Hi IntelMQ-ML,

Before open the discussion, I think is important to write a few notes:

1) The topic that we are opening to discuss have been discussed between me, Aaron and Sebastian in order to understand the impact of the possible changes, the effort require, the complexity, the global perspective of how should be implemented, etc... Each of us has now an idea and perspective about it and is crucial to have the community involved from now on in order to agree on the way to proceed.

2) The proposal that will be shared here is my own perspective but NOT only my work because a lot of the structure and technical details was only possible with Sebastian and Aaron contributions ( Thank you Aaron and Sebastian ), even if in some specific details they might see that there is a space to do in other/better way. This thread will be a good place to listen everyone's perspective. :)

3) IMPORTANT: This proposal is just a proposal and does NOT mean that will be implemented in this way... it's only a base to discuss if it helps.

About the Proposal:
The proposal is available on the following link and tries to be clear for the readers although its possible to have some hide details (by mistake) that will raise some questions.

Proposal: https://github.com/SYNchroACK/intelmq/blob/proposal/docs/proposal.md

Reasons why we are starting this discussion is because two main things (I guess):

1) There is a need to configure bots to only execute in a specific time, therefore, it seems that there is a requirement to configure a bot in different run modes, in this proposal: scheduled and continuous. (see proposal for more details).

2) IntelMQ is now being used by multiple teams and it requires stability during execution time, etc... it seems that there is a need for integrations with tools like systemd.

Please, if you have time, read the proposal and write to the mailing-list your thoughts spitted by "What you like" and "What you don't like".

I hope that I didn't have forgot to mention something important... :)

Thank you in advance,