Dear Moto,

First of all, thanks for providing feedback!

On 9/7/21 2:40 AM, moto kawasaki wrote:
Regarding IEP004, I'd second the current proposal and Variant
AIL. That is natural and easy to understand.
But don't we need to have a timestamp in the meta-data ?
I mean something like this;

    "format": "intelmq",
    "version": 1,
    "type": "event",
    "meta": {
        "intelmq:uuid": "<event-uuid-1>",
	"intelmq:uuid_org": "<org-uuid-1>",
	"intelmq:timestamp": "<creation time of this message>",  <== here
Every IntelMQ message should already have a time.source field in the payload, so I'm not sure if it's necessary to have it in the metadata as well explicitly. And that overlaps with the next topic:
With this timestamp, we don't need to consider a time-sortable UUID
but just use UUID-whatever.
Not necessarily. Events are usually identified in User-Interfaces and databases by an ID, a numeric one or alphanumeric. I'm just thinking of MISP, which shows numeric IDs in the event lists. For IntelMQ similar interfaces exist ( as well as plain databases. If the data is already automatically time-sortable by the primary identifier, the usability could benefit. In same cases the performance could increase as well.
If you've already discussed and decided not to have it, please ignore
and receive my apology to rehash old discussion.

No, we haven't discussed that yet :)

best regards

// Sebastian Wagner <> - T: +43 676 898 298 7201
// CERT Austria -
// Eine Initiative der GmbH -
// Firmenbuchnummer 172568b, LG Salzburg