On 08/01/2017 06:44 PM, Vaclav Bruzek wrote:
#opt/intelmq/etc# intelmqctl start xxx-parser intelmqctl: Running intelmqctl as root is highly discouraged! intelmqctl: Starting xxx-parser... intelmqctl: lastline-parser is running. #/opt/intelmq/etc# intelmqctl stop xxx-parser intelmqctl: Running intelmqctl as root is highly discouraged! intelmqctl: xxx-parser was NOT RUNNING.
Please do not run intelmqctl as root, you may get a lot of wrong permissions. Please check them all in /opt/intelmq/ (and all sub-directories) before continuing.
Then check the logfiles and - if that does not reveal anything - otherwise start the both with `intelmqctl run bot-id`. See also https://github.com/certtools/intelmq/blob/develop/docs/FAQ.md#my-bots-died-o... and https://github.com/certtools/intelmq/blob/develop/docs/intelmqctl.mdDistribu... ID: elementary
Description: elementary OS 0.4.1 Loki
something base on 16.04
intelmq (1.0.0.dev8)
You missed the rc1
Intelmqctl is located in /usr/local/bin/ next to all intelmq.bots.* files (now with my custom bot file definitions)