= Intelmq-dev-news 05-2016
Issue 5/2016
== Topics ==
# Summary of IHAP meeting in April # Status update Intevation # Status update CERT.at # Status update misc
== May 2016 ==
Dear Intelmq-dev mailing list readers, this is the second issue of intelmq developer news. We hope it's useful.
TL;DR and important changes -----------------------------
The syntax of intelmqcli was changed to a new format:
intelmqctl {start,stop} bot_id.
This breaks compatibilty with existing scripts. If you put intelmqctl into some script, please adapt it. Also please be sure to check out the latest version of the intelmq-manager in case you use it.
Lots of open issues. Progress with intelmqcli (to connect postgresql to the RT ticket system).
=== How to contribute to this newsletter? ===
-> contact Aaron, Dustin for future input
=== Summary of IHAP meeting in April ===
In April the IHAP Meeting took place in Vienna.
* A Hacksession the night before the meeting was used by Raphael and Aaron in order to bridge MISP and IntelMQ. * Connections between Abusehelper and IntelMQ are on some CERTs wish list. XMPP is a good start. Unfortunately the XMPP Bot upstream was not fit for production.
=== Status report Intevation ===
* Still working on the KontaktDB, we appreciate the discussions that started on IHAP Meeting. We received a Pull Request from Cert.at and are currently reviewing it. * We have Scripts to import Data into the KontaktDB. Nevertheless there is some work left. * Demonstrated installation from packages on Ubuntu 14.04 on IHAP-Meeting. We propose to host the **signed** packages on our public apt-repositories. * Working on a tool similar to intelmqcli, intended to process events from the eventdb. Instead of using RT they are sent by e-mail. The tool has the working title "event-processor" and can be found here (https://github.com/Intevation/event-processor) * We did not start with support for IODEF or X-ARF yet.
=== Status report CERT.at developments ===
* we moved to python3 only. Intelmq dropped python2 support (https://github.com/certtools/intelmq/commit/2cbb42f1458a7e90539a443ec5e50eec...). This does not apply yet to the certat repo (github.com/certat/intelmq), which still supports python2.7 but only for the intelmqcli tool. * New active contributor: pedro m. reis! Welcome and thanks for working so hard on the Bitsight collector (https://github.com/certtools/intelmq/pull/493) * intelmqcli tool now supports a lot of new flags: https://github.com/certat/intelmq/issues/52 This was necessary for CERT.at since we use intelmqcli via cron job to connect to the (postgresql) eventDB , pull out all of the new data and use RT (ticket system) to send stuff out. Added flags --quiet --batch. Now intelmqcli sends via cronjob. These flags now allow CERT.at to run intelmq in full auto-mode! intelmqcli is started via cron and sends out all events to all ISPs.
=== Requests ===
* Intevation searches for testers for the packages. * We'd like to have some nice graphs in the intelmq-manager: events/sec , parse-failures/sec, etc. * implementation of whitelisting of events (filter out events based on whitelists). See https://github.com/certtools/intelmq/issues/426 * A good CSS design for the web page
=== Community ===
* RIPE abuse-c contacts can be done locally. RIPE might be able to export abuse-c infos publicly (fingers crossed).
* more command line options for intelmqcli (see the https://github.com/certat/intelmq repo)
* Aaron gave a presentation at the ENISA workshop "CSIRTs in Europe", 11th of May. Slides will be shared on the ENISA page.
==== intelmq.org ==== The website intelmq.org is now online, but we would like to have more content and a proper design. Do you want to contribute to intelmq, but you are not a programmer? This is your chance!
Current ToDos: * Create Website Content: How-Tos / Installation Instructions, Success Stories ** How-Tos / Instructions: If you are using a special feature of IntelMQ, for instance an expert bot, try to find some time to write down a short article how you managed to get it to work and why you are using it. * Website Design
== Wishlist == * **we need more test-cases!!!** * a specific config logic for ASNs: do this and that (for example sett ttl = 1 month) if event is in ASN xyz. Or "ignore" if event is in ASN xyz. This should support some kind of more-specific-less-specific inheritance, similarly to Apache directory settings. The most specific setting wins. The order could be: country code -> ASN -> netblock -> ip (/32). Open questions: what's more relevant if both domains and numbers (ASN, IPs, net blocks) exist in an event? * block based processing: for example block based team cymru lookups * parallelisation: We need to revisit this topic
== Important Discussions == In case you missed something, here are the headlines of some discussion we consider interesting / important.
=== Mailing Lists === * [Intelmq-dev] Packaging Strategy for Bots with dependencies * [Intelmq-dev] Discussion on intelmq output / transformation architecture * [Intelmq-dev] Output format to syslog/splunk (PR#503)
== Communication == Chat: irc #intelmq on freenode or webchat: [[https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=intelmq]]
Follow on twitter: @intelmqorg
Weekly Conference Call every Tuesday: Dial in via the known conference bridge number. It is [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_number_mapping%7CENUM]] enabled. Ask Aaron or Dustin for the number if you want to participate.