= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 01-06-2016 18:00 − Donnerstag 02-06-2016 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** DSA-3591 imagemagick - security update ***
Bob Friesenhahn from the GraphicsMagick project discovered a commandinjection vulnerability in ImageMagick, a program suite for imagemanipulation. An attacker with control on input image or the inputfilename can execute arbitrary commands with the privileges of the userrunning the application.
*** Lenovo advises users to remove a vulnerable support tool preinstalled on their systems ***
PC maker Lenovo is recommending that users remove an application preloaded on their computers because it contains a high-severity flaw that could allow attackers to take over their systems.The vulnerable tool is called ..
*** Opening hours - Moderately Critical - XSS - SA-CONTRIB-2016-031 ***
*** DSA-3592 nginx - security update ***
It was discovered that a NULL pointer dereference in the Nginx coderesponsible for saving client request bodies to a temporary file mightresult in denial of service: Malformed requests could crash workerprocesses.
*** Researchers spot 35-fold increase in newly observed ransomware domains ***
A record 35-fold increase in newly observed ransomware domains compared to the fourth quarter of 2015 have been spotted by Infoblox researchers.
*** Yahoo Publishes National Security Letters After FBI Drops Gag Orders ***
Yahoo just became the first company to disclose that it has received NSLs without having to go to court to do so.
*** Docker Containers Logging ***
In a previous diary, Jim talked about forensic operations against Docker containers. To be able to perform investigations after an incident, we must have some ..
*** Die meisten Android-Virenscanner sind unsicher ***
Eigentlich sollte AV-Software das Smartphone vor Schadcode schützen. Wie Forscher nun festgestellt haben, weisen viele Virenjäger für Android allerdings selbst eklatante Sicherheitsmängel auf.
*** Trend Micro enterprise products multiple vulnerabilities ***
Multiple enterprise products provided by Trend Micro Incorporated contain multiple vulnerabilities.
*** Trend Micro Internet Security multiple vulnerabilities ***
Trend Micro Internet Security provided by Trend Micro Incorporated contains multiple vulnerabilities.
*** Mitnick Attack Reappears at GeekPwn Macau Contest ***
Cao Yue, a Ph.D. student from University of California, Riverside, delivered a stunning show at the GeekPwn 2016 Macau Contest on May 12 attended by top-caliber white hat hackers worldwide. Cao succeeded in remotely hijacking TCP connections at his random choice.
*** Hacker Lexicon: What Is Fuzzing? ***
Sometimes hacking isnt about taking a program apart: Its about throwing random objects at it to see what breaks.
*** [2016-06-02] Multiple critical vulnerabilities in Ubee EVW3226 Advanced wireless voice gateway ***
The firmware for the cable modem Ubee EVW3226 contains multiple critical vulnerabilities, which can be exploited to gain full system-level access to the device. This allows for inspection, modification and redirection of traffic.
*** IRONGATE ICS Malware: Nothing to See Here...Masking Malicious Activityon SCADA Systems ***
*** TeamViewer users claim accounts hacked ***
TeamViewer is a remote desktop connection software that allows users to share screens and allow remote access from anywhere in the world. In the past 24 hours, many customers ..
*** Erpresser-Mails drohen mit Rufschädigung über Social Media ***
Erpresser machen sich die Berichterstattung über aktuelle Hackerangriffe zunutze, um Droh-Mails zu verschicken, in denen sie den Opfern damit drohen, sensible Informationen auf deren Online-Konten zu veröffentlichen.
*** 93% Of Phishing Emails Are Now Ransomware ***
According to the latest data from security firm PhishMe, 93% of all phishing emails as of the end of March contained encryption ransomware. The numbers ..
*** How Russian cybercrime bosses crafted a ransomware empire out of an economic crisis ***
Amid a crashing ruble and shaken markets due to global sanctions over Russian president Vladimir Putins ..
*** XSA-178 ***
*** XSA-175 ***
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 31-05-2016 18:00 − Mittwoch 01-06-2016 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Tor Browser 6.0: Ditches SHA-1 Support, Uses DuckDuckGo For Default Search Results ***
The version 6.0 of Tor Browser, a free software for enabling anonymous communication, is now available to download. The new version introduces several changes, including disabling SHA-1 support, and removing ..
*** Drupal SQLi (Drupalgeddon) Attack Trend CVE-2014-3704 / SA-CORE-2014-005 ***
It has been over 19 months since Drupalgeddon, which refers to Drupal's Security Advisory (SA) SA-CORE-2014-005. For those unfamiliar with it, it ..
*** Finding Conditional Drupal Database Spam ***
Nobody likes spam. It's never fun (unless you're watching Monty Python). For us it comes with the territory; removing SEO spam has been at the core of what we deal with since our inception, giving us some pretty good ..
*** Cluster of 'megabreaches' compromises a whopping 642 million passwords ***
MySpace, Tumblr, and Fling are the latest services to join discredited LinkedIn.
*** Moxa UC 7408-LX-Plus Firmware Overwrite Vulnerability ***
This advisory contains mitigation details for a firmware overwrite vulnerability in Moxa's UC 7408-LX-Plus device.
*** ABB PCM600 Vulnerabilities ***
This advisory contains mitigation details for one use of password hash with insufficient computational effort and three insufficiently protected credentials vulnerabilities in ABB's PCM600.
*** Unfalsifiability of security claims ***
There is an inherent asymmetry in computer security: things can be declared insecure by observation, but not the reverse. There is no observation that allows us to declare an arbitrary system or technique secure. We ..
*** Lücke in ImageMagick und GraphicsMagick ermöglicht erneute Angriffe ***
Manipulierte Dateinamen können Schadcode über die popen()-Funktion des Betriebssystems zur Ausführung bringen. Patches stehen bereit.
*** Scrum.org hacked, may have lost crypto keys and some user data ***
Dont go dissing DevOps: a supplier has fessed up to a website vuln Scrum.org, the Scrum certification ..
*** Heikle Sicherheitslücken in vorinstallierter Laptop-Software ***
*** Microsoft: Spamfilter für Hotmail und Outlook kaputt ***
Unternehmen arbeitet mit Hochdruck an Lösung, manche Nutzer sollen "extreme Menge" an Spam-Mails erhalten
*** The impossible task of creating a 'Best VPNs' list today ***
Our writer set out to make a list of reliable VPNs; turns out the task is complicated.
*** VB2015 paper: Economic Sanctions on Malware ***
Financial pressure can be a proactive and potentially very effective tool in making our computer ecosystems safer. By cleverly employing various trust metrics and technologies such as digital signing, watermarking, and ..
*** DRIDEX Poses as Fake Certificate in Latest Spam Run ***
At a glance, it seems that DRIDEX has dwindled its activities or operation, appearing only for a few days this May. This is quite unusual given that in the past five months or so, this prevalent online banking threat ..
*** Security: LG muss Android-Firmware reparieren ***
Zwei Sicherheitslücken in LGs-Android Firmware ermöglichen eine Reihe von Angriffen, teilweise auch aus der Ferne. Nutzer sollten schnell reagieren, die Updates stehen bereit.
*** Kindernahrung: Mein Baby Club von Hipp wurde gehackt ***
Kopierte Nutzerdaten sind immer ein Ärgernis - besonders, wenn die persönlichen Informationen von Kindern betroffen sind. Der Hersteller Hipp hat seine Kunden jetzt über einen Einbruch in die eigenen Serversysteme des Mein Baby Clubs informiert