= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 02-07-2015 18:00 − Freitag 03-07-2015 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Alexander Riepl
*** Security Advisory: PHP vulnerability CVE-2015-4024 ***
*** Angler Exploit Kit Evasion Techniques Keep Cryptowall Thriving ***
Since the Angler Exploit Kit began pushing the latest version of Cryptowall ransomware, the kit has gone to great lengths to evade detection from IDS and other security technologies. The latest tactic is an almost-daily change to URL patterns used by the kit in HTTP GET requests for the Angler landing ..
*** Plex: Foren des Media Servers gehackt ***
Unbekannten Angreifern ist es offenbar gelungen das zum Service gehörige Forum zu hacken, und Zugriff auf sensible Daten zu erhalten. Neben Mail-Adressen sollen dabei auch Passwort-Hashes, private Nachrichten und IP-Adressen abgegriffen worden sein. ... So wurden alle betroffenen User mittlerweile per ..
*** Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software OSPFv2 Denial of Service Vulnerability ***
*** DSA-3299 stunnel4 - security update ***
Johan Olofsson discovered an authentication bypass vulnerability inStunnel, a program designed to work as an universal SSL tunnel fornetwork daemons. When Stunnel in ..
*** REcon Recap: Here's What Caught My Eye ***
A few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to attend REcon in Montreal, Canada. This conference focuses on reverse engineering and exploitation techniques and has been ..
*** WordPress File Upload <= 2.7.6 - Multiple Vulnerabilities ***
*** Sicherheitsrisiko: LGs Update-App für Smartphones ist anfällig ***
Smartphones von LG sind aufgrund einer schlecht umgesetzten SSL-Verschlüsselung anfällig für Man-in-the-Middle-Attacken. Offenbar weiß der Hersteller schon länger davon, ein Patch soll das Problem beheben - auf manchen Geräten ist dieser aber noch nicht angekommen.
*** Viele VPNs plaudern wahre Identität ihrer Nutzer aus ***
Forscher finden grobe Implementationsprobleme - IPv6 und DNS-Abfragen unterwandern Sicherheit
*** Mozilla: Firefox 39 schmeisst alte Krypto raus ***
SSLv3 ist aus Firefox 39 endgültig entfernt worden, und RC4 ist nur noch temporär für einige wenige Seiten erlaubt. Das Mozilla-Team erweitert den Schutz des Browsers vor Malware, daneben gibt es noch viele kleinere Neuerungen.
*** Kovter AdFraud is updating Flash Player (and Internet Explorer) ***
Checking my systems I noticed multiple VM trying to grab last version of Flash and thought they were not properly setup allowing Flash Player to auto-update (which we do not want obviously - we want to keep them exploitable and also avoid behavioural/network noise).
*** l+f: Noch mehr Hintertüren bei Cisco ***
*** Apple: EFI-Sicherheits-Update nicht für ältere Macs ***
Das Sicherheits-Update, das eine mögliche Modifikation der Firmware verhindert, steht zwar für ältere OS-X-Versionen zur Verfügung – lässt sich jedoch nur auf jüngeren Macs installieren.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 01-07-2015 18:00 − Donnerstag 02-07-2015 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Alexander Riepl
*** Attackers Revive Deprecated RIPv1 Routing Protocol in DDoS Attacks ***
An advisory from Akamai warns of a recent reflection style DDoS attack in which the deprecated RIPv1 routing protocol was leveraged against targets.
*** EMC Documentum D2 Input Validation Flaw Lets Remote Authenticated Users Obtain Potentially Sensitive Information ***
A remote authetnicated user can send specially crafted data to inject data query language (DQL) commands and obtain potentially sensitive information from the database on the target system.
The D2CenterstageService.getComments method is affected [CVE-2015-0547].
The D2DownloadService.getDownloadUrls method is affected [CVE-2015-0548].
*** Updated Point-to-Point Encryption standard now provides more flexibility ***
The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) published an important update to one of its eight security standards, simplifying the development and use of Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) solutions that make payment card data unreadable and less valuable to criminals if stolen in a breach.
*** Final Year Dissertation Paper Release: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of EMET 5.1 ***
My paper covers three separate exploits that I converted to try bypass EMET 5.1s protections as best I could and the techniques that I used to do so as well as how successful EMET 5.1 was at preventing me from exploiting the vulnerable programs.
*** ENISA's Udo Helmbrecht at EPP Hearing on cybersecurity ***
ENISA's Udo Helmbrecht participated at the EPP Hearing on data driven security, which took place today 1st July 2015, at the European Parliament in Brussels.
Topics discussed included:
Session I: New trends in digital technology developments and cyber threats to security
Session II: Fighting crime: use of new technologies and use of data
Session III: Cyber Security: ensuring security and safety on state and individual levels
*** How safe is the Windows 10 Wi-Fi sharing feature? ***
... what worries security experts is the fact that it allows users to share access to their password-protected Wi-Fi networks with their Outlook.com contacts, Skype contacts, and Facebook friends.
While this feature can come very handy, it could also open users to security risks.
*** Cisco Security Advisories/Vulnerability Alerts ***
Cisco Unified Communications Domain Manager Default Static Privileged Account Credentials
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance SNMP Denial of Service Vulnerability
Cisco Nexus Operating System Devices Command Line Interface Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
Cisco Digital Content Manager Message Processing Denial of Service Vulnerability
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 30-06-2015 18:00 − Mittwoch 01-07-2015 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: n/a
*** What is Wi-Fi Sense and Why Does It Want Your Facebook Account? ***
Wi-Fi Sense is a feature built into Windows 10. You may see a pop-up saying "Wi-Fi Sense needs permission to use your Facebook account." It also works with Outlook.com and Skype contacts. This feature allows you to share Wi-Fi login information - network names and passphrases - with your friends. It's designed to automatically connect Windows 10 devices to shared networks.
Wi-Fi Sense was originally a Windows Phone 8.1 feature that made the jump to desktop PCs and tablets with Windows 10.
*** EU-Kompromiss zu Meldepflichten bei Cyberangriffen steht ***
Betreiber "wesentlicher" Infrastrukturen und Dienste in der EU müssen bald Cyberangriffe melden, für Digitalplattformen wie soziale Netzwerke sollen abgestufte Regeln gelten. Darauf haben sich EU-Rat und Parlament geeinigt.
*** Apple Patches Dozens of Flaws in iOS 8.4, OS X 10.10.4 ***
Apple has released new versions of iOS and OS X, both of which include a significant number of security patches, several for bugs that can lead to remote code execution and other serious issues. Version 8.4 of iOS contains fixes for more than 30 security vulnerabilities, including bugs in the iOS kernel, WebKit, and CoreText.
*** ZDI-15-275: (0Day) SolarWinds Storage Manager AuthenticationFilter Remote Code Execution Vulnerability ***
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable installations of SolarWinds Storage Manager. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability.
*** TYPO3 CMS 6.2.14 and 7.3.1 released ***
We are announcing the release of the following TYPO3 CMS updates:
TYPO3 CMS 6.2.14 LTS
TYPO3 CMS 7.3.1
Both versions are maintenance releases and contain bug and security fixes.
*** Apple gets around to fixing those 77 security holes in OS X Yosemite ***
Your OS X box can still be owned by, well, just about everything Apple has released a series of security updates to address 77 CVE-listed security vulnerabilities in OS X Yosemite.
*** A third of iThings open to VPN-hijacking, app-wrecking attacks ***
Masques off: Researchers detail five ways to wreck Apple stuff A trio of FireEye researchers have reported twin app-demolishing iOS vulnerabilities Apple has partially fixed in its latest update that could wreck core apps such as the App Store and Settings.
*** June 2015 Android malware review from Doctor Web ***
- Activity of banking Trojans
- Emergence of new downloader
- Trojans Emergence of new Android ransomware
- Growing number of SMS Trojans
*** Cisco Vulnerability Alerts ***
Cisco Nexus Devices NX-OS Software Command-Line Interpreter Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
Cisco Nexus Devices Python Subsystem Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SQL Injection Vulnerability
Cisco Nexus 7000 Devices Virtual Device Context Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
*** IBM Security Bulletins ***
IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerability with Diffie-Hellman ciphers may affect IBM WebSphere Application Server that shipped with WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus (CVE-2015-4000)
IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in Diffie-Hellman ciphers affects PowerKVM (CVE-2015-4000)
IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerability with Diffie-Hellman ciphers may affect IBM WebSphere Application Server that shipped with WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus Registry Edition (CVE-2015-4000)
IBM Security Bulletin: CICS Transaction Gateway for Multiplatforms
IBM Security Bulletin: A security vulnerability in IBM WebSphere Application Server affects IBM Security Access Manager for Web version 7.0 software installations and IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business (CVE-2015-1920)
IBM Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in the FreeType library affect IBM Security Access Manager for Web
IBM Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in FreeType library affect IBM Security Access Manager for Mobile.
IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in OpenSSL affect IBM Security Access Manager for Web
IBM Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in OpenSSL affect IBM Security Access Manager for Mobile.
IBM Security Bulletin: GNU C library (glibc) vulnerability affects IBM Security Access Manager for Web (CVE-2013-7423)
Vulnerabilities in NTPv4 affect AIX
IBM Security Bulletin: Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in IBM Dojo Toolkit affects IBM Case Manager (CVE-2014-8917)
IBM Security Bulletin: PowerKVM is affected by a kexec-tools vulnerability (CVE-2015-0267)
IBM Security Bulletin: Dual_EC_DRBG vulnerability and RC4 stream cipher vulnerability affect WebSphere Transformation Extender Secure Adapter Collection (CVE-2007-6755, CVE-2015-2808)
IBM Security Bulletin: XSS vulnerability in Error dialog which can execute scripts injected into addressability and comments features that affects IBM Case Manager (CVE-2015-1979)
IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in OpenSSL including Logjam affect Sterling Connect:Express for UNIX (CVE-2015-4000, CVE-2014-8176, CVE-2015-1788, CVE-2015-1789, CVE-2015-1790, CVE-2015-1791, CVE-2015-1792)
IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in Diffie-Hellman ciphers affects IBM Cognos Command Center (CVE-2015-4000)
IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in Diffie-Hellman ciphers affects the Enterprise Common Collector component of the IBM Tivoli zEnterprise Monitoring Agent (CVE-2015-4000)
IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in Diffie-Hellman ciphers affects IBM InfoSphere Optim Performance Manager (CVE-2015-4000)
IBM Security Bulletin: JavaScript evaluation vulnerability in IBM Business Process Manager (CVE-2015-1961)
IBM Security Bulletin: IBM Security Identity Manager Virtual Appliance affected by Java vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-0138 CVE-2015-0204 CVE-2015-1914 CVE-2015-2808 )
IBM Security Bulletin: Potential denial of service may affect IBM WebSphere Application Server shipped with IBM Tivoli Network Performance Manager (CVE-2015-1829)
IBM Security Bulletin: PowerKVM is affected by a bind vulnerability (CVE-2015-1349)
IBM Security Bulletin: PowerKVM is affected by a qemu vulnerability (CVE-2014-9718)
IBM Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java Runtime affect IBM Security Access Manager for Mobile (CVE-2015-0488, CVE-2015-0478, CVE-2015-1916)
IBM Security Bulletin: GNU C library (glibc) vulnerability affects IBM Security Access Manager for Mobile (CVE-2013-7423)
IBM Security Bulletin: IBM PowerVC is impacted by OpenStack Glance v2 API unrestricted path traversal (CVE-2014-9493, CVE-2015-1195)
IBM Security Bulletin: IBM PowerVC is impacted by Apache Qpid security vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-0203, CVE-2015-0223, CVE-2015-0224)
IBM Security Bulletin: A cross-site scripting vulnerability affects IBM Security Access Manager for Mobile (CVE-2015-1966)
IBM Security Bulletin: A cross-site scripting vulnerability affects IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager and IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway (CVE-2015-1966)
IBM Security Bulletin: XSS Vulnerability in IBM Jazz Foundation affects multiple IBM Rational products based on IBM Jazz technology (CVE-2015-0130)