[Ach] Listing uncovered Software

Seth list at sysfu.com
Mon Feb 23 17:37:56 CET 2015

On Fri, 20 Feb 2015 07:51:15 -0800, Daniel Kahn Gillmor  
<dkg at fifthhorseman.net> wrote:
> I'm not sure how we'd decide what gets listed in "these are hopeless" as
> opposed to just not listed at all, though.  Should we list the
> "hopeless" items by protocol or by implementation?  Should the threshold
> be some sort of userbase size?  there are surely thousands of
> network-facing applications out there that might legitimately be called
> "hopeless".  Is network-facing the right cutoff?  gpg is arguably not a
> network-facing application, for example.

I would minimum userbase size (although this is always tough to nail down  
in the FLOSS world) of say at least 1000 + network facing.

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