[Intelmq-dev] Packaging Strategy for Bots with dependencies

Dustin Demuth dustin.demuth at intevation.de
Thu Apr 14 18:04:40 CEST 2016

Hey Folks,

Whilst checking the dependencies, I've found out that a lot of Bots have their 
own requirements-file.

From a packagers point of view, I think this is hard to maintain.

I think, we should discuss if it is reasonable to split the software into a 
CORE package, were all packages have the same dependencies, and several BOTS 
packages with their own dependencies.

This would create the additional need to rethink the BOTS json-file.
It would be possible to have all JSON configs for the Bots in a bots.d 
directory and search for them in this directory.

I know, that this might create additional complexity in some points.


dustin.demuth at intevation.de  https://intevation.de/   OpenPGP key: B40D2EFF
Intevation GmbH, Neuer Graben 17, 49074 Osnabrück; AG Osnabrück, HR B 18998
Geschäftsführer:   Frank Koormann,  Bernhard Reiter,  Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
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