[Ach] Successor project/paper of "Applied Crypto Hardening"?

Frank Thommen f.thommen at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Thu Oct 11 19:14:01 CEST 2018


recently someone asked, if this (bettercrypto?) project is dead.  My 
impression is, that it is at least extremely passive.  Not being a 
security and network protocol expert I nevertheless think that the 
"Applied Crypto Hardening" paper of 2016 
(https://bettercrypto.org/static/applied-crypto-hardening.pdf) is 
probably very, very outdated and maybe even dangerous to rely on.


   a) Is there some kind of successor project/paper with up to date
      copy-paste recommendations for good security settings as they
      were published in this paper (which was fantastic at the time)?

   b) could/should the paper of 2016 not better be removed from the


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