Dear developers and "pro-users",
In the current (beta) version and develop branch of intelmq there are currently four optional features which are not considered stable yet and thus marked as beta. All of them need more testing, development and your feedback!
# AMQP as broker
It is now possible to use AMQP instead of Redis as broker. This is especially useful if you need to send data between servers or even organisations as RabbitMQ (one implementation of the AMQP protocol) supports encryption, authentication etc. Also, you have some more monitoring included as RabbitMQ provides statistics for all the queues. However, it is expected to be slower than Redis as it has more overhead.
# Supervisor as process manager
Instead of the internal pid-based process management, you can now use supervisor.
# Multithreading
Basic multithreading for all bots has been implemented, you can use the parameter `instances_threads` to spawn multiple threads of one bot.
See also the documentation and some cavecats in the User Guide:
One of the current bugs is that you need to kill a bot multiple times:
# Statistics
While the statistcs function and code work fine, we are interested in your feedback to improve this feature. The discussion take place here yet: So the "beta" character for this feature comes from the fact that it might change. We also need some documentation on it.