For reference: Issues related to this thread (or .conf files) - ! - -
Am Dienstag 19 April 2016 10:43:58 schrieb Sebastian Wagner:
That's what Tomas addressed. Without a default or runtime config, every botconfig would have more than 25 fields more than now. Managing them manually would be horrible.
I agree, we need to give this a thougt. Can you briefly sketch the current setup in case I got it wrong, please?
From my understanding it is this way:
All Bots (should) inherit from lib/ which:
1) Load DEFAULT Configuration via intelmq/ from etc/defaults.conf 2) Load RUNTIME Configuration via intelmq/ from etc/runtime.conf
When installing intelmq, a "default" configuration could be placed in /etc/intelmq/defaults.conf
whilst all configuration which will be altered by the manager should be stored in a directory like /var/lib/intelmq
Questions: What does startup.conf do? It's loaded in #224
I see it is loaded a second time in #241 ff But I don't get the point of it.
BR Dustin