[Ach] high security backwards compatible curves for TLS

Aaron Zauner azet at azet.org
Mon Apr 28 01:42:30 CEST 2014


[...]Our Weierstrass curves are backwards compatible with current
implementations of prime order NIST curves, while providing improved
efficiency and stronger security properties. We choose algorithms and
explicit formulas to demonstrate that our curves support constant-time,
exception-free scalar multiplications, thereby offering high practical
security in cryptographic applications. Our implementation shows that
variable-base scalar multiplication on the new Weierstrass curves at the
128-bit security level is about 1.4 times faster than the recent
implementation record on the corresponding NIST curve. [...] Finally, we
discuss how these curves behave in a real world protocol by considering
different scalar multiplication scenarios in the transport layer
security (TLS) protocol.

Not bad.


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