Hey Folks,
This are the minutes of today's call.
Participants: Sebastian, Aaron, Dustin
_ Pull-Request ContactDB https://github.com/Intevation/intelmq/pull/3/commits/902896a96725ff288419a9c... Aaron sent a PR for the Contact DB
The Handles are URIs to the API of first.org or TI. * For TI the public service should be used as an example. * In Ripe an ORG-Handle exists
Roles: New Table is supposed to model tech-c, abuse-c, etc.
AS: ripe_aut_num refers to the the number in RIPE
Map Organization to ASN instead of Contacts, bc. this mirrors the RIPE-Data more closely -> Problem: notification intervall per contact is not possible anymore.
CONCEPT: Fill a Shadow-Database from ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/dbase/ See tables in split directory
_ Contact-DB Classification - This is similar to the incidents' classification in eventDB - Classification will need a little overhaul to reflect the taxonomy
_ Newsletter * Sent Newsletter on Friday * Review on Thursday
_ Merges from Sebastian * Redis Output Bot was successfully Merged * Several Bugfixes * New Bitsight collector
_ Debian-Packages * Use HTTP Apt-Repository from intevation to provide the packages.
_ XMPP - Bot * Intevation needs to do some more testing and a quick internal review. But the bot should already work.
_ PyASN vs. Other Technologies * See upcoming Blog post
_ Linux Standards * Logging: Syslog is currenntly in test * Configuration: runtime.d, bots.d * To think about: start intelmq with systemd in intelmq2
_ "Coding Desaster Contingency Plan" * Intevation and Cert.at will create backups of github repositories on a daily basis.
BR Dustin