[Ach] Thanks for the Logjam blog-post

Axel Hübl axel.huebl at web.de
Thu May 21 15:17:01 CEST 2015

On 21.05.2015 15:04, Hanno Böck wrote:
> On Thu, 21 May 2015 14:40:06 +0200
> Aaron Zauner <azet at azet.org> wrote:
>> FYI: it doesn't currently check the length of the primes that it
>> received, but I figure this can be easily added.
> It does:
> if bits < 1024:
> 	print("\033[91m%i bits, that's very short and insecure, use
> 2048 bit or more\033[39m" % bits) elif bits < 2048:
> 	print("\033[93m%i bits, better use 2048 bit or more\033[39m" %
> bits) else:
> 	print("\033[92m%i bits, that should be long enough\033[39m" %
> bits)

Using openssl 1.0.1k and this stackoverflow article:


one can also determine the dh param length without trace support (on a
debian stable ;) ).

echo | openssl s_client -connect bettercrypto.org:443 -msg \
       -cipher "DH" 2>/dev/null \
     | grep -A 1 "ServerKeyExchange"

  TLS 1.2 Handshake [length 060f], ServerKeyExchange
    0c 00 06 0b 02 00 c0 05 8e 20 30 57 fb 7f ca 67
    |---------||-----||--> the actual modulus starts here ...
     header     len of
                DH modulus
                (hex) in bytes

for bettercrypto.org "0200" is 512 bytes of an integer (up to 4096 bits).

Pretty convenient, isn't it? ^^


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