= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Montag 29-09-2014 18:00 − Dienstag 30-09-2014 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
*** JSA10648 - 2014-09 Out of Cycle Security Bulletin: Multiple Products: Shell Command Injection Vulnerability in Bash ***
Last Updated: 29 Sep 2014
*** We Take Your Privacy and Security. Seriously. ***
"Please note that [COMPANY NAME] takes the security of your personal data very seriously." If youve been on the Internet for any length of time, chances are very good that youve received at least one breach notification email or letter that includes some version of this obligatory line. But as far as lines go, this one is about as convincing as the classic break-up line, "Its not you, its me."
*** Splunk response to "shellshock" vulnerabilities ***
Description Splunk response to "shellshock" vulnerabilities: Splunk Enterprise response to Bash "shellshock" parsing attack (CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-7169) Splunk Enterprise response to Bash "shellshock" parsing attack (CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-7169) Splunk Cloud response to Bash "shellshock" parsing attack (CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-7169) Splunk MINT response to Bash "shellshock" parsing attack (CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-7169) Splunk Storm response...
*** WPScan Vulnerability Database a New WordPress Security Resource ***
Researcher Ryan Dewhurst released the WPScan Vulnerability Database, a database housing security vulnerabilities in WordPress core code, plug-ins and themes. Its available for pen-testers, WordPress administrators and developers.
*** Cisco WebEx Meetings Server Arbitrary Download Vulnerability ***
*** MMD-0027-2014 - Linux ELF bash 0day (shellshock): The fun has only just begun... ***
Background: CVE-2014-6271 + CVE-2014-7169 During the mayhem of bash 0day remote execution vulnerability CVE-2014-6271 and CVE-2014-7169, not for bragging but as a FYI, I happened to be the first who reversed for the first ELF malware spotted used in the wild. The rough disassembly analysis and summary I wrote and posted in Virus Total & Kernel Mode here --> [-1-] [-2-] credit) (the credit is all for her for links to find this malware, for the swift sensoring & alert, and thanks for...
*** gnome-shell printscreen key security bypass ***
*** Apple schließt Shellshock-Lücken in OS X - teilweise ***
Update für die Unix-Shell Bash veröffentlicht - Scheint aber nur die ersten zwei aufgetauchten Lücken zu bereinigen
*** remote syslog PRI vulnerability ***
Sysklogd is mildly affected. Having a quick look at the current git master branch, the wrong action may be applied to messages with invalid facility. ... Rsyslogd experiences the same problem as sysklogd. However, more severe effects can occur, BUT NOT WITH THE DEFAULT CONFIGURATION. The most likely and thus important attack is a remote DoS. Some of the additional tables are writable and can cause considerable misadressing. ...
*** [20140904] - Core - Denial of Service ***
Project: Joomla! SubProject: CMS Severity: Low Versions: 2.5.4 through 2.5.25, 3.2.5 and earlier 3.x versions, 3.3.0 through 3.3.4 Exploit type: Denial of Service Reported Date: 2014-September-24 Fixed Date: 2014-September-30 CVE Number: CVE-2014-7229 Description Inadequate checking allowed the potential for a denial of service attack. Affected Installs Joomla! CMS versions 2.5.4 through 2.5.25, 3.2.5 and earlier 3.x versions, 3.3.0 through 3.3.4 Solution Upgrade to version 2.5.26, 3.2.6, or...
*** [20140903] - Core - Remote File Inclusion ***
Project: Joomla! SubProject: CMS Severity: Moderate Versions: 2.5.4 through 2.5.25, 3.2.5 and earlier 3.x versions, 3.3.0 through 3.3.4 Exploit type: Remote File Inclusion Reported Date: 2014-September-24 Fixed Date: 2014-September-30 CVE Number: CVE-2014-7228 Description Inadequate checking allowed the potential for remote files to be executed. Affected Installs Joomla! CMS versions 2.5.4 through 2.5.25, 3.2.5 and earlier 3.x versions, 3.3.0 through 3.3.4 Solution Upgrade to version 2.5.26,...
*** IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX is affected by multiple OpenSSL vulnerabilities(CVE-2014-3508, CVE-2014-3511) ***
Security vulnerabilities have been discovered in OpenSSL that were reported on 6 August 2014 by the OpenSSL Project. CVE(s): CVE-2014-3508 and CVE-2014-3511 Affected product(s) and affected version(s): IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX 4.0.00 - All versions prior to 4.0.00 Fix 131 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX 4.1.0 - All versions prior to iFix 33 Refer to the following reference URLs for remediation and additional vulnerability details: Source Bulletin:...
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Open Redirection in IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager (CVE-2014-3097) ***
In certain cases, IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager does not handle end user provided data before using that data to construct an HTTP redirect request. CVE(s): CVE-2014-3097 Affected product(s) and affected version(s): IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager 6.2.0, 6.2.1, 6.2.2 Refer to the following reference URLs for remediation and additional vulnerability details: Source Bulletin: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21684852 X-Force Database:...
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in Bash affect IBM InfoSphere Guardium Database Activity Monitoring (CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-7169, CVE-2014-7186, CVE-2014-7187, CVE-2014-6277, CVE-2014-6278) ***
Six Bash vulnerabilities were disclosed in September 2014. This bulletin addresses the vulnerabilities that have been referred to as "Bash Bug" or "Shellshock" and two memory corruption vulnerabilities. Bash is used by IBM InfoSphere Guardium Database Activity Monitoring. CVE(s): CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-7169, CVE-2014-7186, CVE-2014-7187, CVE-2014-6277 and CVE-2014-6278 Affected product(s) and affected version(s):...
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Shell command injection and cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in Access Manager for Mobile and Access Manager for Web (CVE-2014-4823, CVE-2014-6079) ***
IBM Security Access Manager for Mobile and IBM Security Access Manager for Web could be affected by a command injection vulnerability and allow a cross site scripting attack. CVE(s): CVE-2014-4823 and CVE-2014-6079 Affected product(s) and affected version(s): IBM Security Access Manager for Mobile 8. - Firmware versions,,, and IBM Security Access Manager for Web 7.0 and 8.0 - Firmware versions 7.0,,,,,,,...
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Denial of Service when using e-community single sign on in IBM Security Access Manager for Web (CVE-2014-4809) ***
When using e-community single sign on (ECSSO), the WebSEAL component of IBM Security Access Manager for Web could become unresponsive under certain circumstances, possibly resulting in denial of service. CVE(s): CVE-2014-4809 Affected product(s) and affected version(s): IBM Security Access Manager for Web version 7.0 appliance: All firmware versions. IBM Security Access Manager for Web version 8.0: Firmware versions,, and Refer to the following reference URLs for...
*** Abgeschlossen: Wartungsarbeiten Dienstag 30. September 2014 ***
Update: Die Wartungsarbeiten wurden gegen 10h abgeschlossen; insgesamt kam es zu Ausfallszeiten von etwa 15 Minuten.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Freitag 26-09-2014 18:00 − Montag 29-09-2014 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
*** Wartungsarbeiten Dienstag 30. September 2014 ***
Wir werden am Dienstag, 30. Sep. 2014, ab etwa 9h, Wartungsarbeiten an unserer Firewall vornehmen. Dadurch wird es zu Ausfällen aller öffentlich erreichbaren Internet-Services von CERT.at (zum Beispiel Webserver, Mail, Mailing-Listen, RSS-/Atom-Feeds etc.) kommen. Mails gehen selbstverständlich in dieser Zeit nicht verloren, es kann nur zu Verzögerungen bei Zustellung/Beantwortung kommen. Für die Webseite wird...
*** Vuln: Go TLS Server Implementation Security Bypass Vulnerability ***
*** Oracle - Alert for CVE-2014-7169 "Bash" ***
*** Bash Command Injection Vulnerability ***
This advisory provides mitigation details for a vulnerability in Bash, which is part of Unix-based operating systems.
*** Shellshock: Immer mehr Lücken in Bash ***
Die ersten Fehlerkorrekturen für die Shellshock-Lücke in Bash waren unvollständig. Inzwischen ist von fünf verschiedenen Sicherheitslücken die Rede.
*** DSA-3038 libvirt ***
security update
*** Shellshock in the Wild ***
Michael Lin, James Bennett and David Bianco The exploitation of the BASH bug, now widely referred to as "Shellshock", is in full swing. Attackers have mobilized - multiple proof-of-concept scripts are available, including a Metasploit module, making this vulnerability very accessible. The...
*** iOS 8: Nutzung zufallsgenerierter MAC-Adressen ist eingeschränkt ***
Apples iOS 8 bringt eine Sicherheitsfunktion mit, die dem Nutzer mehr Anonymität verschaffen soll. Die Geräte mit iOS 8 wechseln ständig die MAC-Adresse, so dass ein Tracken individueller Nutzer unmöglich wird. Doch nicht jedes iOS-8-fähige Gerät kann das.
*** Fraud shop OVERSTOCKED with stolen credit cards ***
Supply, meet demand: prices crash Infamous carding store Rescator.cc is so chock-full of stolen credit cards from recent high-profile breaches that its gutting its prices due to overstocking.
*** AVM: Sicherheitslücke in Fritzbox wird wieder ausgenutzt ***
Fritzbox-Nutzer, die die gepatchte Sicherheitslücke für unerlaubten Fernzugriff nicht geschlossen haben, werden wieder angegriffen. AVM rät, die Patches jetzt schnell aufzuspielen, doch eine Auto-Updatefunktion gibt es noch nicht lange.
*** HPSBNS03111 rev.1 - HP NonStop Servers running Bash Shell, Remote Code Execution ***
A potential security vulnerability has been identified with HP NonStop Servers running Bash Shell . This is the Bash Shell vulnerability known as "ShellShock" which could be exploited remotely to allow execution of code.
*** DHCP Client Bash Environment Variable Code Injection ***
Topic: DHCP Client Bash Environment Variable Code Injection Risk: High Text:## # This module requires Metasploit: http//metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-fr...
*** LSE entdeckt kritische Schwachstelle in Perl ***
Mit der vom Identity-Management-Experten festgestellten Lücke in der Spracherweiterung Data::Dumper soll sich durch Anlegen großer Datenstrukturen ein Stack Overflow erzeugen lassen.
*** HTTPS: Kostenlose TLS-Verschlüsselung bei Cloudflare ***
Cloudflare aktiviert künftig bei allen Kunden kostenlos verschlüsselte HTTPS-Verbindungen. Damit verdoppelt sich die Zahl der Webseiten im Netz, die verschlüsselt erreichbar sind.
*** iOS 8 verrät Drittanbieter-Apps, mit wem man telefoniert ***
Die beiden Forscher Andreas Kurtz und Markus Troßbach haben jede Menge Lücken in iOS entdeckt, durch die Drittanbieter-Apps etwa heimlich Fotos schießen oder das Telefonieverhalten ausspionieren können. Einige davon hat Apple geschlossen - andere nicht.
*** FBI to Open Up Malware Investigator Portal to External Researchers ***
SEATTLE - The FBI has developed an internal malware-analysis tool, somewhat akin to the systems used by antimalware companies, and plans to open the system up to external security researchers, academics and others. The system is known as Malware Investigator and is designed to allow FBI agents and other authorized law enforcement users to upload suspicious files.
*** Shellshock: A Collection of Exploits seen in the wild, (Mon, Sep 29th) ***
Ever since the shellshock vulnerablity has been announced, we have seen a large number of scans probing it. Here is a quick review of exploits that our honeypots and live servers have seen so far: 1 - Simple "vulnerability checks" that used custom User-Agents: () { 0v3r1d3;};echo \x22Content-type: text/plain\x22; echo; uname -a; () { :;}; echo Shellshock: Vulnerable () { :;};echo content-type:text/plain;echo;echo [random string];echo;exit () { :;}; /bin/bash -c "echo
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 25-09-2014 18:00 − Freitag 26-09-2014 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Patching Bash Vulnerability a Challenge for ICS, SCADA ***
Experts are concerned that many Linux-based industrial control systems and embedded systems could be too steep a patching challenge and remain in the crosshairs of the Bash vulnerability.
*** Bash Vulnerability (Shellshock) Exploit Emerges in the Wild, Leads to BASHLITE Malware ***
Just several hours after the news on the bash vulnerability (covered under CVE-2014-7169) broke out; it was reportedly being exploited in the wild already. This vulnerability can allow execution of arbitrary code thus compromising the security of systems. Some of the possible scenarios that attackers can do range from changing the contents of web server and...
*** Linux ELF bash 0day: The fun has only just begun... ***
Background: CVE-2014-6271 + CVE-2014-7169 During the mayhem of bash 0day remote execution vulnerability CVE-2014-6271 and CVE-2014-7169, not for bragging but as a FYI, I happened to be the first who reversed for the first ELF malware spotted used in the wild. The assembly analysis and summary I wrote and posted in here --> [-1-] [-2-] The fun has only just begun...Yes. Today I was informed there is another payload distributed, thanks to my good friend, Father Robin Jackson (credit): Which...
*** Bad boy builds beastly Bash bug botnet - boxen battered ***
DDoS zombie army found in the wild hours after flaw surfaces Mere hours after its discovery, the Shell Shock Bash vulnerability was exploited by an attacker to build a botnet.
*** Vulnerabilities in LibVNCServer ***
LibVNCServer CVE-2014-6054 Denial of Service Vulnerability
libVNCserver CVE-2014-6051 Integer Overflow Vulnerability
LibVNCServer CVE-2014-6053 Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability
LibVNCServer CVE-2014-6052 Denial of Service Vulnerability
*** JSA10648 - 2014-09 Out of Cycle Security Bulletin: Multiple Products: Shell command injection vulnerability in Bash (CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-7169) ***
Products vulnerable to remote exploitation risks:
Junos Space is vulnerable in all versions.
JSA Series (STRM) devices are vulnerable in all versions.
*** GNU Bash Environmental Variable Command Injection Vulnerability ***
*** DSA-3035 bash ***
security update
*** TYPO3-EXT-SA-2014-011: Several vulnerabilities in extension phpMyAdmin (phpmyadmin) ***
It has been discovered that the extension "phpMyAdmin" (phpmyadmin) is susceptible to Cross-Site Scripting and Cross-Site Request Forgery.
*** Bugtraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 3036-1] mediawiki security update ***
[SECURITY] [DSA 3036-1] mediawiki security update
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 24-09-2014 18:00 − Donnerstag 25-09-2014 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Shellshock Bash Vulnerability ***
Current event - 1.0 of post This is a current event and as such this blog post is subject to change over the course of the next few days as we perform further supplementary research and analysis by NCC Group's Cyber Defence Operations and Security Consulting divisions. v1.0 - initial version Background Yesterday (24 September) CVE-2014-6271 was released with a corresponding patch for Bash (a common Linux shell). The risk arises from this vulnerability because of certain use cases. The use...
*** Update on CVE-2014-6271: Vulnerability in bash (shellshock), (Thu, Sep 25th) ***
(this diary will be updated with links to relevant resources shortly) Yesterday, a vulnerability in bash was announced, that was originally found by,Stephane Schazelas. The vulnerability allows for arbitrary code execution in,bash by setting specific environment variables. Later, Travis Ormandy released,a second exploit that will work on patched systems, demonstration that the,patch released yesterday is incomplete. What is the impact of the vulnerability? At first, the vulnerability doesnt...
*** Bash-Lücke: ShellShock ist noch nicht ausgestanden ***
Die Sicherheitslücke in der Linux-Shell Bash, die nun unter dem Namen "ShellShock" firmiert, wird bereits als der schlimmere Bruder von Heartbleed bezeichnet. Sicher ist, dass der am Mittwoch ausgelieferte Patch weitere Lücken enthält.
*** "Bash" (CVE-2014-6271) vulnerability - Q&A ***
The "bash" vulnerability is an extremely powerful vulnerability due to its high impact and the ease with which it can be exploited.
*** Bug in Bash shell creates big security hole on anything with *nix in it [Updated] ***
Could allow attackers to execute code on Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X.
*** Bash Exploit Reported, First Round of Patches Incomplete ***
Reports of the first in-the-wild exploits targeting the Bash vulnerability have surfaced, as have complaints the first patches for the bug are incomplete.
*** RSA-Signaturen: Acht Jahre alte Sicherheitslücke kehrt zurück ***
In der NSS-Bibliothek ist eine Sicherheitslücke entdeckt worden, mit der sich RSA-Signaturen fälschen lassen. Betroffen sind die Browser Chrome und Firefox, für die bereits Updates erschienen sind. Es handelt sich um eine Variante der Bleichenbacher-Attacke von 2006.
*** iOS-Sicherheitslücke ermöglicht Keylogging in Apps mit integriertem Browser ***
Einem Entwickler ist aufgefallen, dass Apple offenbar beim Trennen von Prozessen geschlampt hat. Bietet eine App eine Browser-Ansicht, kann diese von der App selbst beobachtet werden.
*** An Analysis of the CAs trusted by iOS 8.0 ***
iOS 8.0 ships with a number of trusted certificates (also known as "root certificates" or "certificate authorities"), which iOS implicitly trusts. The root certificates are used to trust intermediate certificates, and the intermediate certificates are used to trust web site certificates. When you go to a web site using HTTPS, or an app makes a secure connection to something on the Internet (like your mail server), the web site (or mail server, or whatever) gives iOS its...
*** GNU bash Environment Variable Processing Flaw Lets Users Execute Arbitrary Code ***
*** DSA-3032 bash ***
security update
*** Security Advisories for Cisco IOS Software ***
*** Cisco Unified Communications Domain Manager glibc Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability ***
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in IBM Java SDKs and IBM Java Runtime Technology Edition affecting Rational Functional Tester (CVE-2014-3086) ***
Multiple vulnerabilities exist in IBM SDKs Java Technology Edition and IBM Runtime Environment Java Technology Edition that are used by Rational Functional Tester (RFT). These issues were disclosed as part of the IBM Java SDK updates in July 2014. CVE(s): CVE-2014-3086 Affected product(s) and affected version(s): Rational Functional Tester version 8.2.2 and later Refer to the following reference URLs for remediation and additional vulnerability details: Source Bulletin:...
*** IBM Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java Runtime affect Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus (CVE-2014-4263, CVE-2014-4244) ***
There are multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Runtime Environment Java Technology Edition, Versions 5, 6, and 7 that are used by Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus. These issues were disclosed as part of the IBM Java SDK updates in July 2014. CVE(s): CVE-2014-4263 and CVE-2014-4244 Affected product(s) and affected version(s): Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 7.3.0 Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 7.3.1 Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 7.4.0 Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 8.1.0 Refer to the following reference URLs for...
*** Security Advisories for Drupal Third-Party Modules ***
*** Mozilla Network Security Services certificates security bypass ***
*** HPSBST03103 rev.1 - HP Storage EVA Command View Suite running OpenSSL, Remote Unauthorized Access, Disclosure of Information ***
A potential security vulnerability has been identified with HP Storage Enterprise Virtual Array (EVA) Command View Suite. The vulnerability could be exploited to allow remote unauthorized access and disclosure of information.
*** Bugtraq: Two SQL Injections in All In One WP Security WordPress plugin ***
*** TYPO3-EXT-SA-2014-012: Several vulnerabilities in extension JobControl (dmmjobcontrol) ***
It has been discovered that the extension "JobControl" (dmmjobcontrol) is susceptible to Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection.
*** Bugtraq: LSE Leading Security Experts GmbH - LSE-2014-06-10 - Perl CORE - Deep Recursion Stack Overflow ***
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 23-09-2014 18:00 − Mittwoch 24-09-2014 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: n/a
*** MS14-055 - Important: Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Lync Server Could Allow Denial of Service (2990928) - Version: 3.0 ***
V1.0 (September 9, 2014): Bulletin published.
V2.0 (September 15, 2014): Bulletin revised to remove Download Center links for Microsoft security update 2982385 for Microsoft Lync Server 2010. See the Update FAQ for details.
V3.0 (September 23, 2014): Bulletin rereleased to announce the reoffering of the 2982385 security update file (server.msp) for Microsoft Lync Server 2010. See the Update FAQ for details.
*** Website Malware - Curious .htaccess Conditional Redirect Case ***
I really enjoy when I see a different kind of conditional redirect, check this one out: The special thing about this one is the usage of a not so common .htaccess feature in malware: variables. In the first part it set the conditions for user-agents, nothing new, but the afterward rules are interesting: RewriteRule .*Read More
*** Apt: Buffer Overflow in Debians Paketmanagement ***
Im von Debian und Ubuntu verwendeten Paketmanagement Apt wurde ein sicherheitskritischer Fehler entdeckt. Es ist bereits das zweite Mal in kurzer Zeit dass Apt Sicherheitsprobleme hat.
*** Microsoft Starts Online Services Bug Bounty ***
Microsoft today launched the Microsoft Online Services Bug Bounty Program which will pay out a minimum of $500 for vulnerabilities found in its cloud services such as Office 365.
*** jQuery.com Compromise: The Dangers of Third Party Hosted Content, (Tue, Sep 23rd) ***
jQuery is a popular Javascript framework, used by many websites (including isc.sans.edu) . jQuery provides many features, like easy access to webservices as well as advanced user interface features. When using jQuery, sites have the option to download and host the complete code, or let jQuery.com and its CDN (Content Delivery Network) host the code. There are two advantages in allowing jQuery.com to host the code: Performance: Code is typically delivered faster, and a user may already have the...
*** Auch Mozilla verabschiedet sich langsam von SHA-1 ***
Die Entwickler der freien Web-Browsers Firefox wollen den angreifbaren Hash-Algorithmus in Zukunft nicht mehr für verschlüsselte Verbindungen akzeptieren. Server-Betreibern bleibt jedoch noch Zeit für die Umstellung.
*** Remote exploit vulnerability in bash CVE-2014-6271 ***
A remotely exploitable vulnerability has been discovered in bash on Linux and it is unpleasant. The vulnerability has the CVE identifier CVE-2014-6271. This affects Debian as well as other Linux distributions. If you have have Microsoft Services for UNIX you will need to patch ASAP. Bash supports exporting she variables as well as shell functions to other bash instances. This is accomplished through the process environment to a child process. From Debian:Current bash versions use an
*** Bugtraq: CVE-2014-6603 suricata 2.0.3 Out-of-bounds access in SSH parser ***
*** Huawei Security Advisory - CSRF Vulnerabilities in Multiple Products ***
Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities are discovered in multiple products, including FusionManager (Vulnerability ID: HWPSIRT-2014-0408) and USG firewall series (Vulnerability ID: HWPSIRT-2014-0406).
*** Huawei Security Advisory - Information Leakage Vulnerability via MPLS Ping in VRP Platform ***
Information leakage vulnerability exists in several devices using VRP platform, because the MPLS LSP Ping service is bound to unnecessary interfaces, which can cause the leak of IP addresses of devices (Vulnerability ID: HWPSIRT-2014-0418).
*** Security Advisory - Hikashop Extension for Joomla! ***
Advisory for: Hikashop for Joomla! Security Risk: High (DREAD score : 7/10) Vulnerability: Object Injection / Remote Code Execution Updated Version: 2.3.2 In a routine audit of our Website Firewall we discovered a serious vulnerability within the Hikashop ecommerce product for Joomla! allowing remote code execution on the vulnerable website[s]. What are the risks? ThisRead More
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Montag 22-09-2014 18:00 − Dienstag 23-09-2014 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: Robert Waldner
*** Cyber Campaigns ***
This website simply lists multiple cyber-espionage and cyber-attack campaigns. These campaigns have successfully compromised hundreds of government entities and global corporations in over 50 countries. Click on any of the links below to access more detailed information regarding these cyber campaigns. If you see one missing, just let me know.
*** Whonix Anonymous Operating System Version 9 Released ***
Whonix is an operating system focused on anonymity, privacy and security. It's based on the Tor anonymity network, Debian GNU/Linux and security by isolation. DNS leaks are impossible, and not even malware with root privileges can find out the user's real IP.
*** UK banks hook themselves up to real-time cop data feed ***
Not like the movies: Law enforcement is on it... UK banks will receive real-time warnings about threats to their customers accounts as well as the overall integrity of their banking systems from a new financial crime alert system.
*** HPSBPI03107 rev.1 - Certain HP LaserJet Printers, MFPs and Certain HP OfficeJet Enterprise Printers using OpenSSL, Remote Unauthorized Access ***
A potential security vulnerability has been identified with certain HP LaserJet Printers, MFPs and certain HP OfficeJet Enterprise Printers using OpenSSL. The vulnerability could be exploited remotely to allow remote unauthorized access.
*** BIND 9.8.8, 9.9.6 and 9.10.1 Release Notes ***
*** Bugtraq: Glype proxy cookie jar path traversal allows code execution ***
*** Security Advisory-Screen Capture Vulnerability on Huawei Ascend P6 Mobile Phones ***
Sep 23, 2014 17:47
*** TYPO3 CMS 4.5.36, 6.1.11 and 6.2.5 released ***
All versions are maintenance releases and contain bug fixes.
*** [20140901] - Core - XSS Vulnerability ***
Project: Joomla! SubProject: CMS Severity: Moderate Versions: 3.2.0 through 3.2.4, 3.3.0 through 3.3.3 Exploit type: XSS Vulnerability Reported Date: 2014-August-27 Fixed Date: 2014-September-23 CVE Number: CVE-2014-6631 Description Inadequate escaping leads to XSS vulnerability in com_media. Affected Installs Joomla! CMS versions 3.2.0 through 3.2.4 and 3.3.0 through 3.3.3 Solution Upgrade to version 3.2.5 or 3.3.4 Contact The JSST at the Joomla! Security Center. Reported By: Dingjie (Daniel)
*** [20140902] - Core - Unauthorised Logins ***
Project: Joomla! SubProject: CMS Severity: Moderate Versions: 2.5.24 and earlier 2.5.x versions, 3.2.4 and earlier 3.x versions, 3.3.0 through 3.3.3 Exploit type: Unauthorised Logins Reported Date: 2014-September-09 Fixed Date: 2014-September-23 CVE Number: CVE-2014-6632 Description Inadequate checking allowed unauthorised logins via LDAP authentication. Affected Installs Joomla! CMS versions 2.5.24 and earlier 2.5.x versions, 3.2.4 and earlier 3.x versions, 3.3.0 through 3.3.3 Solution
*** XEN Security Advisories ***
*** Race condition in HVMOP_track_dirty_vram ***
*** Missing privilege level checks in x86 HLT, LGDT, LIDT, and LMSW emulation ***
*** Missing privilege level checks in x86 emulation of software interrupts ***
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Freitag 19-09-2014 18:00 − Montag 22-09-2014 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
*** Tiny Tinba Trojan Could Pose Big Threat ***
In July 2014, the original source code of Tinba was made public in an underground forum. This leaked version comes with complete documentation and full source code. This follows other source code leaks from much more infamous and prevalent threats, which researchers worry that attackers could use as the basis for new versions. Similar to...
*** Apple Pay: A Security Analysis ***
Has Apple taken a bite out of hackers' arsenals? The company is betting on it. Its recent announcement about a new secure payment option has the retail and tech worlds buzzing. If Apple can implement its near-field communication (NFC) payment...
*** How to secure your new iPhone in three simple steps ***
Summary: Symantec recommends best practices to keep your Apple ID account and iPhone safe.
*** Conditional Malicious iFrame Targeting WordPress Web Sites ***
We have an email, labs(a)sucuri.net where we receive multiple questions a day about various forms of malware. One of the most common questions happen when our Free Security Scanner, SiteCheck, detects a spam injection or a hidden iframe and the user is unable to locate the infection in the source code. It's not until we...
*** PHP Fixes Several Bugs in Version 5.4 and 5.5, (Fri, Sep 19th) ***
PHP announced the released of version 5.5.17 and 5.4.33. Ten bugs were fixed in version 5.4.33 and 15 bugs were fixed in version 5.5.17. All PHP users are encouraged to upgrade.The latest version are available for download here. [1] http://php.net/ChangeLog-5.php#5.4.33 [2] http://php.net/ChangeLog-5.php#5.5.17 [3] http://windows.php.net/download ----------- Guy Bruneau IPSS Inc. gbruneau at isc dot sans dot edu (c) SANS Internet Storm Center. https://isc.sans.edu Creative Commons
*** CipherShed Fork from TrueCrypt Project, Support Windows, Mac OS and Linux - https://ciphershed.org, (Fri, Sep 19th) ***
----------- Guy Bruneau IPSS Inc. gbruneau at isc dot sans dot edu (c) SANS Internet Storm Center. https://isc.sans.edu Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
*** New OWASP Testing guide version 4! Check https://www.owasp.org/images/1/19/OTGv4.pdf, (Sat, Sep 20th) ***
Manuel Humberto Santander Peláez SANS Internet Storm Center - Handler Twitter: (c) SANS Internet Storm Center. https://isc.sans.edu Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
*** CloudFlare ditches private SSL keys for better security ***
Sorry, spooks, we cant decrypt this for you CloudFlare has announced the outcome of what it says is two years work - switching on Keyless SSL - which lets customers encrypt their web traffic via the companys services without having to hand over their private SSL keys.
*** Holzleim: Fingerabdrucksensor des iPhone 6 ausgetrickst ***
Mit einer simpel angefertigten Kopie hat Ben Schlabs von den SRLabs den Fingerabdrucksensor des iPhone 6 getäuscht. Da Apple unter iOS 8 auch Drittanbieter diese Authentifizierungsmethode nutzen lässt, ist dies brisanter als beim iPhone 5S.
*** VB2014 preview: Tech Support Scams 2.0: an inside look into the evolution of the classic Microsoft tech support scam ***
Jérôme Segura looks at recent developments in malicious cold calls. In the weeks running up to VB2014 (the 24th Virus Bulletin International Conference), we are looking at some of the research that will be presented at the event. Today, in the final entry in this series, we look at the paper Tech Support Scams 2.0: an inside look into the evolution of the classic Microsoft tech support scam, by Jérôme Segura (Malwarebytes).Two years ago, at VB2012 in Dallas, I...
*** Doubleclick und Zedo lieferten virenverseuchte Werbung aus ***
Das große Werbenetzwerk Zedo und die Google-Tochter Doubleclick sollen nach Angaben eines Antivirenherstellers fast einen Monat lang Schadcode über ihre Werbung verteilt haben. Auch größere Webseiten wie Last.fm waren betroffen.
*** iOS 7.1.x Exploit Released (CVE-2014-4377), (Mon, Sep 22nd) ***
Havent upgraded to iOS 8 yet? Aside from a lot of new features, Apple also fixed a number of security vulnerabilities in iOS 8. For example CVE-2014-4377, a memory corrupion issue in iOSs core graphics library. An exploit is now available for this vulnerability. NOTE: I have not verified yet that the exploit is working / genuine. We will not link at this point to the exploit code, but basic Google Fu should allow you to find it. The author claims that the exploit is "compleatly reliable
*** Datenleck: WhatsApp petzt Online-Status ***
Ob und wie oft man WhatsApp öffnet, will man unter Umständen lieber für sich behalten. Der Betreiber macht diese Information allerdings für jedermann zugänglich, der die Nummer kennt. Selbst, wenn man dies in den Datenschutz-Einstellungen deaktiviert hat.
*** VU#730964: FortiNet FortiGate and FortiWiFi appliances contain multiple vulnerabilities ***
Vulnerability Note VU#730964 FortiNet FortiGate and FortiWiFi appliances contain multiple vulnerabilities Original Release date: 19 Sep 2014 | Last revised: 19 Sep 2014 Overview Fortinet FortiGate and FortiWiFi appliances are susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks (CWE-300) and a heap-based overflow vulnerability (CWE-122). Description Fortinet FortiGate and FortiWiFi 4.00.6 and possibly earlier versions are susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks (CWE-300) and a heap-based overflow...
*** Cisco Nexus 1000V Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability ***
*** IBM Security Bulletins ***
*** IBM Security Bulletins for ClearQuest ***
*** Asterisk PJSIP channel denial of service ***
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Donnerstag 18-09-2014 18:00 − Freitag 19-09-2014 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Alexander Riepl
*** WordFence WordPress Security Plugin Pushes a Security Update ***
If you are one of the many users of the WordPress Security Plugin, WordFence, we highly encourage you to update. They recently pushed out an important security update that ..
*** Multiple vulnerabilities in Cisco products ***
*** CosmicDuke and the latest political news ***
After we had published the CosmicDuke report in July 2014, we continued to actively follow the malware. Today, we discovered two new samples that both leverage timely, political topics to deceive the recipient into opening ..
*** Nuclear exploit kit - complete infection cycle ***
Zscaler ThreatLabZ has been seeing a steady increase in the Nuclear Exploit Kit (EK) traffic over the past few weeks. The detection of malicious activity performed by this EK remains low, due to usage of dynamic content and heavy ..
*** Web Scan looking for /info/whitelist.pac, (Fri, Sep 19th) ***
Nathan reported today that he has been seeing a new trend of web scanning against his webservers looking for /info/whitelist.pac. The scanning he has observed is over SSL. He has been ..
*** Asterisk res_fax_spandsp Module Processing Flaw Lets Remote Authenticated Users Deny Service ***
*** Asterisk SIP SUBSCRIBE Type Handling Flaw Lets Remote Authenticated Users Deny Service ***
*** Android ist in Zukunft standardmässig verschlüsselt ***
Wie Google offiziell bekannt gegeben hat, wird die Verschlüsselungsfunktion in Android L erstmals ab Werk eingeschaltet sein.
*** Advantech WebAccess Vulnerabilities ***
Researcher Ricardo Narvaja of Core Security Technologies has identified several buffer overflow vulnerabilities in Advantech's WebAccess application. Advantech has produced a patch that mitigates these vulnerabilities. The researcher has ..
*** Bugtraq: CVE ID Syntax Change - Deadline Approaching ***
*** How to Detect SQL Injection Attacks ***
SQL Injection (SQLi) attacks have been around for over a decade. You might wonder why they are still so prevalent. The main reason is that they still work on quite a few web application targets. In fact, according to Veracode's 2014 State of Security Software Report , SQL injection vulnerabilities still ..
*** Hackerangriff auf Home Depot: 56 Millionen Kreditkarten betroffen ***
Hacker sind weiter auf Beutezug durch den US-Einzelhandel: Erst verschafften sie sich Zugriff auf rund 40 Millionen Bankkarten bei Target-Supermärkten, jetzt könnten bei der Baumarktkette Home Depot 56 Millionen Karten betroffen sein.
*** Cloudflare: TLS-Verbindungen ohne Schlüssel sollen Banken schützen ***
Cloudflare bietet Kunden künftig ein neues Feature namens Keyless SSL, mit dem der Teil des TLS-Handshakes, der den privaten Schlüssel benötigt, ausgelagert werden kann. Damit können Unternehmen die Kontrolle über den Schlüssel behalten.
*** XSS: Cross-Site-Scripting über DNS-Records ***
Eine besonders kreative Variante einer Cross-Site-Scripting-Lücke macht auf der Webseite Hacker News die Runde: Mittels eines TXT-DNS-Records lässt sich auf zahlreichen Webseiten Javascript einfügen.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 17-09-2014 18:00 − Donnerstag 18-09-2014 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Alexander Riepl
*** How Cops Can Still Pull Data Off Your Locked iPhone, In Spite Of Apple ***
A reminder to iPhone owners cheering Apple's latest privacy win: Just because Apple will no longer help police to turn your smartphone inside out doesn't mean it can prevent the cops from vivisecting the device on their own. On Wednesday evening Apple made news ..
*** SA-CONTRIB-2014-091 - Survey Builder - Cross Site Scripting (XSS) ***
When viewing surveys at "/surveys", the survey titles printed out are not sanitized. Any potentially dangerous code in the survey titles is also rendered. This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that a user must have the "Create Survey" permission ..
*** SA-CONTRIB-2014-088 - Mollom - Cross-site scripting (XSS) ***
Mollom offers a feature to report submitted content as inappropriate which allows end users to indicate that a piece of site content is objectionable or out of place. When reporting content, the content title is not sufficiently sanitized to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that an attacker must have a role with the permission to create content and the content type must ..
*** Bugtraq: APPLE-SA-2014-09-17-2 Apple TV 7 ***
*** D-BUS Buffer Overflow and Multiple Processing Flaws Let Local Users Obtain Elevated Privileges and Deny Service ***
*** Apple OS X Multiple Flaws Let Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code and Local Users Gain Elevated Privileges and Obtain Potentially Sensitive Information ***
*** Open Web App Security Project releases new app dev opus ***
The global security community has completed an 18-month effort to produce a guide it is hoped will boost the standard of web application testing and address new and dangerous technologies. Version 4 of the Open Web App Security Projects (OWASPs) Testing Guide was produced by more than 60 security bods from around the world with a core lead team of four.
*** Yokogawa CENTUM and Exaopc Vulnerability ***
Tod Beardsley of Rapid7 Inc., and Jim Denaro of CipherLaw, have identified an authentication vulnerability and released proof-of-concept (exploit) code for the Yokogawa CENTUM CS 3000 series and Exaopc products. JPCERT and Yokogawa have mitigated this vulnerability.
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 16-09-2014 18:00 − Mittwoch 17-09-2014 18:00
Handler: Robert Waldner
Co-Handler: Stephan Richter
*** https://yourfakebank.support -- TLD confusion starts!, (Tue, Sep 16th) ***
Pretty much ever since the new top level domain (TLD) ".biz" went online a couple years ago, and the only ones buying domains in this space were the scammers, we kinda knew what would happen when ICANNs latest folly and money-grab went live. It looks like a number of the "new" top level domains, like ".support", ".club", etc have now come online. And again, it seems like only the crooks are buying. We are currently investigating a wave of phishing emails
*** Hintergrund: Nach Snowden: Wenig Schlaf für Kryptoforscher ***
Bei der Internet Engineering Task Force in Toronto stellte Lange vor kurzem einen Überblick über elliptische Kurven Verschlüsselung vor und riet dringend, sich für neuere Varianten zu entscheiden. Sie sprach am Rande der Veranstaltung mit heise Security.
*** Virus activity overview: Adware and other security events of August 2014 ***
September 1, 2014 The last summer month of 2014 witnessed not only a large number of encryption Trojans in action but also a myriad of malicious programs displaying annoying (and sometimes fraudulent) ads in an effort to generate revenue for the criminals behind them. Also at summers end, Chinese attackers intensified their efforts to port certain Linux malware programs to Windows. In addition, security researchers discovered new threats to Android. Viruses Statistics collected by Dr.Web
*** Netzwerkanalyse-Tool Message Analyzer in Version 1.1 veröffentlicht ***
Microsoft hat sein Sniffing- und Analysetool Message Analyzer in der Version 1.1 herausgebracht. Die neue Fassung schneidet unter anderem Netzwerkdaten aus der Ferne mit oder entschlüsselt SSL-gesicherte Datenströme.
*** Understanding the WordPress Security Plugin Ecosystem ***
As a child, did you ever play that game where you sit in a circle and one person is responsible for whispering something into one persons ear, and that message gets relayed around the circle? Wasn't it always funny to see what the final message received would be? Oh and how it would have morphed as it was processed and conveyed by each individual in the group. This is what I see when I look at the WordPress Security Ecosystem.
*** FreeBSD Denial of Service advisory (CVE-2004-0230), (Tue, Sep 16th) ***
A vulnerability has been discovered by Johnathan Looney at the Juniper SIRT in FreeBSD (base for Junos and many other products) in the way that FreeBSD processes certain TCP packets (https://www.freebsd.org/security/advisories/FreeBSD-SA-14:19.tcp.asc) If you send TCP SYN packets for an existing connection (i.e. the correct source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port combination) the operating system will tear down the connection. The attack is similar to the "slipping in the
*** EMC Documentum Content Server Flaws Let Remote Authenticated Users Gain Elevated Privileges ***
*** Bugtraq: Android Bluetooth Pairing Packet Processing Vulnerability (by wangzq from NCNIPC) ***
*** DSA-3025-1 apt -- security update ***
It was discovered that APT, the high level package manager, does not properly invalidate unauthenticated data (CVE-2014-0488), performs incorrect verification of 304 replies (CVE-2014-0487), does not perform the checksum check when the Acquire::GzipIndexes option is used (CVE-2014-0489) and does not properly perform validation for binary packages downloaded by the apt-get download command (CVE-2014-0490). For the stable distribution (wheezy), these problems have been fixed in version...
*** Schneider Electric SCADA Expert ClearSCADA Vulnerabilities ***
This advisory provides mitigation details for three vulnerabilities in Schneider Electric's StruxureWare SCADA Expert ClearSCADA.
*** IBM Security Bulletins ***