which could persistently undermine secure boot.
∗∗∗ Was tun, wenn mein Gerät mit Schadsoftware infiziert wurde? ∗∗∗
Schadsoftware (auch Malware) kann viele Formen annehmen und mit unterschiedlichen Bedrohungen für Sie und Ihr Gerät einhergehen. Schäden, die dabei entstehen können, bewegen sich vom Datendiebstahl, über das Zuspammen mit Werbung bis hin zu Lösegeldforderungen.
= Vulnerabilities =
∗∗∗ Jetzt patchen! Google warnt vor möglichen Attacken auf Chrome ∗∗∗
Ein wichtiges Sicherheitsupdate schließt eine Lücke im Webbrowser Chrome.
∗∗∗ Security updates for Monday ∗∗∗
Security updates have been issued by Debian (flac, ghostscript, libmodbus, qemu, rails, ruby-rack, and thunderbird), Fedora (kernel, kernel-headers, kernel-tools, libtar, qt5-qtwebengine, subscription-manager-cockpit, tcpreplay, and vim), Mageia (chromium-browser-stable, webkit2, and ytnef), SUSE (curl, firefox, freerdp, gdk-pixbuf, ImageMagick, json-c, libgda, php-composer2, and python-pyxdg), and Ubuntu (libzstd, linux-aws, linux-aws-5.4, linux-azure-5.4, and linux-oem-5.17).
∗∗∗ DeadBolt Ransomware ∗∗∗
QNAP detected a new DeadBolt ransomware campaign on the morning of September 3rd, 2022 (GMT+8).
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: DataStage on Cloud Pak for Data Is Vulnerable to Sensitive Information Disclosure Error (CVE-2022-38714) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: Information Disclosure and Denial of Service Vulnerabilities in the IBM Spectrum Protect Backup-Archive Client may affect IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management (CVE-2022-22478, CVE-2022-22474) ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: Multiple security vulnerabilities are addressed with IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation iFixes for August 2022 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: Prototype pollution vulnerability affect IBM Business Automation Workflow and IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) – [CVE-2021-23450] ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ Security Bulletin: Persistent Cross-Site scripting vulnerability affect IBM Business Automation Workflow and IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) – CVE-2022-35644 ∗∗∗
∗∗∗ OTRS: Mehrere Schwachstellen ∗∗∗
CERT.at Daily mailing list
Listinfo: https://lists.cert.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/daily