[IntelMQ-dev] Bot behaviour in case of unrecoverable errors

Mika Silander mika.silander at csc.fi
Tue Feb 16 12:35:32 CET 2021

Hi Sebastian,

 The aim with this "stop a bot after X consecutive failures within a time frame of Y minutes" was the need to stop a bot completely in order to avoid erroneous event alerts ending up to our clients. We are implementing a few bots of our own and as these bots are new (read: not production tested), we want to make sure they won't trouble our clients if (when) there are problems in our implementation.

 As said, the error handling document you mentioned in your earlier message covers for this.

Cheers, Mika

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sebastian Wagner" <wagner at cert.at>
To: "Mika Silander" <mika.silander at csc.fi>
Cc: "intelmq-dev" <intelmq-dev at lists.cert.at>
Sent: Tuesday, 16 February, 2021 13:17:39
Subject: Re: [IntelMQ-dev] Bot behaviour in case of unrecoverable errors

Dear Mika,

On 2/16/21 11:58 AM, Mika Silander wrote:
>  Thanks for answering. I've been busy with other things so np with a delayed answer.
> What comes to my question on how to react when a bot "dies", I see the question should be rephrased
> as "how to react to exceptions in a bot?". The error handling URL below suggests
> that I could set the parameter error_procedure (+ error_max_retries + error_retry_delay), and that should cover
> what is needed especially if a restart after this requires manual operation.
What is your aim? If you say how you want IntelMQ to behave, I can
suggest you specific settings. The defaults should be sane already,
aside from the fact that stopped components are not automatically
restarted (but that's the same behavior as for systemd/... services as
> And I can discard the (elaborate) option of making the bot always analyze its own log entries
> (to discover repetitive failures/exceptions) at startup.

Yes, that's not necessary. If you want to keep an eye on the logs and
errors yourself, take a look at the logcheck rule set:


best regards

// Sebastian Wagner <wagner at cert.at> - T: +43 1 5056416 7201
// CERT Austria - https://www.cert.at/
// Eine Initiative der nic.at GmbH - https://www.nic.at/
// Firmenbuchnummer 172568b, LG Salzburg

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