since I'm new to Redis i would kindly ask for your assistance to issue which is related to this error:
intelmq.lib.exceptions.PipelineError: pipeline failed - ResponseError("OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'.", )
Currently I have around 15GB memory allocated to intelmq virtual instanc e.
In redis.conf in section "LIMITS" I have set "maxmemory" to 6GB and "maxmemory-policy volatile-lru"
I'm using scheduled run mode for collectors to run during the day at different times with time spaces between them. For example from 9-10h I have set "blocklist.de" collectors to fetch data. After more then hour redis memory limit was reached and the above error shows. I also tried with 10GB memory limit and the same thing happened.
So I would kindly ask for some advise what to change to avoid this situation?
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
- -- Tomislav