[Ach] Cipher-Order: AES128/AES256 - was: Secure E-Mail Transport based on DNSSec/TLSA/DANE

Adi Kriegisch adi at kriegisch.at
Sun Nov 8 15:33:33 CET 2015


> let me sum up which requirements we considered so far:
> Which Ciphers should be included:
No. Stop here: I was not discussing Cipherstring-B with you but tried to
support you in finding a cipher string that fits your requirements (for a
document you mentioned earlier, iirc).

Regarding Cipherstring-B, I only noted that we should make it our priority
number one to make the current cipher string consistent throughout the
document. Then we should discuss how to proceed with regard to new ciphers
on the horizon leaving us unable to extend the current cipher string in any
reasonable way.
I still am a proponent of leaving Camellia in Cipherstring-B, for

Very sorry for the misunderstanding.

-- Adi
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