= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Mittwoch 02-07-2014 18:00 − Donnerstag 03-07-2014 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco Unified Communications Domain Manager ***
*** Analysis of a New Banking Trojan Spammed by Cutwail ***
The Cutwail spambot has a long history of sending spam with attached malicious files such as Zbot, Blackhole Exploit Kit and Cryptolocker. Another trick in Cutwail's portfolio is to use links pointing to popular file hosting services. Over the past weeks, we have observed spam that claims to be an unpaid invoice from ..
*** Simple Javascript Extortion Scheme Advertised via Bing, (Wed, Jul 2nd) ***
Thanks to our reader Dan for spotting this one. As of today, a search for "Katie Matusik" on Bing will include the following result. The rank has been slowly rising during the day, and as of right now, it is the first link after the link to "Videos" Once a user clicks on the link, the user is redirected to ..
*** Multiple vulnerabilities in third-party Drupal modules ***
*** New Android Malware HijackRAT Attacks Mobile Banking Users ***
Cybercriminals have rolled out a new malicious Android application that wraps different varieties of banking fraud trick into a single piece of advanced mobile malware.
*** Exploring the Java vulnerability (CVE-2013-2465) used in the Fiesta EK ***
While going through our daily analysis this month, we came across several Fiesta Exploit Kit attacks. Although this EK first emerged in August 2013, the authors have constantly updated their ..
*** Avast hielt Krypto-Messenger für Trojaner ***
Wer angeblich mit dem Trojaner "Android:Banker-BW" infiziert ist, kann die Warnung unter Umständen getrost ignorieren. Der Avast-Virenscanner hat Moxie Marlinspikes Krypto-Messenger TextSecure fälschlicherweise als Malware eingestuft.
*** Bugtraq: [security bulletin] HPSBMU03059 rev.1 - HP SiteScope, Remote Authentication Bypass ***
*** DynDNS-Dienst: Microsoft hat Domains an NoIP zurückgegeben ***
Seit Tagen funktioniert der DynDNS-Dienst NoIP für viele Kunden nicht, weil Microsoft die Domains übertragen wurden und viele Anfragen ins Leere liefen. Nun hat Microsoft die Domains zurückgegeben und die Lage sollte sich normalisieren.
*** VU#402020: Autodesk VRED contains an unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability ***
Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command (OS Command Injection): Autodesk VRED Professional 2014 contains an unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability. Autodesk VRED Professional 2014.
*** 8 Common Pitfalls of HeartBleed Identification and Remediation (CVE-2014-0160) ***
Unfortunately, one of the biggest vulnerabilities disclosed this year, HeartBleed, has been inefficiently addressed and for some, already forgotten about. Plenty of details about the vulnerability already exist including our FAQ and ..
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Dienstag 01-07-2014 18:00 − Mittwoch 02-07-2014 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Microsoft Expands TLS, Forward Secrecy Support ***
Microsoft announced TLS support on Outlook.com and that OneDrive cloud storage now supports Perfect Forward Secrecy.
*** Cisco Small Cell Command Execution Vulnerability ***
*** DOWNAD Tops Malware Spam Source in Q2 2014 ***
DOWNAD , also known as Conficker remains to be one of the top 3 malware that affects enterprises and small and medium businesses. This is attributed to the fact that a number of companies are still using Windows XP, susceptible to this threat. It can infect ..
*** VMSA-2014-0006.4 ***
VMware product updates address OpenSSL security vulnerabilities
*** Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit disrupts Jenxcus and Bladabindi malware families ***
Today, following an investigation to which the Microsoft Malware Protection Center (MMPC) contributed, the Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit initiated a disruption of the Jenxcus and Bladabindi malware families. These families are believed to have been created by individuals Naser Al Mutairi, aka njQ8, and ..
*** MONSTER COOKIES can nom nom nom ALL THE BLOGS ***
Blog networks can be force-fed more than they can chew Giant cookies could be used to create a denial of service (DoS) on blog networks, says infosec researcher Bogdan Calin.
*** Transparenzzentrum: Microsoft gewährt Behörden Quellcode-Einsicht ***
In einem Transparenzzentrum will Microsoft Behörden, die Code-Manipulationen durch fremde Geheimdienste befürchten, die Gelegenheit bieten, den Source-Code selbst zu untersuchen.
*** Anatomy of a buffer overflow - Googles "KeyStore" security module for Android ***
Heres a cautionary tale about a bug, courtesy of IBM. Not that IBM had the bug, just to be clear: Google had the bug, and IBM researchers spotted it.
*** OpenSSL legt Sanierungsplan vor ***
Nach der Heartbleed-Katastrophe hat das OpenSSL-Projekt nun eine Roadmap veröffentlicht, die helfen soll, organisatorische Mängel im Entwicklungsprozess auszubessern.
*** Rig Exploit Kit Used in Recent Website Compromise ***
Attackers planted code in a popular Web portal to redirect users to an exploit kit ..
= End-of-Shift report =
Timeframe: Montag 30-06-2014 18:00 − Dienstag 01-07-2014 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
*** Microsoft Darkens 4MM Sites in Malware Fight ***
Millions of Web sites were shuttered Monday morning after Microsoft executed a legal sneak attack against a malware network thought to be responsible for more than 7.4 million infections of Windows PCs worldwide.
*** Apple Releases Security Updates for OS X, Safari, iOS devices, and Apple TV ***
Apple has released security updates for Mac OS X, Safari, iOS devices, and Apple TV to address multiple vulnerabilities, some of which could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code with system privileges or cause an unexpected application termination.
*** [2014-06-30] Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Algorithmics RICOS ***
Abusing multiple vulnerabilities within IBM Algorithmics RICOS, an attacker can take over foreign user accounts and bypass authorization mechanisms.
*** JBoss Seam org.jboss.seam.web.AuthenticationFilter code execution ***
*** ICS Focused Malware ***
*** CERT-Bund: Trojaner-Opfer ändern Passwörter, PCs bleiben infiziert ***
Die Auswertung von zehntausenden kompromittierten Mail-Zugangsdaten zeigt, dass ein beträchtlicher Teil der Opfer zwar sein Passwort ändert, allerdings schnell erneut zum Opfer wird - möglicherweise, weil der Rechner nicht desinfiziert wurde.
*** [2014-07-01] Stored cross site scripting in EMC Documentum eRoom ***
Due to improper input validation, EMC Documentum eRoom suffers from multiple stored cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, which allow an attacker to steal other users sessions, to impersonate other users and to gain unauthorized access to documents hosted in eRooms.
*** Apple testet Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung auf iCloud.com ***
Künftig sollen auch auf Apples Cloud-Portal Zugangsdaten besser abgesichert werden. Gestern war die Funktion kurzzeitig freigegeben.
*** Verwirrung um Microsofts Sicherheits-Newsletter ***
Wer Windows-Rechner administriert, weiss den Security-Notifications-Newsletter von Microsoft zu schätzen. Letzte Woche kündigte das Unternehmen an, diesen einzustellen - um die Entscheidung kurz darauf zu revidieren.
*** Cyberspying Campaign Comes With Sabotage Option ***
New research from Symantec spots US and Western European energy interests in the bulls eye, but the campaign could encompass more than just utilities.
*** Geodo: New Cridex Version Combines Data Stealer and Email Worm ***
Recent efforts by our Research Lab has revealed new activity related to Cridex. As you may recall, Cridex is a data stealer also referred to as Feodo, and Bugat. The new Cridex version we are seeing now, aka Geodo, combines a self-spreading infection method - effectively turning each bot in the botnet ..
*** Remote File Upload Vulnerability in WordPress MailPoet Plugin (wysija-newsletters) ***
Marc-Alexandre Montpas, from our research team, found a serious security vulnerability in the MailPoet WordPress plugin. This bug allows an attacker to upload any file remotely to the vulnerable website (i.e., no authentication is required). This is a serious vulnerability, The MailPoet plugin (wysija-newsletters) ..
*** IBM BladeCenter Advanced Management Module (AMM), Integrated Management Module (IMM), and Integrated Management Module 2 (IMM2) Potential IPMI credentials Exposure ***