Hi Matt,
On 05/10/2016 11:43 AM, Matthew Duncan wrote:
I can successfully load the main page and “Configuration” page, however if I click on either the “Management” or “Monitor” tabs, this is what I get
/ /
/Error loading botnet status: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data/
/ /
Has anyone see this before or can provide some pointers where I have gone wrong.
I assume you are running on current git master?
The manager most probably can't access the cli-program. Possible reasons are insufficient permissions or misconfiguration or missing docs... To debug it, you can try to access the cli as user www-data (or whatever user your webserver is using): % sudo -u intelmq /usr/local/bin/intelmqctl Append `-t json` to see what the manager would see.
Hope this helps, Sebastian