Hello everyone,
I wonder if there is a simple way to use a Deduplicator bot on an optional field. Indeed, I noticed when I apply the deduplicator on an optional field that the null value must be entered in the redis because all messages
(except the first one) that do not contain the field are dropped.
Is there a workaround please?
I could work around this problem by adding two Sieve bots at the exit of the precedent bot that would jump the Deduplicator bot if the message doesn't have the field, but I don't find that to be optimal. Thus, I am open
to any proposal that could help me.
Guillaume GRANJON de LÉPINEY |
ggranjon@excellium-services.be | PGP Key ID:
CERT-XLM Incident Handler @ excellium-services.com
CERT-XLM | cert@excellium-services.com | PGP Key ID:
Excellium Services
Belgium N.V. |
Orion Bldg, Belgicastraat 13, B-1930 Zaventem, Belgium
Mobile: +32 4 71 98 57 65
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| PGP Key ID: 0x42662EFE