PlusThis part is about the question where do we store the configuration?.overall I do miss the use cases or problems that should be addressed by the proposed changes. Having a problem description and links to discussion that have already taken place, would make it easier to comment on the proposal. Some relevant places that describe wishes, status and suggestions: https://intelmq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/bots.html#common-parameters https://intelmq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/configuration-management.html https://github.com/certtools/intelmq/issues/267 (Configurations - Hierarchy configurations) closed https://github.com/certtools/intelmq/issues/552 (Enable separate packaging of bots by allowing addition and removals to the config)
But non of them directly matches the proposal and most are
addressed by the "Internal handling" section of the proposal. Our
proposal is also based on the requirements collection last year
and extended to match the behavior of other tools (`-c` parameter)
or simply some handy usability tricks like setting parameters with
`-p` (useful for debugging & testing). So, besides the
examples given or linked in the proposal itself, there are not
much more use-cases.
Our intention was as well to *start* a discussion by the proposal in the first place, but until now the discussion mainly focused on one aspect. One lesson learning on this is to split proposals into smaller parts, and not group them too much.
It's more than renaming, it's also a cleanup. As the IntelMQ-default values go into the code, that file (or section in a file) only needs to carry those default values which are set by the administrator and differ from IntelMQ's defaults. So the default-files of most installations can be either dropped or will shrink significantly.In addition to that, to make the setup of IntelMQ easier, the defaults.conf should be dropped. Default values should be set in the Bot classes respectively in the IntelMQ process managers, but there is no need for a separate file.The default.conf seems to be used to offer a single place to change options shared by many bots (e.g. http_user_agent) at once. If options exist where a common value for a single installation and their bots is useful the functionality has to be kept somewhere central. I understood the new plave for this would be in a global configuration file, which contains what default.conf had. This would just be a renaming if there weren't other things in the file.
Another question is, if every bot should have their own configuration file.What would be the use case for this? #552 packaging does not mandate this, if general default values are in the source code of bots. (It would mandate it, if bots had to come with an example config file to be useful.)
The question/proposal is based on a use-case identified by the
requirements collection:
> be on a per-program-basis (one config file per "bot"). The config files per program shall reside in $base/etc/config.d/ and follow the common linux standards.
The proposal to use the -c parameter for this covers the use-case, but is more generic. For example it can be handy for Docker-setups as well, as described in the initial mail.
Definitely. We thought about using variable typing for this, but haven't done PoCs yet. See section "Internal handling" of the proposalAgain one aspect to look for can be what we want to do with the configuration files. One use case is: We want to check the whole configuration for consistency. For this it make sense that a lot of stuff is known about configuration parameters and to me the best way to specify this is as part of the source code of bots using Python code and type information. This way even more complex requirements for config values can be expressed using python functions and dynamic consistency check could use this code. Thus the code for a bot specific configuration parameters should be close to the bot itself.
For the CollectorBot and ParserBot classes, this is already the case. There's more potential, e.g. a HTTPBot class.(And if their are parameters they share, it can be in the super class or abstract class, coming with IntelMQ (core).)
I don't have more details on this use-case. But this use-case is covered by the more generic idea to have a -c parameter to load configuration files.Some users wish to be able to start a bot without having to rely on IntelMQ,Why? How can a bot with access to the IntelMQ queues be useful? I can imagine some janitor functionality, like freshing an external datasource format from time to time and this needs parameters that the real bot also needs. Anyhow could be seen as not being the bot itself, it would just be shared config values.
When running bots interactively for testing and debugging, this would be very handy. It's the operators responsibility to stop the bot, after starting it with deviating parameters.If we want to support the request to be able to pass individual configurations to bots,Why would I run a bot that affects the IntelMQ network to be run with different parameters? I have to make sure to stop the bot with the real parameters.
Not if the commonly set parameters are included in that file, or if IntelMQ's defaults are ok.This individual configuration file would also allow a bot to be run in a docker environment without having to set any environment variables.The bots would still have to access the commonly set parameters.
This is also the best practice for Docker, leading to this part of the proposal:Interlude: https://12factor.net/config believes that using ENVIRONMENT variables would be a good pattern for running application parts ("apps") in different containers. Wireing that happens outside of course. The idea is, if you need a different set of configuration, just fire up a container with it. (I am not necessarily convinced of this pattern, leading to this comment https://github.com/Intevation/intelmq-fody-backend/blob/ad7a88022bdeadf3461ab63ba8b6327013ec8772/tickets_api/tickets_api/serve.py#L90 )
The primary use-case here is Docker. In Docker the best-practice to pass configuration variables to containers are environment variables. This approach is partly used by the existing Docker image we created.* Every bot also consults the environment and the values that are set their overwrite the values in any configuration fileSame here.
* There are also configuration files which list settings that are not bot specific, i.e. via a reserved key default (successor of the defaults.conf file) or group:id, those are also handled like other configuration files, but the bot does not compare its name to the key of the configuration.So additional default.conf files? (I guess I do not fully understand the idea.)
In order to get rid of the separate defaults.conf file, the proposal lists two solutions:
* the reserved key "default" (or similar). For example, the
configuration file could look like this:
- shodan1:
module: intelmq.bots.collectors.shodan.collector
- mylittlebot23:
module: intelmq.bots.expert.asn_lookup.expert
proxy: http://myproxy.tld:80
- default:
proxy: http://mydefault.proxy.intern:8080
* The other *additional* solution are the group defaults. The
example given in the proposal is:
- group:collectors
proxy: http://thirdparty.proxy.tld:9000
This would be a new feature and can be handy for e.g. rate_limit or error handling parameters
That's actually one of the possibilities for deploying every bot in a single docker container and pass the parameters to the containers by the central orchestration component. However, this can be address later.In an ideal setup, the bot should be totally indifferent as to if it runs in a Docker container, on bare metal, in a SystemD unit file or with SupervisorD.I agree in principle. A potential solution is: the process manager could extract all the configuration settings and export them all in environment variables. This way the central configuration files (which were existing in all proposed variants) do not have to be shipped to the container, so filesystem access would not be mandatory, only access to redis and whatever other resources a bot needs.
I wouldn't call it crazy, but radical.Thinking about this, we could make a redis configuration / control queue and then bots would only need to connect to the queue system and then request their current configuration from there. (File that idea in folder *crazy*, it is getting close to end of business here. ;) )
Overall I've observed much good thinking while reading the storage part of the proposal part. The whole problem space does not really segments itself nicely in my head up to now, which is a sign that things are more involved than at first sight. Hope my mixture of questions and thoughts helps to make it better!
Thank you for all your valuable feedback, insights and thoughts. We are very thankful for your detailed responses!
best regards
-- // Sebastian Wagner <wagner@cert.at> - T: +43 1 5056416 7201 // CERT Austria - https://www.cert.at/ // Eine Initiative der nic.at GmbH - https://www.nic.at/ // Firmenbuchnummer 172568b, LG Salzburg