[Intelmq-dev] IntelMQ Tutorial and a new documentation page

Sebastian Wagner wagner at cert.at
Fri Nov 6 10:09:36 CET 2020

Dear community,

I have two news items for you, both related to documentation:

First, there is an IntelMQ Tutorial, which guides through various
features and tools of IntelMQ.
Lesson one introduces the architecture, concepts and terminology of the
project. Lessons two and three delve hands-on into working with IntelMQ.
Starting with installation and basic usage & configuration they go on to
tackle progressively more advanced topics like using advanced features
or changing the message queue software to be used. Solutions and
explanations are offered for all tasks. In the last lesson you'll learn
how to use intelmq-tools, a third-party software which makes
customization of your IntelMQ instance much easier.

We think that this kind of interactive online documentation is
especially important nowadays when conferences and workshops cannot take
place in real life.

As for all other IntelMQ components, we welcome any contributions and
feedback to the tutorial.

-> https://github.com/certtools/intelmq-tutorial

Second, we have a new IntelMQ Documentation page:

We completely revised the way IntelMQ's documentation is presented:
Instead of single files in the source-code repository, the best place to
read the documentation is now intelmq.readthedocs.io. All pages are
generated using Sphinx, the de facto standard tool for documentation. It
features a better reading experience and a significantly improved
navigation. Furthermore, the new page offers an integrated search as
well as module index covering the complete code documentation

If you find any bugs or have improvements, please let us know!

-> https://intelmq.readthedocs.io/

best regards

// Sebastian Wagner <wagner at cert.at> - T: +43 1 5056416 7201
// CERT Austria - https://www.cert.at/
// Eine Initiative der nic.at GmbH - https://www.nic.at/
// Firmenbuchnummer 172568b, LG Salzburg

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